Hello dear friends. On this occasion I want to review some aspects of the event that positively marked our country in recent days and made it stand out worldwide. This is the attempt to break a Guinness Record for owning the largest performing orchestra with our National Symphony Orchestra.*
La Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil e Infantil de Venezuela posee ya más de 40 años desde su fundación y en estas últimas dos décadas se ha masificado extendiéndose por casi todos los municipios de nuestra tierra. La cantidad total de personas participantes de todo el sistema (que incluye los coros juveniles e infantiles) entre ejecutantes de instrumentos, cantantes, maestros y demás personal administrativo y de logística asciende a más de un millón. Considerado como un sistema (Fundación Musical Simón Bolívar), es una de las pocas experiencias positivas promovidas y sustentadas por el ejecutivo nacional que sigue perdurando en el tiempo y es ejemplo para todos los países.
Youth and Children's Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela has more than 40 years since its foundation and in these last two decades it has become massive and has spread to almost all the municipalities of our land. The total number of people participating in the entire system (which includes youth and children's choirs) among instrument players, singers, teachers, and other administrative and logistics personnel is enormous. Considered as a system (Simón Bolívar Musical Foundation), it is one of the few positive experiences promoted and sustained by the national executive that continues to endure over time and to be an example for all countries.
The challenge posed for this occasion constituted a whole struggle to organize carry out an immense logistical effort that also deserves a lot of economic expenses and we all know the situation that Venezuela has in this matter. Once again they asserted one of their best known mottos "Touch and Fight." However, when you want to do things well puting the heart it shows that you can; that's what that group of talented young people always does. This experience should be taken as an example for all Venezuelans and even for our own leaders because it shows that united and organized for a common goal, any goal set can be achieved. We must recognize that it was very difficult to carry out this feat and constructive criticism must be made in relation to many situations experienced by the musicians, but that will be the subject of other spaces.
This is how, once again, music manages to break the barriers of all the plots that exist in Venezuela and without any kind of distinction it united an entire country, not only because we all have a family member or acquaintance who participates in the orchestra but also because it represented with dignity each and every one of the little corners of each municipality on a national level and also on a global level. The boys experienced many emotions before, during and even after having performed the concert, with the reception in all the localities that they crossed back to their homes. I have my older daughter María Victoria Cova Guanare (@ maria1728) participating in the system for more than 12 years and I know another large group scattered throughout the country, so I also attended the massive reception that we did in our little town.
Sólo puedo extender mis grandes y sinceras felicitaciones para todos ellos y expresarle todo el orgullo que nos han hecho sentir.
I can only extend my great and sincere congratulations to all of them and express all the pride they have made us feel.
Gracias chicos por poner el alma en lo que hacen y por utilizar la música como embajadora de la paz en nuestro país y en el mundo entero.
Thank you guys for putting your soul into what you do and for using music as an ambassador of peace in our country and throughout the world.
Thank you guys for putting your soul into what you do and for using music as an ambassador of peace in our country and throughout the world.
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