romanie Fuente
Dos jòvenes muy creativos todas las noches quedaban solos bajo todas las recomedaciones emanadas de su madre quien trabajaba en el turno de la noche en un hospital mientras que en el dìa hacìa horas en un restaurante, en este restaurante tenìa asegurada la comida para sus hijos, una condiciòn que sugiriò y fue aceptada rebajado un poco el sueldo, esto a ella le interesaba que sus hijos se alimentaran lo mejor posible porque con lo ganado en ambos no cubrìa las comidas de sus hijos como lo hacìan.
Una mujer que poco descansaba.
Sus hijos cumplìan con las normativas de su madre a pesar de ser tan chicos.
Lo que su madre no sabe lo ingeniosos que son; estos tienen un proyecto secreto...noche a noche dos horas antes de dormir dedican su tiempo a esto, elaboran un dibujo de un pollo en espiral donde cada vuelta hay espacios para que sucedan cosas. Pronto, dicen que lo haràn realidad.
Luego comiezan a trabajar el pollo con medidas grandes que puedan caminar por èl y vivir las aventuras allì encotradas.
En el primer eslabòn, todo muy bonito, color rosa, parece descanso. Luego, va cambiando de color con una mùsica diferente, donde va apareciendo imàgenes un poco desagradables.
Nadie puede regresar hasta terminar el recorrido, si logran salir de el (asì lo dicen los chicos mientras van construyendo). En el patio de noche los chicos trabajan, nadie se imagina que es lo que hacen.
Cada eslabòn que avanza se va tornando màs oscuro, nadie podrà devolverse hasta culminar el recorrido ese es el reto y quien quiera vivirlo tiene que pagar por esto. No es de gratis.
Llegò la hora del primer paseo despuès de varios meses de trabajo. La madre de los chicos cree que solo es una estatua que construyen para entrenerse. Nunca pensò que ocurrìa en cada avance, nunca se detuvo a observarlo bien.
Entrò un grupo de chicos que querìan burlarse de èstos, pagaron por su entrada, convencidos que nada pasarìa.
Iniciò el paseo, iban riendo, burlàndose como quien dice muy sobrados, asì pasaron a los espirales màs profundos cuando comenzaròn a gritar que querìan regresar, la aventura es entrar por un lado y salir por otro pasando cada espacio.
Comenzaron a gritar porque vino el espacio espeluznante; figuras de momias que los tocaban, fuegos que se encendìan, los rozaban sintiendo el calor de las llamas, momias con lanzas, otros tipos de objetos mortales, sentìan que morìan.
Pues, los gritos salìan y se escuchaban por el barrio, los padres comenzaron a acercarse y ver que ocurrìa... al entender que pasaba llamaron a la patrulla que siempre estaba cerca, los jòvenes al verse al descubierto con lo que habìan ideado no encontraba como parar lo que sucedìa. Llegò la madre entre gritos y llantos accedieron a abrir el pico del pollo donde serìa la salida maestra de quienes entraron.
Todos los chicos que entraron salieron de una forma magistral sin ropas como vinieron al mundo. Hablaron a los presentes , los burlados fuimos nosotros, creìmos que no lo contarìamos.
Por supuesto, los chicos no pasaron desapercibidos, enfretàndose a la justicia por lo que ocurrìa en cada espiral que se tenìa que avanzar.
Divisores Fuente
*romanie Source
Two very creative young men were left alone every night under all the recommendations of their mother who worked the night shift in a hospital while during the day she worked in a restaurant, in this restaurant she had food for her children, a condition that she suggested and was accepted with a small reduction in her salary, she was interested that her children were fed as well as possible because with what she earned in both she did not cover the meals of her children as they did.
A woman who had little rest.
Her children complied with their mother's rules even though they were so young.
What their mother doesn't know is how ingenious they are; they have a secret project...night after night two hours before bedtime they dedicate their time to this, they draw a picture of a spiral chicken where every turn there are spaces for things to happen. Soon, they say, they will make it happen.
Then they start to work on the chicken with big measures that they can walk around it and live the adventures found there.
In the first link, everything is very nice, pink, it looks like a rest. Then, it changes colour with a different music, where some unpleasant images appear.
Nobody is allowed to go back until the tour is finished, if they manage to get out of it (so the boys say while they are building). In the courtyard at night the boys work, nobody can imagine what they are doing.
Each link that advances becomes darker and darker, no one will be able to turn back until the journey is finished, that is the challenge and whoever wants to live it has to pay for it. It is not for free.
The time has come for the first walk after several months of work. The children's mother thinks that it is just a statue that they build to entertain themselves. She never thought about what was going on at every step, she never stopped to take a good look at it.
A group of kids came in who wanted to make fun of them, they paid for their ticket, convinced that nothing would happen.
They started the walk, they were laughing, making fun of each other, as if they were very sober, so they went to the deepest spirals when they started to shout that they wanted to go back, the adventure is to enter through one side and go out through the other, passing each space.
They started to scream because the creepy space came; figures of mummies touching them, fires lighting up, they brushed against them feeling the heat of the flames, mummies with spears, other kinds of deadly objects, they felt they were dying.
Well, the screams went out and could be heard in the neighbourhood, the parents began to approach and see what was going on... when they understood what was happening they called the patrol that was always nearby, the young people, seeing themselves in the open with what they had devised, could not find a way to stop what was happening. The mother arrived and amidst screams and cries they agreed to open the beak of the chicken where they would be the master exit for those who had entered.
All the children who entered came out in a masterly way without clothes as they came into the world. They spoke to those present, the mocked ones were us, we thought we wouldn't tell.
Of course, the boys did not go unnoticed, facing justice for what happened in every spiral that had to be advanced.
Dividers Source
Translator DeepL
Dividers Source
Translator DeepL
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Guao, este pollo da origen a imaginaciones muy variadas, y en este caso resultó espeluznante de verdad lo que les ocurrió a los muchachos. Genial de verdad. Una historia creativa y original acerca de la obra .
Gracias, muchas gracias
Toda una aventura creativa la que nos has traído. Por allí dicen muchacho no es gente porque inventan cada cosa. Excelente aporte creativo mi querida @mercmarg un abrazo
Gracias, muchas gracias