poverty is weaponised by the ruling class Painful but true, it’s our reality over here in Africa especially Nigeria, I've seen people protesting against Nigeria protesting for the betterment of the country, it’s crazy. And guess what, you don’t have to even pay them much.
This is why politicians keep people poor, so they can always have people available to do their evil bidding.
Widespread poverty can lead to stunted economic growth which creates a huge gap between the elites and the rest of the society.
This in turn gives room for manipulation and using Divide and rule methods. Yo conquer and make their evil desires come to pass
An educated and progressive society stop's all form of manipulation, because poverty grows beyond lack of material possession like money and others but also affects the mind and mentality of people the real devil is mental and financial poverty.
An educated mind can avoid manipulation by the elites so most government tools of control are keeping their citizens uneducated and poor.
Adam Smith said no society can be happy and flourishing as long as vast majority of their population are poor Therefore an unhappy society gives room for exploitation and unrest which benefits no other than the elites in the society this way the Rich keeps getting richer and the poor keeps getting poorer