Hi @themarkymark, let me throw a "macro thought" at you, immediately ahead of the AMA.
Justin Sun paid $4.5 million to have dinner with mega investor billionaire Warren Buffet. Warren Buffet's made his billions as a value investor who goes into undervalued companies with solid ideas.
Three weeks ago, the two had their dinner. Justin Sun may be many things, but he's not stupid. You don't spend time with "The Oracle of Omaha" and not come away learning something.
Now Justin Sun has — because we don't have a better word for it — acquired an interest in Steemit, Inc. and, by extension, influence over the future of the Steem ecosystem. Steem is highly regarded by many (including Weiss Ratings), but grossly undervalued. It's a great blockchain... with lots of functioning dapps with USERS and many new use cases in the pipeline.
While we were caught in our own storm of news yesterday, yesterday ALSO marked the day Dan Larimer's "Voice" project formally went into public Beta. Interesting timing? Coincidence? Probably not...
Consider the possibility that Justin's move was wanting Tron to compete with (and beat the snot out of) Voice... and the Steemit, Inc. deal was the most viable option to do so. He has the resources to fast track a lot of the developments that have been collecting dust on Steemit, Inc's shelves.
I cannot even begin to comprehend the functional aspects of the Tron/Steem alliance, but my thought is that this was not a move to abandon the Steem blockchain...
Soon enough, we shall know more...
I also thought about the timing with Voice, but I think this was a mess up. I do not believe this was planned to be discussed on this timeline.
Or he and Ned and Dan are in Cahoots with Voice to get rid of Steemit! See Justin can make even more money that way too! I'm sure Justin is an even larger inside investor in Voice too lol!!! These kind of whale sharks can make money driving businesses under as they can bringing them up. Maybe Buffet put him up to it!! The price of STEEM over the coming weeks and months will tell us. If it goes down a lot then this was all a scam!! STEEM dropping hard o nth3e AMA news, so the invisible hand of the market is already at play! I had to power down and will hope it gets bid up so I can sell if / when it does!! Hopefully they can keep this charade going for another year and a half so I can make a decent profit on STEEM at least?????? I do not want anything to do with any tron-steem unlimited / centralized, and not planning to convert over!! If it's the end of the witnesses, it's the end of STEEM!! Justin blowing his nose on the AMA, lol eew! And he can barely read SMT and say steemit correctly, i don't buy a word of it!! If I were you i'd power down too Justin case, lol! Back to Bitcoin!!