Clarity Of Value + Audience-Served = Wealth
Before I share the juicy nuggets in this blog post...I just want to make it clear that the following was written by @ryzeonline
He's been writing a long time. He's made a tremendous amount of content to help me, help our clients, and the members of our mastermind. But I have wanted to share him and his amazing words with people who value them and him. And we've been on Hive for about a week now and the responses to his posts are so incredible. I feel like I can finally share his words and people will get it. People will value them. People here at Hive seem to be above average intelligence and will understand what I share. So thank you in advance for reading.
And on to the 'show'....
This is a formula for wealth.
It's easy, it's simple, and it's based on two things you control.
(1) How clearly YOUR VALUE is presented to the world, and (2) how wide or deep YOUR AUDIENCE is.
So let's explore:
- Clarity Of Value - Everyone has value inside them. For example, an artist has value, but paintings stored in the GARAGE doesn't present it clearly. Paintings in a GALLERY is 'slightly clearer.' Offering occasional pieces on SOCIAL as well, is even clearer still. Creating a consistent, FULL IG ACCOUNT of artwork is even MORE clear. Posting testimonials from happy buyers is even CLEARER value.
Point is... You control how clearly your value is presented.
⠀⠀ - Audience-Served - Everyone has an audience. Whether it's one person (your spouse), or 1000s of followers, you DO have an audience-base of X, and it's easily growable. If you sit down and comment on 100 stranger's posts, some of them will be grateful for your comment, click back to your profile, and (if your value is clear,) they'll follow you. If you interview 100 people, they'll appreciate the chance to talk, and some will promote your interview to their audience. You'll get a certain % of fans coming back to follow you. If you improve your hashtags, you'll reach a bigger audience, & a certain % of them will follow you. If you hand out flyers on street corners, even that'll increase your audience a bit.
Point is... You control your audience-size.
It's that simple. Two ingredients. Your value & your fan-base. Increase the quality / size / focus of either, and your wealth grows.
Easy as pie.
Thing is, you need to be honest with how WELL you handle each ingredient, and be willing to improve at either.
Now, this idea at first glance may seem like a basic principle, only aimed at startups. But it's helpful for anyone. Because in the chaotic moving pieces of building a legacy, this wealth-formula can sometimes get lost, and I feel helpful reminders like this are a bit too rare.
So... how well are you using the formula? What are some ways you could use it better?
Yay! Thanks for sharing my ideas and words! And yes, Hivians seem to be 'getting' me better than others have...
...that said, do I follow my own rule? How CLEAR is Ryze's value, scale of 1-to-10? And what are ways to make it clearer and more obvious to others? :)
I love sharing Your words. They make sense and have helped me in every area of my life. For the last 2.5 years You teach me things I never ever considered before. It's lovely.
and Ryze's value definitely could be clearer. On the scale prolly a 4.5 how can we make it clearer? Better language, more resonant language, more exposure, more EYEBALLS and a clearer audience maybe?
Every success has a formula; it is not by chance, but rather the result of a consistent, deliberate process. Wealth is everything; there are various formulas for achieving enormous wealth; however, is this formula applicable to startups? This article talks about some common startup mistakes and how to address them.