How to be telepathic

Image made by me in Canva from a pngTree original licenced to me

Would it be cool to be telepathic? I'm sure many of us have wished for the amazing ability to be able to transmit our thoughts to, and received thoughts from others without needing to write things down or even speak them.

So why is it that with so much interest and, in the past, much scientific research and study into telepathy, are we not more telepathic? It has been proven in many studies of telepathy that we can achieve it, along with many other forms of mind control. And yet there is little evidence of telepathy being used in the world.

Mental clarity almost eradicates thoughtlessness and establishes a new environment of thoughtfulness.

What would it take for us to become telepathic and be able to engage in telepathy with others?

This is sometimes where the appeal of telepathy starts to break down and why many people give up the pursuit of developing their telepathic capabilities.

What is telepathy?

It is important to understand what telepathy is before we put the effort into stimulating and developing our own telepathic capability. Telepathy, therefore, is described by Thomas Campbell in his book My Big TOE (Amazon) as the capability to perform "direct transfer of discrete thought packets" and "information transfer by discrete thought packets can, in one of its forms, be called telepathy. Think of telepathy as adding data to (organising bits within) someone else's calculation space." - MBT P. 546

The interesting concept here is the direct transfer of discrete thought packets. Where the common conception of telepathy is being able to talk to others purely using our mind, the above definition clarifies that in order to communicate telepathically, we instead need to construct discreet thought packets.

This transfer of discrete thought packets has been described to us for decades by mystics and mediums when they have told us that spirits don't always talk to them but instead send them images and pictures of what they are trying to portray. Mediums and spiritualists have a level of mental clarity when they switch into a receptive state that allows them to distinguish the images in thought packets sent to them from the spiritual realm from the thought images that they are creating within their own minds.

It is this ability to switch into a receptive state that makes it possible for these telepathic transfers to occur. So in order for us to be able to develop our own telepathic capabilities, it is necessary for us to develop the skill that puts our mind into a receptive state. Luckily, there are many methods for us to be able to achieve this capability.


Photo by Monstera

We will all undoubtedly be aware of the practice of meditation. Unfortunately, many of us only have the generalised concept of meditation as portrayed by mass media and the movies. There are many many forms, methods, and practises of meditation. This wide variety makes it relatively easy for us to find a form of meditation that suits our individualised mindset. I highly recommend the book by Laurence LeShan called "How to meditate" (Amazon) in which he describes a number of different forms of meditation - yes you can meditate by going to work!



Another practice that has become popular in the mass media and academia over the last decade is mindfulness. Mindfulness is indeed an excellent starting point for learning how to put our mind into a receptive state for telepathy. The practice of mindfulness makes us aware of what is happening at this particular moment in time and teaches us to reduce our thinking about past and future events. Readers will likely be aware of the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle which is specifically targeted at achieving ultimate mindfulness.

You may be getting a notion now as to why telepathy is not widespread among humanity. In order to receive a telepathic or discrete thought packet sent to us by another person, we must first recognise thoughts, images, and emotions that we ourselves are filling our minds with. And, if our minds are continuously filled with our own thoughts, we must remove some of these in order to create space to receive telepathic messages from others.

The process of emptying our minds of all thoughts except for those that we specifically and intentionally create in our mind takes effort, dedication and persistence. Not only that, but the ability to send a discreet thought packet to another person also requires that the other person has achieved the same or greater level of individualised mind control as we have.

But for those interested in developing our telepathic capabilities, it's not all doom, gloom, and hard work. In order to stimulate our telepathic abilities only requires that we get started in one of the practises mentioned above, namely meditation or mindfulness - or one of the many other methods for clearing our mind of unwanted thoughts.

It really is that simple. Getting started involves learning about clarifying our mind, which begins to make us aware of and associate ourselves with the millions of other people who are developing and practising the skills of mental clarity. Becoming aware of this large segment of humanity is not only great for motivation but also allows us to believe that the creation of a better worldwide society is possible.

It is not the development of telepathy per se that enables us to create a better society, but the quality of our clear thinking creates mental space within our mind (the achievement of Emptiness as depicted in Buddhist teachings.) Having mental space reduces the amount of energy used by our mind and reduces the entropy of our individual being. A low entropy system is an effective system in which we can choose to energise only those thoughts that improve the human condition. Mental clarity almost eradicates thoughtlessness and establishes a new environment of thoughtfulness.

We will look further into the areas of psychic abilities, divination, inner wisdom, intuition, and dreams in later posts, but I think I've written enough for one post otherwise the topic will become unwieldy.

I hope you've enjoyed this foray into the development of telepathy and I look forward to your comments and feedback.
