SPK Network | Call to Action! Help us Test PeerPlays DEX

in SPK Network3 years ago


One of the steps to develop the SPK Network is the connection with PeerPlays. The team has built this on-chain DEX and the preview DEX-UI, and we are asking users for feedback. Would you please help us test it? We invite you to follow this tutorial.

First step:

Visit https://dex2.peerplays.download/. It may take some seconds to load.

This is connected with a Peerplays TESTNET that is connected with Hive blockchain's MAINNET.

Cross-chain transfer of HIVE/HBD is functional, and this network is demoing the same.

00log in.png

Click in "Create An Account".


This name is just an example. Choose a password and confirm it.

This is the main screen:


On the hamburger menu at the top left, you can choose "My Assets". You will have 1000 TEST tokens, and these tokens have no value.



How to transfer HIVE to PeerPlays DEX?

Make a transfer to @son-account. For this example, we sent 0.001 HIVE.

Important: In the memo, add your PeerPlays account name.


Check and confirm the transfer:


Wait a couple of minutes and check the "My Assets" page, and you will see the Hive.



To make an exchange go to the Hamburger Menu and choose "Exchange":


You can change the pair by making a click on the pair below the hamburger menu.


Every transaction will ask you for your password:


Here we chose the HIVE / TEST pair.


Now let's create an order. In this case, we chose to create a buying order, and we had to choose the price (TEST), the quantity (HIVE), and the total (TEST).


To make a withdrawal back to Hive, click on your profile name in the top right. Select "SEND FUNDS".


Send to son-account, choose the quantity and also the crypto, in this case, Hive. And in the memo, be sure to add your Hive username.


Here we can see the current orders in the market.


We will be rewarding users that help us test. Follow this tutorial, and in the comments below, share proof that you created at least one open order. Use it, try to break it.

More info about the SPK Network:

The SPK Network is a decentralized Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens in such a way that every user, creator, and platform, will be able to earn rewards on a level playing field.

First app on the SPK Network:

There are 2 pages

Hi! I just participated in this test:
I used Firefox 94 64 bits and Chromium 95.0.4638.69 on Linux Mint 20.1. My internet connection isn't great. The page took a while to download, certainly over 5 minutes, then it opened on both browsers.

I followed whole the tutorial and included some pictures of the process and the browser console output:

Here I'm choosing a username. I noticed it allows you to insert blank spaces. A space at the beginning didn't let me create the account, but since it's difficult to notice, then it could bother certain users.

3 2021-11-20 23-49-39.png

Here is the look after I did an exchange. It was successful and worked immediately.

buying 2 2021-11-21 00-39-14.png

And this when sending 0.001 Hive coins to son-account:

after send 2021-11-21 00-41-31.png

As we can see this last process didn't go through well and it's generating exceptions.

On the tutorial, the part when transferring Hives to the network seems a bit confusing, as the transfer form looks the same as the form in the page we're testing, except for the color. So it could be interpreted by some users as sending money from the PeerPlays frontend.

I can give you some feedback on the user interface. It's not difficult. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are the major basic factors that prompt the acceptance of a software technology. This meets these criteria in my view, although I think we need to run a poll with specific indicators to figure it out for sure. Nice initiative, keep it up.

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Hey! It's done.

This is me filling out the form:
Sending 2021-12-08 12-41-36.png

What the history of my activity looks like after that:

My-activity-after-sending-2021-12-08 12-42-23.png

And a look at son-account wallet confirming the withdrawal:

son-account PeakD 2021-12-08 at 12-49-10.png

Everything worked out well.


Hi team, I wrote a dedicated post with all the steps and bugs raised during the process.


I hope it will be useful to you.
Good Work


This worked up until the final step - Withdraw HIVE back to wallet. I'm using Brave Version 1.32.106 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (x86_64) on Mac OS 11.6. Screenshot of order and final withdrawal attempt included below (with errors).

Screen Shot 2021-11-23 at 10.10.13 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-11-23 at 8.56.29 AM.png

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Yes, no problem. I will try again later today, and let you know. Thx!


it is so cool to test this upcoming feature that is going to add even more value to the Hive blockchain.

I opened a few orders, the interface is kind of slow and I can not figure out how to withdraw my funds, it is a test so it is ok I guess.

Captura de pantalla (766).png

Captura de pantalla (771).png

Captura de pantalla (768).png

Captura de pantalla (770).png

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Hey you !

