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RE: List of low ranked and inactive witnesses

in Hive Governance5 years ago

I totally agree with your analysys.
We are running a witness since few days and we are struggling, as you did, for some "oxygen"
The main problem I recognized is not technical but human.
I asked people with a vote on inactive/retired/outdated witness to trust in our activity but in most cases I had no answer (neither yes nor no....simply no asnwer)
So, is ok to reactivate ignore procedure but when someone has unused or a wasted vote and don't want to use it there is no procedure for this :slight_smile:


I asked people with a vote on inactive/retired/outdated witness to trust in our activity but in most cases I had no answer (neither yes nor no....simply no asnwer)

  • some people don't pay attention to notifications
  • a lot of time, if people vote for inactive/retired/outdated witness, it could be because they are themselves inactive on the platform. So they won't see your comment or transfer memo.
  • maybe they simply don't care or don't care anymore

But yes, I agree, there is a human part to the issue. You can also tell by the fact the the number of users voting for witnesses is very low.

Once again we are on the same wavelength