Weekly newsletter of Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺ

in Jarvis-Network β€’ 2 years ago (edited)

Weekly newsletter of Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺ - Issue #48

By Weekly newsletter of Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺ β€’ Issue #48 β€’ View online
4usd pool on Curve with jUSD
$65M of jFIATs swapped on Kyber
Compound module for Synthereum v2 is ready
0vix governance approved the launch of the jEUR market
Our governance elected new multi-sig signers
πŸ“° Quick news
First 4usd pool featuring jUSD

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

12:46 AM - 2 Dec 2022
$65M of swaps on Kyber!
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
πŸ‘€ https://t.co/WtVuR3sdKy @Jarvis_Network

And there is still a decent activity on the JEUR-USDC, jGBP-USDC and jCHF-USDC, thanks tonsome capital that stick to Kyber without any liquidity incentives.

10:23 AM - 4 Dec 2022
0vix governance approved the launch of the jEUR market
@0vixProtocol$65M of volume so far! https://t.co/pUu9REKQGi

0VIX Assets ⚑️

Following two governance votings, two new assets will be added to 0VIX:

– #stMATIC from @LidoFinance (for lending and borrowing) – $jEUR from @Jarvis_Network (as a non-collateralizable asset)

Anyone can learn more at https://t.co/etG0jDExON

3:14 PM - 2 Dec 2022
A new proposal on the Angle governance forum to add agEUR to the jFIAT pool on Midas.
agPAB πŸ“
agPAB πŸ“

🍻@MidasCapitalxyz and @Jarvis_Network brewing something on top of the @AngleProtocol


Cool stuff coming
8:59 PM - 1 Dec 2022
πŸ§ͺ Synthereum
Main data across all the chains:
TVL: $5,175,667
Primary market volume: $289,215,260 ($268,305,384)
Secondary market volume: $195,964,985
More on-chain data per chain:
BNB Chain
We have managed to finalize the work on the Credit Line Lending Manager and the testing. We had to fix a few issues that cost us a couple of days, and we are now moving into refactoring the last contract.
The majority of the tests for the Liquidity Pools v2.1 were completed and we will continue with the ones remaining in the upcoming weeks. This would set the new version of the protocol ready for an audit.
We have been a bit stuck on the Compound module for the Lending Manager due to an issue related to rounding. However, this has been resolved and we will move forward with testing in production on BNB (with Midas as an underlying money market).
We have discussed briefly the adjustments we will need to do in order to make the public pools production ready and we will have a deeper dive into it this week and will start working on the refactorings.
πŸ“± Apps
Jarvis Exchange
We have had a lot of issues integrating RainbowKit (mainly with Trust wallet), which required us to refactor our architecture and code. This has been completed and there are only small minor UI fixes to be done before the app is ready for release. The loading speed and the connectivity have been improved significantly.

Weekly newsletter of Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺ - Issue #49

By Weekly newsletter of Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺ β€’ Issue #49 β€’ View online
New productive assets assed to our Midas pool
VIX rewards available for jEUR market on 0VIX
Neon Protocol integrates Synthereum for on-chain DCA
Synthereum v2 ready to be deployed on BNB Chain!
R&D on our implementation of the DAO and Gauge for the new tokenomics
πŸ“° Quick news
A new friend: Tetu!
The Tetu community and team have provided strong support in favor of our 2 Balancer gauges! This was a way to get in touch with us, which we did, to explore all the synergies between Jarvis and Tetu within the Balancer’s BAL war!

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

Last day for supporting out two first @Balancer gauge requests!

For now we have the support of the @Balancer community, and of our new frens at @tetu_io.

