Beyond Enlightenment - Freedom or Humanity?

Enlightenment may well be the intended destination of many spiritual seekers, but enlightenment is by itself not enough.

So what's the point of Enlightenment if it's not the answer to 'life, the universe, and everything'?

Enlightenment is a higher vibrational (lower entropy) state in which the draining flood of negative thoughts and emotions are (mostly) removed. Enlightenment is a point at which we get to truly choose how we will live the rest of our physical lives on this planet (or not).

Like all destinations, enlightenment is found to be the beginning of a new journey. Like adolescent puberty, we find this point is merely a spiritual growth-spurt on our journey to adulthood.

But where do you go after enlightenment?

I asked myself this very question about 4 years ago. In fact, I actually asked Google, which opened a new path of discovery for me and I found that enlightenment led me to a choice.

The choice was:

  • a) to continue onwards into the 5th dimension (5D Ascension) to manifest my already present meta-psychic powers, or
  • b) to focus on helping my friends, family, co-workers, and community to improve our earthly existence towards greater effectiveness.

A or B?

Should we choose path A - to further develop our meta-psychic powers, or path B - to become a Buddha amongst us?

Although choosing path B keeps open an option to switch to path A at a later date, it is doubtful that anyone progressing along path A will return (in this life) to follow path B.

Let us look at both paths in more detail and see what opportunities present themselves in each one.


In his excellent book 'The Finders' Dr. Jeffery A. Martin describes path A as the Path Of Freedom and Path A people as being at Location 5+ (where Location’s 1 to 4 retain a semblance of daily life). Individuals who choose to follow this path of developing 'special powers' take them, in Martin's categorisation, into Locations beyond location 5 where reality begins to break down.

Each location from Location 5 onwards ... seem to deal with scrubbing away the last vestiges of the Narrative Self, and more. Unlike the previous locations, transition to these can be dangerous.
~ The Finders, Jeffrey A. Martin, pg. 66

Although many people will like to think of this path as one of developing ‘special powers’, it is in fact one of removing our earthly shields to allow our being to access these already-existing powers of elemental capability. But if this path truly exists you may ask, where are all the people with these special powers?

This question reminds me of a time I was in a social gathering at my Buddhist Centre after a meditation session. One attendee was questioning the Buddhist monk about the vows to become a monk themselves, and whether they had any suggestions on how to prepare for the vow of celibacy. The answer was that, on reaching a time near to becoming a monk, the person would have outgrown the need for sex and the question of celibacy would be a non-question.

This is similar to anyone choosing path A, the Path of Freedom. While we exist at Locations below 5, the thoughts of developing these special powers are exciting, enticing, and intriguing; but once we reach those later Locations our attention is attracted towards the higher-vibrational states outside of physical existence, so the use of these powers within the Earthly physical realm become a non-interest.


Martin refers to path B as the Path Of Humanity which is the choice to help our fellow humans to enhance their vibrational level for the benefit of all humanity. Choosing this path normally results in becoming a Bodhisattva and following the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life.

Path B could lead to the Gurus and spiritual teachers that we find among us (but not necessarily the ones using their knowledge to enhance their financial status). Following this path would ultimately lead to the altruistic life of a Bodhisattva where profits are as unworthy as sex is to celibacy.

A Bodhisattva is a friend of the world who, motivated by compassion, spontaneously seeks enlightenment to benefit all living beings.
Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, Shantideva, Tharpa Publications.

Achieving a state of Enlightenment does not in itself lead us to benefit our fellow humans (although impulses to do so are strong). Simply existing in this state of happiness, contentment, and low stress is appealing in itself, but to stop here is to stunt our own growth potential. However, the difficult decision at this point is to consciously step out of this state of individual bliss, peace and contentment back into the mud-pit of human existence. And this is by no means an easy choice!

Living with an awareness of the beautiful potential of earthly existence whilst surrounded by beings intent on the exploration of its seedier (less beneficial) opportunities is disheartening (to say the least).

But our world needs more of these brave souls; and for those that choose this path, I will leave you with Shantideva's encouragement:

I should not become disheartened by the behaviours of others -
The childish, who are in disharmony with one another -
But understand how this behaviour arises through the force of delusions
And be compassionate towards them. ~ stanza #56

I hope you've enjoyed this foray into the state of enlightenment and I look forward to your comments and feedback.


The Finders, Dr. Jeffery A. Martin, Integration Press. amazon
Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, Shantideva, Tharpa Publications amazon

Attribution: Main photo collage created by me from pexels a , b and unsplash c.