- three recordings in one session, where the Syntakt, modular and Roland SP404 mk2 are used in conjunction with each other. The SP is used as a recording device for entire tracks, as well as being a superb sampler. Oh and some effects were applied from the SP, as it has a tonne of those!
Hi folks! Hope you are all doing well?
First of all apologies for lack of progress on this community, I am still here but have had a few things going on recently that have taken me away from spending much time at all on Hive or music itself for that matter.
Nonetheless, I have gathered together a bunch of instruments and they are all in the above photo, albeit not all are connected right now because I am in need of a new mixer solution. Currently the Yamaha SeqTrak (grey and orange) and Roland S1 (green and black) are not wired up. So a little more work is needed. I am also still working on that modular system (top right, at the back), it requires some further modules to make it more interesting.
I would love to see your setups and maybe you can share just some little samples of what they sound like?
I am fascinated by the synth stuff. I was looking at the SeqTrak and that seems pretty powerful. Maybe some day I'll get something to play with, but I just got some new drum gear that could be fun.
I was looking at some of the new gear that came out of NAMM. Behringer have a version of the old Roland CR-78 drum machine. A friend bought an original one a while back. They were used on loads of hits.
I should talk more about the SeqTrak and do a write up on it, as a way of helping me fathom it out a bit more. Pairing it up with a keyboard is worth while too.
Behringer are interesting, in how they mimic so many legendary machines, so cheaply, it’s often asked; how do they avoid being sued? I guess it’s all down to patten etc.
I'd be interested to know more about the SeqTrak. Maybe you could show how you put a tune together from scratch.
I'm sure Behringer are very careful and have good lawyers. My friend in the industry is not too impressed by them, but they will sell stuff if it's cheap and does the job. It may not be as robust as other brands. I saw they copied the Linndrum and Roger Linn says they didn't ask him for permission. The vintage kit can be crazy money, but people want those sounds.
The only thing I have from Behringer is a small mixer that was 2nd hand.
I shall rise to the challenge :-)
Here are Roger’s thoughts on the situation -