filip-psiho cross-posted this post in CELF Magazine 3 years ago

Prelepa šetnja do jezera moga grada - Beautiful walk to the lake of my city

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Opet nakon izvesnog vremena, vremenski uslovi su se malo polepsali i izmamili me u kratku setnju. Razmisljao sam gde bih mogao da se prosetam i barem malo razbistrim misli od svakodnevnog posla i obaveza.Radio sam bas dosta i naporno bez ijednog slobodnog dana, od jutra do sutra sto bi se reklo u nasem narodu. Nisam puno razmisljao samo sam krenuo na dobro poznato mesto gde preovladava priroda gde ima zivotinja i gde nalazim mir i spokoj kada sam umoran da se dusevno odmorim, nadisem vazduha i uzivam kako bih barem na kratko pobegao od obaveza i svakodnevnice, gde nego na gradsko jezero. Od kuce sam poneo samo flasu sa vodom za pice i malo zrnaste hrane za ptice ukoliko me sacekaju graciozni labudovi na jezeru.

Again after a while, the weather conditions got a little better and lured me into a short walk. I thought about where I could walk and at least clear my thoughts a little from everyday work and obligations. I worked a lot and hard without a single day off from morning to night, which is to say in our nation. I didn't think much, I just went to a well-known place where nature prevails, where there are animals and where I find peace and tranquility when I'm tired to rest mentally, breathe the air and enjoy to escape from obligations and everyday life, where not to the city lake. I only brought a bottle of drinking water from the house and some grain for the birds if the graceful swans on the lake were waiting for me.


I tako je i bilo na moje odusevljenje sacekali su me labudovi na jezeru. Bili su tu na istom mestu kao da su znali da dolazim. Kako sam prilazio vodi tako su labudovi prilazili meni bez straha kao da se znamo godinama.

And so it was to my delight, swans were waiting for me on the lake. They were in the same place as if they knew I was coming. As I approached the water so the swans approached me without fear as if we had known each other for years.









Iskreno mislim da ce vam fotografije vise docarati nego ja recima. Sa velikim odusevljenjem vam mogu reci da sam uzivao u danasnjoj setnji i napunio baterije za nove izazove i poslove koji su ispred mene. Misli su mi mirne a u dusi sam spokojan. Nisam pisac ali bih voleo bar ponekad da budem kako bih vam jos vise i lepse docarao svu lepotu i gracioznost prelepih labudova, mirisa jezerske vode i svezinu vazduha. Nadam se da sam vam barem na tren ulepsao ovu sredu sa svojom setnjom do jezera. Hvala svima koji su izdvojili svoje vreme i posvetili citanju ovog posta, nadam se da sam barem malo uspeo da vam docaram lepotu u kojoj sam uzivao. Do sledeceg vidjenja zelim vam puno srece, zdravlja i radosti. Pozdrav od Filipa.

I honestly think that the photos will show you more than I say. With great enthusiasm I can tell you that I enjoyed today’s walk and recharged my batteries for the new challenges and jobs ahead of me. My thoughts are calm and I am calm in my soul. I am not a writer, but at least sometimes I would like to be in order to convey to you even more and more beautifully all the beauty and grace of beautiful swans, the smell of lake water and the freshness of the air. I hope I have brightened up this Wednesday at least for a moment with my walk to the lake. Thanks to everyone who took their time and dedicated themselves to reading this post, I hope that I managed to bring you at least a little of the beauty I enjoyed. Until the next post, I wish you a lot of happiness, health and joy. Greetings from Philip.