Ne volim jesen!? Mozda neko i voli jesen, sve je to lepo eksplozija boja, lisce susti, sve je to lepo na slikama i u filmovima.
I don't like autumn!? Maybe someone likes autumn, it's all a beautiful explosion of colors, leaves, it's all beautiful in pictures and in movies.
Ko nije bio u mome gradu Vrscu taj neznam sta je jesen? Vetar koji je specifičan za ovaj kraj koji se zove Košava duva brzinom i preko 120 km/h, a zna da duva danima. Najveća brzina je zabeležena pre par godina od 147km/h. Hladan vetar koji ledi i kosti u telu. Normalno istrese lisce sa grana koje posle treba sve pocistiti i usput polomi granje i drveće, cesto napravi lom i po krovovima kuca, i strujnim kablovima. Ne izlazi se napolje tih dana ako se nemora.
Who hasn't been to my town Vrsac that doesn't know what autumn is? The wind that is specific to this area called Košava blows at a speed of over 120 km/h, and it can blow for days. The highest speed was recorded a few years ago at 147 km/h. Cold wind that freezes the bones in the body. It normally shakes leaves from the branches, which need to be cleaned afterwards, and along the way breaks branches and trees, often breaks the roofs of houses and power cables. You don't go out on those days if you don't have to.
Oblaci su sivi i nevidi se plavo nebo do proleća, jedino ako zima bude prava pa sve oboji u belo. Cak i moje omiljeno setaliste gradski park je tužan i prazan, skoro pa nema nikog.
The clouds are gray and you won't see the blue sky until spring, only if the winter is right and turns everything white. Even my favorite setalista city park is sad and empty, there is almost no one there.
Nevidi se ni sunce, nema dece ni napolje na igralište, nema ni pecanja, nevozi se ni bicikla. A kisa danima danima danima pada pada pada.
You can't even see the sun, there are no children even outside on the playground, there is no fishing, there is no cycling. And the rain falls for days and days and days.
Uskoro i nasa predivna fontana prestaje da radi. Vredni radnici spremice je da prezimi i pokrice je sve do proleća.
Soon, our beautiful fountain will also stop working. Hard workers will store it for the winter and cover it until spring.
Oooo groznog li vremena. Jedva čekam bele pahulje, pa da prekriju ovo sivilo. Bozic, nova godina, veselje, radost, druzenje, sankanje, grudvanje... Zimska carolija neka krene sad!!!!!
Oh, what a terrible time. I can't wait for the white snowflakes to cover this gray. Christmas, New Year, merriment, joy, socializing, sledding, snowshoeing... Let the winter magic begin now!!!!!