The Avila: the first mountain I draw, the first mountain I mess up

in CELF Magazine4 years ago

Hello, beautiful community!
It´s been a while so, let´s get back to work with nothing but the great Avila! One of the natural patrimone of Venezuela.


The Idea

Being honest, I didn´t want to draw this at first. My loved aunt asked me to do this as a PRACTICE sketch for a bigger version of The Avila she wanted for later, but if I´m not overworking then I´m not me so I made it like it was going to a gallery.


A view from afar to appreciate :)

The process

This was blood, sweat and tears I swear. As I said, this was my first time drawing a whole mountain and I almost messed it all for like +10 times :D (I rlly wish it was a joke you guys)


But now, leaving all the pain behind, I used watersoluble wax crayons and tried to squeeze all their potential I could, I mean, using three of the seven techniques these crayons have such as, mixing the colors (since they are wax they can do it beautifully ), integrating the colors in the space using a wet brush, taking advantage of their watersoluble modality, and this will sound a little rustic and it's none of the techniques either but, I putted a lot of layers in the dark colors and with a sharp metal ruler I scratched a little above to give it a different texture.


And I was talking only about the mountain! Yes, it took work but you can´t even imagine how much force of will I had to muster to make the buildings. In few words, it was difficult but not impossible.


The part I enjoyed the most was doing the sky and the woods, not because the virtous skills I may have used but the simple and kinda begginer skills I used even though I´m not a begginer. Because those were the times I really got to free myself without thinking about techniques or what color match better or stuff like that. I was... flowing with the paint, do you know how it feels when that happens?


And... we´re in the end of the post! I enjoyed and suffered in equeal parts doing this paint but what´s for sure is that I loved the result after all the effort I put into it.

I hope you liked this paint and have had a very nice day!