Tronó los cielos, nubarrones cubrieron
su faz, el Creador triste estáLos ángeles le consuelan, los santos
oran por su bien, los bendencidos
le cuidanCompunjido se halla, viendo a sus
hijos matarse como fieras salvajes
por fútiles causasCompunjido se halla, viendo su obra
marchitarse y convertirse en hórrido
desiertoCompunjido se halla, viendo edificarse
templos de Odio y Muerte por toda la
The skies thundered, clouds covered
His face, the Creator is sadThe angels console Him, the saints
pray for His well-being, the blessed
take care of HimHe is heartbroken, seeing His
children killing each other like wild beasts
for futile causesHe is heartbroken, seeing His work
withering and turning into a horrid
desertHe is heartbroken, seeing temples of
Hate and Death being built all over the Earth