
This is something I don't understand...why we have to sell ourself as a witness?
We are giving a service to whole hive not enough?
Ok you don't want to vote my node (is just an example, of course)...but you can easily vote someone else you think its worthwhile instead of wasting vote on outdated witness

It's classical voters behaviour. In the absence of a prior relationship with an option we'll always want to know why we should vote option A and not B. Except you're a complete newbie like me who would randomly vote if I could.

I know @veeart in fact my comment to @goldrooster was a provocation. I'm not asking a vote for my witness (and I didn't told which one is..if someone is interested can easily find it) I'm asking vote for witness that are active and updated :) lot of people included @goldrooster still have witness vote on outdated/inactive witness and this is a disadvantage for the whole platform :)

This post isn’t about me, it’s more trying to help other witnesses who would benefit from more attention.

I actually forgot to update the post but I’m now in the Top30 so I’m not in a rush of climbing up even more. I have already plenty of posts selling myself but because you directly ask for it here is a quick summary:

  • I’m a developer and I contribute to the development of the Condenser and Wallet app that are powering and
  • I contribute to other projects such as Hive Keychain or the Javascript library for communicating with the Hive app for Ledger hardware wallet.
  • I run tools and bots for several communities, mainly Team Australia and Natural Medicine
  • I blog mainly about gardening, worm and BSFL farming, photography, DIY and martial arts

See my profile for more details in my posts.