12:19 PM - 19 Dec 2022
Midas added productives assets as collateral
Midas added a few LP token from Ellipsis to be used as collateral to borrow jFIATs.Most of @AuraFinance voters have decided to abstain. https://t.co/WaYhQl988i

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

Our frens at @MidasCapitalxyz has added two new @Ellipsisfi x @beefyfinance LP token as collateral on @BNBCHAIN:

12:15 AM - 17 Dec 2022
They also added an Apeswap LP token, which allowed us to enter in contact with the Apeswap team to explore some synergies.
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
▫️ $BNB - $BNBx (from @stader_bnb) ▫️ mai3EPS with MAI from @QiDaoProtocol ▫️ valdai3EPS with $DAI, $USDT, $USDC, $BUSD deposited in @ValasFinance https://t.co/D6B3GGxr5i @Jarvis_Network

@MidasCapitalxyz also added the $BNB - $BNBx @ape_swap pool as collateral!

This pool allows to earn yield on BNB while using it as collateral to borrow $jBRL that can be used to farm on @DotDotDotFi in the #2brl or jBRL-BUSD pool.

12:20 AM - 17 Dec 2022
The addition of these productive assets allow for higher yield when farming with USD stablecoins or with BNB.Who will do the first #frenchchart https://t.co/PazSfgTlUM

pascal0x πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
pascal0x πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

21% APR USD farming on @BNBCHAIN using $jBRL without exposure to the price of BRLUSD.

1️⃣ deposit USD in the MAI3EPS pool (+7.4%)
2️⃣ borrow jBRL using 65% LTV (-2.21%)
3️⃣ farm on #2brl (+15.6%)

12:43 AM - 17 Dec 2022
VIX rewards are live for 0VIX jEUR market!Risk: slippage (jBRL-BRZ) + liquidation (BRLUSD volat is less than 10% for now). https://t.co/ch0yriYMBk https://t.co/ZWJi1ahlrJ


$VIX rewards are LIVE for the $jEUR market on #0VIX ⚑️

Yes, anyone can borrow $jEUR from @Jarvis_Network for as low as 0.17% APY with ~774% APR in pre-mined protocol token rewards πŸ‘€

Learn more & start borrowing or lending on https://t.co/iYpHL81syS

2:21 PM - 14 Dec 2022
Midas proposal on Angle’s governance forum to seed the agEUR market in our jFIAT pool
Midas Capital
Midas Capital
#DeFi #onPolygon $EUR https://t.co/bctd9fivZb @MidasCapitalxyz

Our recent proposal on @AngleProtocol to seed agEUR liquidity into the @Jarvis_Network jFIAT pool on @0xPolygon has received a stellar response.πŸŽ‰

$50k worth of agEUR will be minted into the pool for users to borrow.

More details about the proposalπŸ‘‡

7:52 PM - 12 Dec 2022
Neon Protocol integrated Synthereum for DCA on Polygon
NΞON Protocol πŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
NΞON Protocol πŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
https://t.co/M6QUCDdifo @NEONprotocolio


  • @KyberNetwork integration for the swap routes where kyberswap offers a better quote. This will also allow to expand on more chains

  • 5:54 PM - 18 Dec 2022
    BNB yield opportunities@Jarvis_Network integration all our polygon DCA pairs are now available with $jEUR. Most jFIATs are available to buy https://t.co/gdeXYIm1Js

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

🚜 This week on #BNBChain (on @DotDotDotFi x @Ellipsisfi):

πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 37.65% in the $jBRL - $BUSD pool
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 0.03% in the $jCHF - $BUSD pool

10:38 PM - 16 Dec 2022
Optimism yield opportunityπŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡§πŸ‡· 24.51% in the #2brl pool πŸ§ͺ 47.71% in the $JRT - $BNB pool https://t.co/4mouqNcLT3 https://t.co/L3uARb2qOO

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

🚜This week on @optimismFND (on @VelodromeFi):

