IBT Survival Island - Regular Update

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

This week past week or so has been challenging, it has been about packaging and testing; plus getting side tracked with some advanced stuff..

Day - Night issues over?

Ue4 can be really irritating when it comes to day and night cycles and lighting. During the night cycle it is so bright that you can see everything nearly as well as the day. Even when it came to caves darkness was a real issue. So the best thing to do is the good old google search on how to fix it but all you come across is other people saying they have the same issue with no fix.After hours and hours of playing around with volumes and other methods we did come up with the best we could do seen here in the images. (Without google help!)
Even with the day night cycle the moon and sky is a lot clearer now and the stars are easier to see.


Same volume used for caves too

As you can now see the cave is a lot more darker than before and the torch light will work more like it is supposed to. This has made the caves a lot harder to see in giving it a little more realism (And yes you can build in caves!)

cave (1).jpg

Underwater Blur

It is really difficult to see underwater especially without a face mask so we are trying to have it that the water is blurry if you have to open your eyes without a mask (Something we may add later). So far the blur is a little overboard but after some more tweaking we will get it.

water (1).jpg

Working Calendar

We are really excited to get months of the years working now so it is easier for seasons to be added to the game. Finally we came up with a blueprint with the widgets that changes the months after the appropriate days have expired.


..Well, that's it for this update, unfortunately keep getting caught up in bug hunts and wow! check out this feature - to get the new demo system out - but when the demo comes out finally we expect it will blow a few people away..

So jump in and drop us a line.Our Discord channel invite is open to any cryptonian here: https://discord.gg/Gr3kH9T

Cheers and enjoy our upgoats below, thanks to a @ryivhnn



Again, something I never thought about, lighting levels in caves.
Blurry underwater until you procure goggles, is one of the coolest game mechanics I've heard of in a while.

Cheers Matt - Trying hard for realism.