Cheeseburgers are Political

Photo by Dudek
So is the word gay. So is free will. So is lack of self-knowledge. So is self-responsibility. So is asking questions. Okay, before I digress here, if you’re easily offended, don’t read further. There may be sarcasm that is unpalatable. Emotional reactions may arise. By accessing or reading this blog, you are agreeing to free a dormant mind, with: Cheeseburgers. Do not access or read this blog, if you are unwilling or unable to be bound by the Terms.
There was a vicious vibe in the air. There’s this song on soundcloud I’ve been grooving to lately, wicked downbeat, FuckPony - Bongo Porn (DJShankari DownPitch). So I asked for this song to be played. First thing I get slammed for listening to Soundcloud (reaction seeking behaviour) along with a “NO”. As I said, there was a vibe in the air, so no surprise on my part.
Song gets played and then stopped halfway through. I get told how awful it is, that it just goes on and on and on, that there’s no good music being made today, eighties music is where it’s at. I beg to differ in opinion on that, just based on what I see on Hive. Another person chimes in that the song is “gay”. I’m confused. What’s “gay” about this song? I ask for clarification. Finally it’s explained that they mean that the song is stupid. “Gay” means stupid? More like “gay” used in that context is stupid. “Just say what you mean clearly, just say “stupid” if that’s what you mean, or are you too afraid to say it?” Complete silence.
Fast forward though some torturous eighties music. No, I don’t have a hate on for eighties music. I just don’t listen to the kind that inspires me to stab out my eardrums. As it’s said, “to each their own”…also, maybe leave well enough alone.
Photo by Dudek
Free will daily cheeseburger eating. Sound delicious? Yes and no. It’s fully about the free will of the cheeseburger consumer. Who cares if your insides are screaming to halt devilish devouring of procured processed pretend-a-burger banquet bonanzas of dubious decadence! Free will is all about doing what you want; screw the consequences until they arrive. Sad about those health conditions you created in yourself, but hey, it is better fun follow the “Do what thou wilt” philosophy of modern times. Quite obviously, I’m just confused about what free will is. Looking around these days, it’s a confusing world to me.
Don’t ask questions. Don’t discuss. Don’t dialogue. All of that will be mostly misconstrued as fighting. Don’t have your own experience and viewpoint. Society is homogenizing. Get with the program on play.
Redundant circle jerking of repeat jokes. How many times is the same stale joke funny that wasn’t funny in the first place? Practice faking funny? I try not to snore too loudly, if heard, I’ll say I’m laughing….but….I won’t say what I’m really laughing about. Being part of a team can be a draining experience when the team leader regularly drops the ball, puts minimal effort into their own project, relies on others to carry the load, and then wonders why things go asunder with a thunder.
Photo by Dudek
Most political(???) of all, was my statement, “You don’t know yourself”. Instant five alarm fire. Machine gunned down with a rapid repeat bullet question, “How do you know? How do you know? How do you know?” Did I just touch a land mine tender spot? You bet I did. The intent was to draw attention to the person’s lack of self-knowledge.
Back to the question…How do I know? I know because I’ve spent my entire life digging deep down into myself to find out who I am, seeking to know myself intimately through years of self-observation. This is my daily practice. I also observe everything outside of me as well.
That isn’t the answer I gave. Instead I said, “I can tell by the way you talk”. Not the answer expected or desired. Instant assault of nonsensical sentences ensued in a slew, minus self-awareness and self-responsibility. It doesn’t help when I’m somewhat amused at such befuddlement of others who’ve decided to trash stomp me as the one to blame for whatever shite they’ve cooked up in their minds. It’s always my fault and my responsibility for others’ inability to manage their emotions. At least that’s the message I get. I say, “Put on your big man pants, step up to the plate of self-responsibility and grow a set ‘cuz you can’t even communicate direct.”
I was discussing this interaction with a close friend recently, who summed up the situation this way:
"he's just a deranged mind, not finding the way out of his labyrinth of imposed conditioning... so many of these poor buggers".
My friend is quite gifted with succinct appraisals. I’m grateful for these word washes of sanity from a samurai.
It’s established. Censorship is real. Burgers are political and all about free will. I just can’t talk about that no more. It seems it’s all political these days, even though the things I say that have nothing to do with politics, of which I give zero crap about anyway. That’s why my posts are about my artiness, not my lack of politicalness, screw it if those aren’t words, I’m making it up as I go along. Fake it until you make it. Society works best on that scale. I do not. I’m just gonna go shake it to Bongo Porn and eat a homemade burger instead.

All photographs in this post were created by Dudek, who kindly offered me the use of them for this post, since I suck at photographing food and don’t have the big buns to burger up with properly.
That sounds quite
politicallike there are no more folks to wear these "big-man-pants" since it seems that for years now it's more the women who are growing some. Just saying since even here on your post you got proof by someone for that, calling a burger gay 🙄!...and btw, shouldn't it say: "so many poor burgers" 😁
This must be why I see so many big pairs of pants abandoned on the city streets here. I should photograph those....😏
Looking for gay burgers and all I find is this
LMAO, I like that even better, but I had to quote accurately.
Not sure why my account didn't vote 99 the first time. Bad account, bad! I LoL'd at Rick Astley. That made me happy.
The price of a slice of cheese where you are impacted everything....
Haha, you picking this Tears For Fears song.....dead on...along with this song brings me back to a very specific memory in a very specific situation with a very specific person. 😄
😂 Couldn't find a Wednesday song.
😂😂😂 hilarious!
Those cheeseburgers look so unbelievably tasty.
They do, gave me an instant craving....yum. Thanks @aagabriel!
Thank you!
Lot of deranged minds out there these days, that burger looks tasty AF 😍
There are, it's a strange, strange world. Totally YUM burgers, instant craving for one. 😄
Cheeseburgers are gay is what I gathered from all that..! need to eat the homemade ones my dear...the ones that are real.
Are you propositioning me? XD
I could be...but....I don't think one of my homemade burgers will make it to you with the necessary freshness.
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