10:40 PM - 16 Dec 2022
πŸ§ͺ Synthereum
Main data across all the chains:
TVL: $4,264,228 ($5,175,667)
Primary market volume: $290,809,029 ($289,215,260)
Secondary market volume: $197,650,553 ($195,964,985)
More on-chain data per chain:
BNB Chain
The Compound module was completed and tested on BNB chain testnet, and is ready to be deployed together with the Synthereum v2.
Everything was prepared for the audit of the LP Vaults so it can start the next week.
Some fixes were done on the CreditLineLendingManagerV3 after an internal review.
We started researching the DAO and Gauges contracts for the new tokenomics. The new tokenomics introduce some mechanisms like increasing the voting or boost power if the veJARVIS holder provides additional value to the ecosystem (like being an LP as example, actively voting etc.) and this requires some research.
πŸ“± Apps
Jarvis Exchange
A few small updates were done to the Jarvis Exchange UI in order to take into account the slippage tolerance.
Jarvis Data Analytics
We have started working on our own data analysis dashboard to circumvent some limitations on Dune. We are now at the designing stage.πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί 5.95% in the $jEUR - $agEUR (@AngleProtocol) pool πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί 21.03% in the $jEUR - $sEUR (@synthetix_io) pool https://t.co/NdPrcBc46Z https://t.co/OsXo1x1xHP

Weekly newsletter of Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺ - Issue #50

By Weekly newsletter of Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺ β€’ Issue #50 β€’ View online
Audit of the LP Vault is finished
MAI, WETH and jUSD added to Jarvis Exchange
First Quest on Paladin
First bribes on Tetu
New proposals for weir with Mimo and Angle
$200M of volume on secondary market
πŸ“° Quick news
MAI, ETH and jUSD!

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

$MAI, $WETH and $jUSD have been added to https://t.co/949kA7oVS0

⚠️For now, the liquidity is extra limited!

But with the upcoming LP vault, anyone will be soon able to provide liquidity using USDC, MAI, or ETH!

8:57 PM - 3 Jan 2023
0-fee fiat on and off-ramp for Polygon
pascal0x πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
pascal0x πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
πŸ”₯LP are long ETHEUR and ETHUSD. https://t.co/wPmwhDzngp @pscltllrd

https://t.co/cZeMQ9J3Ts + @monerium = Euro 0-fee fiat on and off-ramp for Polygon with instant SEPA!

  1. EURe is a Euro-backed stable = 0-fee fiat on and off-ramp through their web app

  2. 11:07 PM - 4 Jan 2023
    Proposals to receive BAL incentives on the 2eur pools
    Together with Mimo Capital, we posted a new proposal on the Balancer forum, to request a gauge for the 2eur (PAR) pool.
    Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
    Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
    Stableswap uses the @Jarvis_Network $EURe Wrapper to swap $jEUR <-> EURe @Jarvis_Network


πŸ”₯@mimo_labs and @Jarvis_Network team up to launch the 2eur (PAR) pool on @Balancer on @0xPolygon.

The 2eur (PAR) pool allows connecting our two ecosystem, provide yield while having an exposure to Euro, and improve the liquidity of both $PAR and $jEUR!
8:33 PM - 3 Jan 2023
We then did the same with Angle Protocol, for the 2eur (agEUR) pool.
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š


πŸ”₯ @AngleProtocol and @Jarvis_Network has proposed a new gauge for the 2eur (agEUR) pool on @Balancer.

The 2eur (agEUR) pool allows to connect our ecosystem, and deepen the liquidity and stability of $jEUR and $agEUR on @0xPolygon!
4:26 PM - 4 Jan 2023
The 2eur pools are great to enhance both agEUR and PAR liquidity!

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

How are the #2eur pools helping $PAR and $agEUR?

6:56 PM - 4 Jan 2023
First steps on Paladin!
We launched our first quest on Warden, a market place to purchase Balancer voting power. We deposited a small bribe of 188 USDC to purchase up to 2,742 votes for the 2brl gauge.For now, the 2eur (PAR) and (agEUR) pools are imbalanced, creating a positive slippage. For buying PAR or agEUR with $USDC, it is better to go through our on-chain Forex exchange, built on the top of Jarvis and Curve. https://t.co/2NvnsyciM8

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

Our first @Paladin_vote quest...

