Win $2,000 USD in Rewards! Join the SPK Network Testnet First Two-Week Sprint

in SPK Networklast year


Join us in the SPK Network's first two-week testnet sprint, where participants and testers can win up to $2,000 HBD in rewards. This is your chance to contribute to the network's development and earn exciting rewards for your efforts.

Testnet Milestones

Start date: Today, March 9, 2024 - End date: March 23, 2024

Follow the instructions below to complete the milestones:

Each milestone you achieve qualifies you for various rewards. Here's what we want you to try out:

  • Claim TLARYNX (Test LARYNX)
  • Set Up a File Storage Node
  • Set Up and Register as a Validator
  • Write Your Own Contracts and Upload Files to the Network
  • Store Videos and Mine Test BROCA and Test SPK
  • Vote for Other Validators

Check this video for more information:

Your Tasks as a Tester: $800 HBD in prizes

As a tester and participant, you should do the following:

  • Follow the SPK Testnet Node Setup Guide
  • Attempt all milestones
  • Tweet about your participation in the SPK Network Testnet
  • Write a feedback blog on your Hive account, including:
    • Information about your testnet tweets.
    • Details of other testnet contributions.
    • Announce your SPK Network storage nodes or validator nodes' Hive names.

Note 1SPK Network Community.: Use the #testnetsprint tag on your post and to post on the

Note 2: For completing the above tasks we will review your blogs (more than one blog is possible) and distribute $800 HBD at our discretion when the two week sprint finishes.

Additional Prizes: $1,200 HBD

  • Top Test SPK Token Miner: $150 HBD
  • Top Test BROCA Token Miner: $150 HBD
  • File Storage Contracts Lottery: $100 HBD (Awarded to the owner of the file with the most lottery wins)
  • Bug Report Pool: $300 HBD (See bug report form for details)
  • Open Source Pull Request Pool: $500 HBD (To improve the system or front ends)

Get in Touch:

Connect with us on the SPK Network Discord Server in the "#testnet-sprints" room for any queries or support.

Don’t Miss Our Live AMA:

Join our public call and kickoff AMA for detailed information and the announcement of the kickoff date. This is your opportunity to contribute to SPK Network's development.

The date of the AMA will be announced soon.

Useful Links

Vote for our Witnesses:

Support our proposal


SPK Network Funding Proposal 2023

About the SPK Network:

The SPK Network is a decentralized Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens so that every user, creator, and platform can earn rewards on a level playing field.


Interesting. Gonna check it out. Thanks for the Opportunity.

Looking forwards to seeing you take part!

Very beautiful initiative, I would gladly be a part of this.

Will be great to see you take part!

This looks really cool.

Storing content on behalf of others so that it can be well backed up all across the online world, and getting paid for it. web3 infra incentivisation at its best

For sure. I'll have to dig into this when I get a chance. Does the documentation list recommended hardware resources?

anything but a cell device that you have admin rights to

All this sounds very technical to me, but the prize is very attractive and I want to participate, this contest will give me the opportunity to learn and meet more people interested in the progress of this great project. Thank you very much. @spknetwork 🥳🔥

We think once you start getting involved, you will see its much easier than it looks.

The team are always there to help out in the discord

New to the hive network, so great to see competitions like this!
Excited to be a part of it

Sounds like a great challenge, but I would love to participate ☺️

Let's do it.

its really happening! the exciting times continue to roll on hive

Yup, for sure

My great wish is to take participate in this ..but i am not expert in soft or knowledge.. I try my best to understand it. to spk team

Would like to participate
but looks like I need some LARYNX Tokens and dont know how to get them

You just need to follow SPKNetwork account and you will get about 10 Test larynx. 6 test larynx is enough to register all the services you need to run on the network

To participate in this, is there any requirement on the type of PC one can use? I want to give this a try.

Basically anything that you have admin privileges for you can run this on (probably just not a cell phone ;))

Caramba! Muy interesante, debo estudiar con detenimiento, ya que no comprendo por ser algo nuevo para mí, pero con paciencia aprenderé