If course, it's working perfectly, super fast like a flash, I leave the proof of payment and my recent activity, everything goes on wheels




Congrats for the project, it looks very interesting.

I tested and apart for some minor things that the others already mentioned in their comments, everything went fine.


I noticed one thing, is it a bug or a fact?

If the hive username is longer you the fees for withdrawing are bigger.



Let me know if you need help with Italian/Romanian translation of the website and features.
I've done this for other projects too. some time ago.

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Mine seems fine, I logged in immediately although it took a longer time before I finally got in.

When I sent hive, just a minute a received it.


The time I received it.


The exchanger seems fine as well,


Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

I'm waiting for the email to try it but doesn't receive it yet.

I'm waiting for the email to try it but doesn't receive it yet.



Easy and fast registration and deposit

3 tranfer.jpg

I did not like the exchange. It confuses me a bit and the organization of the swaps disorients me. I didn't know how to make the change.

3 swap.jpg

It does not recognize any of my HIVE accounts

3 envio.jpg

Thank you for your feedback! We will consider it to improve the UI.

When making a withdraw, the username must be in the "memo" field, and the transfer to "son-account". But some users are experiencing problems when making a withdrawal.

We will let you know if there are updates.

Of course, it is logical that it should be the same as the tank. Why didn't I think of that haha XD

However, he stood there and did nothing

3 envio 2.jpg

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.


It is pretty easy to use, but DARK MODE is necessary 😂

Also I would suggest to make more outline on the order book to make it more noticeable, and for Open orders I would prefer if I can see them on the bottom instead of it's current position and to make the order book larger, and a graph will be awesome too 😊

But so far it is easy to use and had little load times, though not sure if it is my internet.

Edited: One thing I noticed though is the withdrawal seems not working, just stays on the screen and hungs whenever you click send.


Good luck on your project, wish you success!


You have been upvoted by ivarbj0rn (1).gif

Awesome! Thank you for the feedback. Yes, dark mode is a must! We will send your comments to the team. And yes, the withdrawals are not working at the moment. I'll let you know if there is an update on this.

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

opening account was fine. transferring hive went ok. Now i am not someone who used a lot of different exchanges and i am usually lost for a while before understanding what is where. (i am still confused sometimes on internal hive market or hive engine), but i must say i found this pretty confusing.
it says Buy HIVE but at the end says TOTAL TEST. and on the Sell Hive it also says TOTAL TEST.

why is it total Test on buy and sell orders?

Why do i need to calculate total? If i enter the price (would like an option to click on the price in orders) and the amount of Hive/Test should it not calculate automatically?

Now i somehow did create a buy hive order
bil-prag placed order #59 at market to buy 1 HIVE for 10 TEST

I also created a Sell Hive Order (and it looked like i sold it right away but it does not show in history IGNORE THAT, IT DOES BUT IT IS DEVIDED TO 5 TRANSACTIONS)
bil-prag placed order #60 at market to buy 1 TEST for 0.1 HIVE

bil-prag bought 0.001 HIVE for 2 TEST at market for order #60
bil-prag bought 0.096 HIVE for 9.6 TEST at market for order #60

order 60 was for selling hive, and yes i did sell hive (no hive in the wallet) but it says that i bought hive.

Now that there are no sell orders for hive, i have no hive in the wallet to send it back to Hive blockchain. And it is 5AM, so i will try to transfer some more hive tomorrow and test that out.

i just realized.
bil-prag placed order #60 at market to buy 1 TEST for 0.1 HIVE

but looks like i bought 14.6 Test (not that i am complaining but in the order it says 1 Test for 0.1 Hive.

Thank you for the feedback, and thank you for testing @bil.prag.

Hey, I did everything on the phone. Registered and transferred Hive without problems. Opened an order too. Yet, it doesn't show under my assets / open orders . Here are the screen shots...

This was posted on phone too 😀

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

I created account was quite simple, then you need to log in. When I send funds was very fast. I use the buy order takes about 15 seconds total then you scroll down to see transaction go through.






Overall quite smooth for a testnet, transaction showed I did transaction of 250 and charged 5 for a buy order of 0.1 btc. I do more testing and see if there's more improvement !

Thank you for testing! We will let you know when the team makes some updates to keep testing.


  • Perfect registration


  • Orden


  • I received the hive perfectly, but I could not send it.

