IBT Survival Island - Update

in IBT Survival Island11 months ago

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

A productive week, with lots of playing around with armor and building stuff.

Debugging and fixing Month


Anyone who has created a basic game knows the importance of debugging. Simple games are very easy to debug. Unfortunately, we decide to create something so complex even the Borg would not want to assimilate it.
(Below) A scene from IBT Original with fixed lighting.


The stupid run

The character runs perfectly fine until you mount the bow. The character looks good too if sprinting. But, the character looks like they have an ironing board down the back of their pants when running while holding the bow. This is an animation issue but will be sort of easy to fix.


Water Swimming test passed

Yippee at least one thing worked which is for swimming and treading water. There were a few issues exiting the water but once the sharp edges are smoothed off it worked fine.

template_copy (2).webp

That's it for this update - hope this was insightful to other would be programmers.

We have a Dicord Channel, if keen for it pop a message here and jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing.




Looks good. Getting some Ned Kelly energy from that running buckethead guy.

Yeah, wasn't deliberate, he is part of a the "hand cult" in the game and has a cardboard arm and hand attached to his ned kelly spring water box helmet.

Even the poor knight can join the hand cult, as long as you like the hand... Kind of like every young bachelor at some point in life.

Do you need to be taking acid to play the game, or just to code it?

Lordnigel's not in right now, but if you'd like to leave some more acid after the beeeeeeeeeep....

P.s if you have ever wondered what taking acid is like? you probably won't anymore if you just follow the regular posts 🤡