Hispaliterario 21/ El pollito antipático [ESP-ING]

in CELF Magazine2 years ago

The unfriendly chicken.png

Pixabay/ Image edited with ToomMe and Canva/ Imagen editada con ToomMe y Canva

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Era un pollo, un pollo extraño, era la primera vez que se veía nacer un pollo que tenía en sus plumas, un diseño raro, esto se puede ver en gatos u otros felinos, pero en un pollo era sumamente extraño, este pollo tenía en sus plumas un diseño en espiral y unas franjas unas más oscuras que otras lo hacían lucir un poco diferente lucia más redondo y grande que el resto de los pollitos.

Al ser un pollito con diseño en sus plumas llamaba la atención, pero esto en lugar de hacerle sentir mal al pollito lo hizo muy creído, así este pollito con sus plumas de diseño en espiral que llevaba por nombre Francisco, se creía como dicen en el argot popular, la última Pepsi Cola del desierto.

It was a chicken, a strange chicken, it was the first time a chicken was born with a strange design in its feathers, this can be seen in cats or other felines, but in a chicken it was extremely strange, this chicken had a spiral design in its feathers and some stripes some darker than others made it look a little different, it looked rounder and bigger than the rest of the chicks.

Being a chick with a design in its feathers it attracted attention, but this instead of making the chick feel bad, made it feel very credible, so this chick with its spiral design feathers, named Francisco, was believed as they say in popular slang, the last Pepsi Cola of the desert.



El pollito Francisco con sus plumas de diseño en espiral caminaba inflado y miraba a todos con ojos de desprecio, era muy, pero muy creído, tenía un solo amigo al que por cierto trataba muy mal, pero este amigo era tan noble y lo apreciaba, aun cuando era tan insoportable, ya que deseaba que su amigo aprendiera a ser más humilde y a tratar a los demás con respeto y consideración.

The chick Francisco with his spiral design feathers walked inflated and looked at everyone with eyes of contempt, he was very, but very cocky, he had only one friend who by the way he treated very badly, but this friend was so noble and appreciated him, even when he was so unbearable, as he wished his friend would learn to be more humble and to treat others with respect and consideration.

Pero Francisco con sus plumas en espiral no valoraba los esfuerzos y el sincero cariño y apoyo de su amigo Antonio, siempre lo maltrataba y humillaba y como suele ocurrir, todo tiene un límite, un día simplemente Antonio se cansó y le dijo a Francisco muy enojado:

-¡ya basta!, desde hace un buen tiempo intento mostrarte que el camino que llevas no es el correcto, hay muchas cosas buenas en ti, pero te empeñas en mostrar lo peor, tú crees que eres el que desprecias a los demás y la verdad es que al ser tan creído a nadie le interesa acercarse a ti, yo lo hago porque aprendí a ver que hay más en ti, pero no quieres cambiar, no te interesa y encima me haces el blanco de tus desprecios y burlas, así que como tú no valoras mi amistad me retiro

But Francisco with his spiral feathers did not value the efforts and the sincere affection and support of his friend Antonio, he always mistreated and humiliated him and as it usually happens, everything has a limit, one day Antonio simply got tired and told Francisco very angry:

-I have been trying to show you for a long time that the path you are on is not the right one, there are many good things in you, but you insist on showing the worst, you think you are the one who despises others and the truth is that being so arrogant nobody is interested in getting close to you, I do it because I learned to see that there is more in you, but you do not want to change, you are not interested and you make me the target of your scorn and mockery, so as you do not value my friendship I am leaving.



Francisco quedo perplejo y no dijo nada, al comienzo creyó que con los días su amigo reaparecería y todo volvería a la normalidad, pero eso no ocurrió y este pollo con su diseño de plumas en espiral comenzó a sentirse solo y las palabras que le había dicho su único amigo resonaban en su cabeza.

Por primera vez Francisco se atrevió a dirigirle la palabra a alguien que no fuera su madre, su padre o su amigo Antonio, fue en busca de la Gallina Sabia, para que le diera un consejo.

Francisco was perplexed and said nothing, at first he thought that with the days his friend would reappear and everything would return to normal, but that did not happen and this chicken with its spiral feather design began to feel lonely and the words that his only friend had told him echoed in his head.