Thank you for testing @enmy! Did were you able to create a buying or selling order? We will let you know when withdrawals are ready so you can help us test.

And you need to send to "son-account" and in the memo add your Hive username. But it still doesn't work at the moment. Thank you!


Always ready to support. 🥳🥳🥳

I placed a purchase order 🤑

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Made a few different orders. This is awesome! Feedback - I know this is test, but have prices automatically fill in when you enter the amount you want to buy based off order books would be sick. Great work guys.




Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, prices should be auto-filled. We will give you an update once this is added. Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for the hard work and dedication!

Hello @spknetwork, it was an easy test run. The steps were really easy to follow

Created the Account



I opened two orders

@spknetwork, just one observation, It doesn't accept my Hive username as memo while trying to send the Hive back. I tried both in Uppercase and smaller cases.


Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Thank you for testing. We will take a look at the withdrawal issue.

Hi,@spknetwork i got only one order successful but not second one and unable to transfer funds(withdrawal).TESTED!







We will take a look at the withdrawal issue. Thank you for testing!

Thanks for the introductory piece. It is my hope that I can accumulate some of the coins as a tester on my truly non-custodial https://atomicwallet.io/ App, which supports multiple coins on a single platform.

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Hey @spknetwork i tested withdraw for your request and transaction is successful. I am putting the pics of it

Withdrawl is successful. TESTED!






The buttons are not working for me

But I was able to place a buy order for Hive/test

It's filling up just fine


Just tested the page, it took more than Two minutes to load but after that navigation went super smooth and light. Put three orders, will keep testing.



Yes, it can take some time to load. Thank you for testing.

Registered an account with the same username over to Peerplays Dex and made a transfer of 1 Hive
I tried to transfer back to my wallet the 1 Hive, I'm not sure it worked. Please let me know whether I've missed anything.

Hello @hellene8, thank you for testing and your feedback.

Many users are having problems with withdrawals. We will let you know when they are available

Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Very simple and easy to use and the interface is very nice. Here is an order I placed, after creating an account, opening a purchase order. Great job, I'll keep an eye out for updates. Best regards.


Hello thank you for your feedback!




Followed the tutorial. Created 2 orders. seems one got filled automatically. Below is the second one. Also, the page froze during withdrawal, waited for a few minutes without any response until I had no option but to refresh. Seems the withdrawal went through because the hive balance disappeared when I refreshed.


Hey! Thank you again for your feedback and let you know that the issues have been addressed. Can you please try to withdraw your Hive again?

If you want to read more about the PeerPlays Dex, check out this post.

Seems cool.
While buying/selling on exchange, the amount of TEST/HIVE tokens should be auto calculated based on price you selected and amount one enters to buy/sell the token.


Thank you for your feedback! Yes, we agree, these values should be auto-filled.

Cool! 😃 @spknetwork

Captura de pantalla (391).png

Hello @spknetwork, everything was smoother and I created two orders but the Buy Hive part was confusing.

It's cool, I just tested it

How is it that creating an account on Peerplays requires a username and a password? It sounds very much like Web 2.0. Isn't there a private key being automatically generated on Peerplays, rather than the user choosing a password?

Hey, thank you for your comment. It is a testnet, it's not a real PeerPlays account.

I used the brave browser on a HUAWEI Y7p mobile phone device.
Model - ART-L29
EMUI version - 9.1.1
Android version - 9
CPU - HUAWEI Kirin 710F
RAM - 4.0 GB
Resolution - 1560 x 720

The only issues are

  • The username I intended to use was not accepted until I added a character and a figure.
  • The Hive I withdrew to my hive wallet has not been received up till now.

Aside those two, every other thing looks fine. It is simple and easy to use. I don't even know it will work fine on mobile but it did.

This is a great innovation and it will bring a great boost to Hive and SPK Network. Can't wait for PeerPlays DEX to officially launch.

Kudos to every member of the team.

I made a detailed post on my experience during the testing. https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@fatherfaith/testing-peerplays-dex

Just completed my testing



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Wow nice easy to use and pleasing to the eye. Will it have a bridge to metamask in the future? There was no problem in signing up to open orders it was smooth as a silk loved it 😍

No problem to create the account and no problem sending the TEST tokens to other account

Whaaaat ?? omg!!! how did you guys did it so fast ??? I thought it would take another six months.

This looks very interesting and promissing....

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really cool!

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Listo logre completar el tutorial con éxito saludos espero haber servido de ayuda

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