We need 2,742 votes for the #2brl gauge! And we pay in $USDC!

4:46 PM - 5 Jan 2023
We also deposited a bribe on tetu.community for the 2brlusd gauge!$veBAL and $vlAURA holders are eligible for this bribe. https://t.co/jxbBIodBIB https://t.co/uA0djjzLtI

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

6:20 PM - 5 Jan 2023
Increased BNB yieldπŸ’° A new bribe have been deposited for @tetu_io $veTETU holder on https://t.co/DKTgeItDLa for the 2brlusd pool on @Balancer... https://t.co/JAct2m8odG

Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š


You can earn an extra yield on your @stader_bnb $BNBx!

3:33 PM - 5 Jan 2023
Zapper has added the support for JarvisYou can borrow $jBRL, $BUSD or $jCHF on @MidasCapitalxyz with your BNB-BNBx LP token deposited in @DotDotDotFi. https://t.co/4R8z5QQoEo https://t.co/0QHIla7R3q

Zapper ⚑️
Zapper ⚑️

Next is @Jarvis_Network, an interesting protocol providing synthetic fiat currencies for an on-chain Forex market.

With $6.5M TIV, there’s lots to discover.

Liquidity for jEUR, jCHF, jGBP & 12 more synthetic fiat currencies are now displayed on the app!

11:20 PM - 6 Jan 2023
Players statistics for BetSwirlhttps://t.co/9o2OPdtqKx https://t.co/55a5B7dekn


Here is @Jarvis_Network bankroll report.

This report includes their $jEUR and $jMXN

9:02 PM - 3 Jan 2023
Yield on jFIATs$jEUR $jMXN #jEUR #jMXN https://t.co/d0BNKYXKWV


Get 9% combined APY by supplying $jEUR from @Jarvis_Network & #stMatic from @LidoFinance on https://t.co/FvLUY71kL5 ⚑️

– $jEUR: 1% Native APY + 8% $VIX APR
– #stMATIC: 1% Native APY + 8% $VIX APR

4:00 PM - 4 Jan 2023
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Amplify your $MATIC yield by staking for 6.3% APR on @LidoFinance first 🧠 https://t.co/4nFjNsG3r2 @Jarvis_Network

🚜This week on @optimismFND (on @VelodromeFi):

3:30 PM - 5 Jan 2023
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
Jarvis Network πŸ§ͺπŸ¦‡πŸ”Š
πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί 3.14% in the $jEUR - $agEUR (@AngleProtocol) pool πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί 19.14% in the $jEUR - $sEUR (@synthetix_io) pool https://t.co/HfvFYsGtuk @Jarvis_Network

🚜 This week on #BNBChain (on @DotDotDotFi x @Ellipsisfi):

πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 22.68% in the $jBRL - $BUSD pool
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 16.17% in the $jCHF - $BUSD pool

3:29 PM - 5 Jan 2023
πŸ§ͺ Synthereum
Main data across all the chains:
TVL: $4,121,752 ($4,264,228)
Primary market volume: $293,487,612 ($290,809,029)
Secondary market volume: $200,318,086 ($197,650,553)
More on-chain data per chain:
BNB Chain
The Credit Line v3 Solidity code is done and testing is almost completed. There is one issue that we need to resolve regarding the settleEmergencyShutdown. We’ll continue with manual tests and internal review.
Some optimisations were done on the Compound module and we are ready for BNB migration to the V2.
The audit for our Vault (Public Liquidity Provision) is completed and we can proceed with deployment once we are ready with the UI.
πŸ“± Apps
Liquidity app
We are working on an updated design to add the Public liquidity provision.
Exchange app
We have updated Jarvis Exchange to a new version of the app (v2) and added jUSD as a new jFIAT, as well as MAI and WETH collateral for jEUR.πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡§πŸ‡· 22.15% in the #2brl pool πŸ§ͺ 126.89% in the $JRT - $BNB pool https://t.co/iT9AzAsgce

