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RE: Rant for a Free Mind...

in Free Mind Collective2 years ago (edited)


Close the city and tell the people that
Something's coming to call
Death and darkness are rushing forward to
Take a bite from the wall, oh
You've nothing to say
They're breaking away


What's that saying? Can't see the forest, for the trees? Don't cut off your nose, despite your face? Hmmm no... Don't bite the hand that feeds you? Well, you know what I mean... after all, let's look at this statement again:

Everyone is screaming for change - good....
Restoring nature is the business of today - ha....
Becoming a HomoBorg doesn't even need to be enforced anymore - WTF....
Blockchains were invented to decentralize communication - what for....
Doesn't anyone see that it could bring down the pyramid of capitalism....

Don't get me wrong... I understand what you are saying. I know I probably seem like the guy that's always in a good mood. Never gets upset, and is always smiling. That is correct... but not always. I have been told, by many. That I am the reason they are still here. "Here" is the blockchain of course. But the thing that we should all remember? It's US... not these machines... These "incentives"...

I am a Whale!

I am a Dolphin!

I am a billionaire!

When really... I thought we were all just humans. Brothers... Sisters... All of us just trying to hang on, and enjoy the ride. If we can find others that radiate our energy. All the better. I have found that in you. As well as so many others here. So... you are justified in your feelings. Free... to Free Your Mind. Thank you... for being you, brother. And for still using my TAG.

Love and light...

!giphy Free Your Mind@tipu curate


It is good to have some balance
Some neutrality and positivity is often called for
But that just shows how deep today's FuckUp is
Makes us bitter and linger in sarcasm
At least I'll know I did my best when that day comes
Sadness is still in my heart for the hypocrisy we are forced to live in
People like you are the only reason I know that the one light is going for the best

Thank you BroSir