El soneto es una composición poética de estructura de dos cuartetos y dos tercetos de versos endecasílabos ( ABBA - ABBA - ABA - BAB ) (ABBA- ABBA - CDC- DCD)
Happy Christmas to all, community of Hiván.
In keeping with the December season and taking as a cultural reference, Venezuelan traditions are present in each town, with music, dance, clothing, gastronomy, etc. I give you a sonnet that mentions these cultural manifestations.
The sonnet is a poetic composition with a structure of two quartets and two tercets of hendecasyllabic verses (ABBA - ABBA - ABA - BAB) ABBA- ABBA - CDC- DCD)
Sonnet to Venezuelan Christmas traditions
Baby Jesus of East and West
Shepherds of Mariara and San Joaquin
verses, rise, villain and violin
waiting for the living birth.
Robo and Busca in Paraduras patients
outside houses, they sing endless verses
and godfathers like garden flowers
fulfill roles attending to their people
Sanare and the Holy Innocents
Madmen, crazy women, and Zaragoza girls
Caicara, they dance Mono happily
San Benito, virtuous Chimbangueles
Vasals of Candelaria in front
Gaitas, parrandas and beautiful tones
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