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RE: Autobiography of a Jogi - Diary Blog Stardate 1

No, it didn't happen (yet). That was just an example, set in the future (when the post was written) of a use for The Matrix-8 Community Consensus & Governance system. It can be used for very large groups of people to come to agreement on next action steps to take for a cause, then to coordinate those actions.

Once it is in place in smaller communities, tried and tested, the corrupt governments and other corrupt organisations of this world wil quite quickly fade into non-existence. i mean, they could never have got away with (not even out of the starting blocks) this Covid mass murder scam if we had such a system in place.


I really believe blockchain is a tool that could make the power of big brother absolute, but I also believe that the laws of nature and the general flow of culture and innovation is going to prevent that from happening. Those who try to keep building upwards without regard for a strong foundation eventually have a crash, so I no longer worry myself with this. On the flip side, it is also allowing us to connect and empower each other and ourselves in ways we haven't imagined. I am waiting for what I see as the inevitable rise of the southern hemisphere. This is very exciting to me.