Jarvis week #51

February 6th, 2023

4 Collected
Synthereum deployed on Arbitrum!

jUSD, jGOLD and Collateral Swap on Jarvis Exchange (Polygon)

Liquidity incentives for jEUR on Polygon

New votes incentives on Paladin and Tetu

21k jEUR in the BetSwirl bankroll

Debt-token contract developed and tested

New discussion to improve the governance

πŸ—žοΈ Quick news
Upcoming forced liquidation of the jFIAT pool on Midas
Midas will force the liquidation of all the outstanding loans in the jFIAT lending pool on Polygon. Please read the following thread if you have open loans in this pool.

jEUR and jUSD deployed on Arbitrum
We have deployed the first part of the Synthereum protocol on Arbitrum: the WETH-jUSD and USDC-jEUR Liquidity Pools!

We will launch the Printer and Credit Lines in the coming weeks and start setting up an ecosystem for the jFIATs there.

21k jEUR bankroll on BetSwirl!
The jEUR’s bankroll owners have deposited 15k more jEUR, increasing the maximum payout capacity!

Players can earn up to 420 jEUR playing Dice, Roulette, or Coin Toss games!

An increase in gaming activity followed! We asked our community on Twitter which assets they would like to see added to BetSwirl.

Ninety-five participants voted, with jGOLD, jUSD, and jCHF almost equal.

Yield farming with jEUR on Polygon
You can earn yield by providing liquidity in the 2eur (PAR) and 2eur (agEUR) pools on Balancer on Polygon.

Concomitantly, Jarvis LTD and its shareholders have purchased 120k jEUR as per the plan to dilute and acquire the bad debt.

New vote incentives
Following the launch of these new pools, we also started vote incentives campaigns on Paladin and Tetu. Thanks to the generous contribution of Mimo Capital, who are using their vlAURA to vote for the 2eur (PAR) gauge, there was no need for voting incentives.

jUSD is live on Polygon
jUSD is a new native USD stablecoin on Polygon, backed by aWETH (WETH deposited into Aave).

A WETH-jUSD Synthereum’s Liquidity Pool was deployed and seeded, allowing for 0-price impact swaps between WETH and jUSD. We will soon launch a WETH-jUSD Credit Line too.

Combined with a jUSD-UDSC pool, it could grab market shares in the USDC-WETH market.

New update of Jarvis Exchange on Polygon!
jUSD and the Collateral Swap feature, allowing to swap jFIAT’s collaterals, have been added to Jarvis Exchange v2.

Mean Finance now supports jBRL!
Mean Finance is a protocol allowing to purchase of tokens using the Dollar Cost Average (DCA) strategy. Users can now perform their DCA using jBRL.

How a small Brazilian business leverages our ecosystem
This article published in Brazil (in Portuguese) explains how β€œAnonTr4der” uses BRZ, jBRL, and jCNY to hedge its currency risk.

This article follows the Twitter Thread published by β€œAnonTr4der” a few weeks ago (in English):

It is not the first time the readers of this Brazilian media can read about Jarvis. Two weeks ago, an article (in English) was published to highlight the ecosystem around the BRZ token.

Cryptoclube.eth Brazilian community call
Cryptoclube.eth team introduced the farming of jBRL on Polygon and BNB Chain to their community.

Space with LaDAO in Mexico!

Current yield opportunities

πŸ§ͺ Protocol
We deployed jUSD and jEUR on Arbitrum, together with the WETH-jUSD and USDC-jEUR Liquidity Pools. We also deployed a new Gnosis Safe for the treasury and updated the documentation.

We developed and tested the Debt-Token smartcontracts on the Mumbai testnet. We will soon deploy it on the Polygon Mainnet.

