IBT Survival Island - Weekly Update

Welcome to another weekly IBT survival Island update - exclusive to Hive.

In these weekly updates we will continue to provide IBT community members with an update on our developing PC game - the one to have Crypto interactions.

Chicken AI is almost complete

Creating AI for a chicken wasn't that simple after all, but with persistence and hours of testing its nearly there.

Other Animals update

As we all know sheep are a major part of Australian infrastructure. When they were introduced to Australia in 1788 by John MacArthur they were used for food and their wool.

IBT Island will have small amounts of sheep and other animals that will be available for your use. Sheep will be the last of introduced animals that will be added before focusing our energy back on native Australian animals.

So far the list of animals are:
• Foxes
• Pigs
• Sheep
• Chickens
• Crows
• Goats

We did consider cows and other domesticated animals but decided that the animals listed are more commonly found.

That's it for this week.

Our Discord channel invite is open to any cryptonian here: https://discord.gg/Gr3kH9T
So jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing (score some tasty reserved tokens).



That is some next level pecking!
That goose game has nothing on these chickens.

New Zealanders recently discovered two new uses for sheep.
Wool and meat.


When the Chicken AI is complete, we're the ones going to become nuggets.

God help us all.

haha - heck these guys mean business

Well they look like they're going to be chickeny enough so good work team XD

Haha very chickeny down in the feedback book of notes - cheers :)