For the first time Francisco dared to speak to someone other than his mother, his father or his friend Antonio, he went in search of the Wise Hen, so that she could give him some advice.

Al entrar en la casa de esta Gallina se sorprendió, había mucho olor a hierbas, mucho humo y cosas extrañas en sus repisas, tenía miedo, pero no salió de la casa, él necesita saber que debía hacer para recuperar a su amigo, sabía que debía cambiar, pero no sabía por donde empezar.

De repente la Gallina Sabia salió de donde menos lo esperaba, tenía un ojo azul y uno castaño, esto le asusto, aunque tenía miedo, se controló para pronunciar algunas palabras, pero la Gallina Sabia fue más rápida.

When he entered the house of this Hen he was surprised, there was a lot of smell of herbs, a lot of smoke and strange things on her shelves, he was afraid, but he did not leave the house, he needed to know what to do to get his friend back, he knew he had to change, but he did not know where to start.

Suddenly the Wise Hen came out from where he least expected it, she had a blue eye and a brown one, this frightened him, although he was afraid, he controlled himself to pronounce some words, but the Wise Hen was faster.



-sé a que has venido Francisco, te has dado cuenta de que ser tan antipático, odioso y creído, no ha traído nada bueno a tu vida, perdiste al único amigo que tenías y ahora que te has dado cuenta de que tu actitud no te llevaba a nada deseas cambiar y no sabes por donde empezar.

La gallina Sabia suspiro y continuo

-ya has comenzado tu cambio, el solo hecho de dejar de pensar solo en ti y de atreverte a buscar consejo, demuestra que ahora si valoras a tu amigo, ahora ve y sé amable con quienes te rodeen, pide disculpas a quienes has ofendido y humillado y cambia tu actitud altiva por una humilde y desde ahora sé diferente, así tu amigo que seguramente anda cerca notara tu genuino cambio y volverá, además de que encontraras nuevos amigos.

-I know why you have come Francisco, you have realized that being so unfriendly, hateful and conceited, has not brought anything good to your life, you lost the only friend you had and now that you have realized that your attitude was not leading you to anything, you want to change and you don't know where to start.

The Wise hen sighed and continued

-You have already started your change, the mere fact of stopping thinking only about yourself and daring to seek advice, shows that now you do value your friend, now go and be kind to those around you, apologize to those you have offended and humiliated and change your haughty attitude for a humble one and from now on be different, so your friend who is surely around will notice your genuine change and will return, besides you will find new friends.



Así Francisco comenzó cambiar, fue trastornándose en un pollo gentil, amable, simpático, servicial, llamo a su amigo Antonio mil veces hasta que este decido hablar con él y así se reconciliaron y el que había sido un pollo con pluma de diseño de espiral creído, ahora era un pollo ejemplar, al que todos deseaban imitar.

Por último, esta es mi participación en el Hispaliterario 21 invito a participar a @cirangela y @tarot911, muchas gracias por su visita y hasta una próxima participación.

So Francisco began to change, he became a gentle, kind, nice, helpful chicken, he called his friend Antonio a thousand times until he decided to talk to him and so they were reconciled and the one who had been a chicken with a feathered spiral design, was now an exemplary chicken, whom everyone wanted to imitate.

Finally, this is my participation in the Hispaliterario 21 I invite @cirangela and @tarot911 to participate, thank you very much for your visit and until a next participation.

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Contenido original creado por @actioncats para HIVE, prohibida la reproducción total o parcial bajo cualquier forma/ Todos los Derechos Reservados / ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter | | Original content created by @actioncats for HIVE, total or partial reproduction in any form is prohibited/ All rights reserved/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter


Gif creado con Canva/ Gif created with Canva


Los buenos amigos siempre querrán que vuelvas cuanto tiempo te quedes depende si cambias tu forma de ser

¡Así es, la amistad verdadera se hace sentir!

This is a great story, that is so educative, the part that Antonio pray was so good, if not that he had shown Francesco that the way he behave is not good, Francesco wouldn't have realized he was wrong.
The story is so good because Francesco change and become good to others.

Thank you for your visit and for encouraging me with your words, I still have a lot to learn in terms of creative content, but here goes

Antonio wanted the best for Francisco and he endured as long as he could to get away from this credulous friend was what allowed Francisco to come to his senses and change.

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