One question that people always ask is are people who are wealthy and successful by luck or not.
Before jumping into a final answer there might be many situations and conditions that are involved in one being successful
The circumstances at birth might be luck but yet many things have to play out well before you can conclude if a rich person is lucky.
There are situations that one is born into that you can't control no matter how you try therefore according to my ideology this is what I describe as a lucky birth situation.
- The family the person is born into
- The country the person is born into
- The character and morals of the family and society when growing up
If at the end of the day all this box is ticked then that person might be lucky at birth. But if any of this is not ticked or one of them is not ticked then it can't be concluded that such a person is lucky
If you're born into a wealthy family and a good country and also grow up in a family and society that encourages strong character and morals then indefinitely the chances of the person becoming Rich is often high.
If one is born to a wealthy family but in a bad country with poor legal institutions, political instability and poor institutions. It Leads to instability and any changes can see such a person losing everything.
And if one is born in a good country and good family but a bad society or a family with bad and no moral character. Depression is already the persons friend and can affect how such person turns out in the future. Because the mindset of such individual is already affected