We have found a satisfactory solution to solve the issue with the β€œdust” in the Credit Line v3, and have implemented these changes. All the tests were conclusive, and Credit Line v3 is awaiting its final peer reviews before its audit.

Following the Liquidity Provider Vault audit, we are reviewing the latest updates to the code and testing the Vaults on the testnet.

We have conducted a 6-month analysis on all the Chainlink price feeds we are using across all the networks deployed to adapt the trading fees of the pools accordingly. More specifically, we were looking for statistics about price deviation between two updates (average, maximum, standard deviation, number of deviations below a certain threshold etc.). We found the results very good despite some spikes that happened one or two times during the weekends, and we will need to work on preventing price updates when the underlying market is closed.

Chainlink price feed analysis
Chainlink price feed analysis
The DeFi Llama team has approved our merge request to fix an issue with calculating the TVL of the protocol on their website.

We have launched three sub-graphs for Polygon, BNB Chain, and Optimism. These sub-graphs allow for tracking the fees generated by the protocol, which was a mandatory requirement to list the Synthereum protocol on websites such as Token Terminal or Cryptofees.
Jarvis Exchange
We have added jUSD and jGOLD on Polygon.

We have fixed an issue with the displaying of the fees.

We have added the Collateral Swap feature.

Jarvis Money
We have worked on some UI and UX issues of our borrowing app.

We have added a β€œWarning” message since Credit Line v2 has not been audited.

User Interface of the borrowing app.
User Interface of the borrowing app.
JARVIS Token dashboard
We have started the design of the application around the veJARVIS token.
We completed the design of the Debt Token application has been designed, and we have started the development of the application.

We started drafting an application to centralize everything, from voting to staking to swapping to bridging or on/off-ramping etc. This application will replace all our applications.

Jarvis week #52

February 13th, 2023
2eur (EURe) pool on Curve on Gnosis Chain

Credit Line deployed on Polygon

2brl (BRZ) pool on Thena on BNB Chain

Debt-token deployed on Polygon

Proposal to acquire $100k of voting power in Balancer, Velodrome and Thena

πŸ—žοΈ Quick news
2eur (EURe) pool deployed on Gnosis Chain
We are preparing for creating an ecosystem for European users on Gnosis Chain!

Credit Line deployed on Polygon
The first synthetic Euro, ounce of Gold and Brazilian Real have been borrowed using our new Credit Line contracts with a collateral in USDC.

Jarvis x Thena
jBRL and JRT have been listed on Thena on the BNB Chain.

67 bets placed on BetSwirl last week!

Proposal to acquire voting powers

New record of bribes on Dotdot
A few weeks ago, we gathered some volunteers to create a flywheel on BNB Chain to support the JRT-BNB liquidity. It led to an increase in liquidity and yield.

Jarvis Network nominated in the category β€œWeb3 Purpose-led Project”

Yield on secondary markets

πŸ§ͺ Protocol
We reviewed, tested, and deployed the Credit Line v2 on Polygon with the following pairs: USDC-jEUR, USDC-jBRL USDC-jGOLD, WETH-jEUR, and WETH-jUSD, and we updated the documentation.

We have modified the debt-token contract to add a cap and reviewed and tested the new changes before deploying it on the Polygon mainnet.

We have started the work on the β€œstaking modules,” which allows for a modular design of our staking mechanism: for example, one can stake JARVIS, different JARVIS-LP tokens, debt-tokens, etc.

We are still reviewing the Liquidity Provider Vault.

πŸ“± Application
Jarvis Exchange
We have started the integration with Arbitrum.

Jarvis Money
We have completed the application, and it will soon be launched on Polygon.

πŸ—³οΈ Governance
p79 cross-chain bridge liquidity: this discussion concerns the usage of the Printer to provide liquidity on Multichain.org.
p77 acquiring voting power: this proposal concerns selling $100k of treasury assets to purchase $100k of voting power in Balancer, Velodrome and Tetu.