Given 911 Reality... How Shall We Then Live?

in MES 9/11 Truth3 months ago (edited)

The following is a report created by a friend, whom I will refer to as Conspiracy Realist, which he physically mailed to many influential people to make them aware of the reality of 9/11. Here are some of the people this was sent too:

I have converted the original 36 page PDF Report into article format below.

Given 911 Reality … How shall we then live?

CCI20241106_0001 cropped 2.jpg

This image was taken soon after the 911 events and before any cleanup. Filled with visual evidence, it irrefutably proves the 911 Official Narrative to be 100% false. All Seven WTC buildings were destroyed that day, not just 1, 2 and 7. Bankers Trust/BT, adjacent to WTC 2/South Tower, was also damaged that day and later had to be taken down due to its 09-11-2001 damage. Located immediately between WTC 1 and WTC 7, WTC 6 was scooped out empty from the rooftop to the basement. The remaining rooftop was not piled up from “all the falling debris of WTC 1”. World Financial Center 2/WFC 2 was immediately adjacent to WTC 6 and WTC 1. WFC 2 was undamaged from “all the falling debris of WTC 1”. The fates of BT, WTC 6 and WFC 2 are not just anomalous, but key parts of the evidence set that empties the 911 Official Narrative and the Controlled Opposition Narratives.



The ground level image at left comes right after WTC 2 came down but before WTC 1 came down (When it comes to 9/11, few talk about Building 3). It shows WTC 3 (the 22 story, 242’ tall, 825 room Marriott hotel located between WTC 1 and WTC 2) massively damaged, but not from the fallen debris of WTC 2. WTC 3 looks eaten away. When WTC 1 came down, the remainder of WTC 3 had simply disappeared down to ground level, except for a small corner stub about 25-30’ tall. There was no pile of fallen debris from WTC 1 or WTC 2 stacked upon WTC 3. As you will see in coming images/pages of WTC 1 and WTC 2, each of the Twin Towers were constructed from 500,000 tons of building material and were simply GONE. However, from the above images alone, it is irrefutable that the Twin Towers did not suffer structural collapse. Otherwise, there would have been a 200’ tall debris stack at the base of each building.

I am writing to you as (i) subject matter experts, (ii) federally elected oath-bearing officers and (iii) agents of We the People. The world is careening off the cliff into World War 3 Madness. It was 911 that lit the fuse of the looming global conflict. It may not be self-evident just yet, but the above three open source images prove the following:

  • The US FedGov 911 Official Narrative in whole and in part is specious sewage,
  • What really happened on 911 has been actively and passively covered up by the US FedGov,
  • No BigBoeing jetliners crashed at the WTC Complex, the Pentagon or Shanksville,
  • Directed Energy Weapons/DEW were used to dis-integrate all Seven (7) WTC buildings,
  • Almost 3,000 Americans in NYC were dis-integrated, murdered by Directed Energy Weapons,
  • 1,100 NYC victims are still missing/vanished/open cold cases due to Directed Energy Weapons,
  • For lack of any casus belli, ALL of the AUMFs arising out of 911 were/are Void Ab Initio,
  • ALL US military actions since 09-11-2001 are violations of the Nuremberg Accords,
  • ALL current US foreign military actions, Actual or Proxy, and related US expenditures are War Crimes,
  • ALL overseas troops, regardless of location, Must Stand Down NOW and Return to the CONUS ≤ 30 days.

During the run up to the 20th anniversary of 911, I initially put together a short, image dominant, 10 page document to answer the question, “What do you think happened on 911?” Titled 911 Reality, it was my … “Here is what I know happened on 911!” After two trips to the 911 Memorial Museum, November 2022 and February 2023, 911 Reality was augmented with new images taken during those trips, additional facts and is now 14, image dominant pages. In recent months, it became obvious that trying to explain the irrefutable DEW reality of what happened at the WTC Complex was not getting through. Functioning as mind parasites, the images of Flt 11 and 175 “crashing” into WTC 1 and WTC 2 are still consuming the critical thinking skills of almost everyone. A short, image dominant composition proving that (ii) No BigBoeing airplanes made any impacts on 911 follows right after the updated (i) 911 Reality. Two more image dominant compositions (iii) building materials used to construct the Twin Towers and other WTC buildings were Dustified (decomposed at the molecular level under atmospheric temperature and conditions) by Directed Energy Weapons and (iv) Conventional Explosive Controlled Demolition was not employed at any of the Seven (7) WTC buildings that day, complete a 4-part document set.

If you have gotten this far, you are likely wondering, “Who in the hell is this guy writing me?!” I am 70 years old, BSME/MBA, native born on the land in Louisiana, not a federal resident, see State ex rel Leche v Fowler, 42 La. Ann. 144 (1890), a modern Pamphleteer 2.0, holder in due course of the primary contract, not a UNITED STATES citizen and compelled to expose the unabated Mind Rape-Psychological Warfare-Mass Murder still being visited on our nation and the world by the Satanic Deep State 911 Perpetrators. Furthermore:

  1. For almost four years our nation Has Been Invaded by approximately 11 million illegal aliens criminally facilitated, financed, aided and abetted by the Marxist-Democrat Party-Current Administration-Deep State.
  2. Over the past 23 years the UNITED STATES-UniParty-Deep State Has Invaded numerous sovereign countries murdering 4.5+ million innocent mostly brown people without any justification or provocation.
  3. BOTH of these egregious situations do clear, present, existential violence to the Constitution, threaten the nation’s continuation and must be Halted-Reversed-Rectified Immediately.

Let us read some vital background information …

  • In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
    "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary … “ The Declaration was a public explanation to the world, in essence a detailed criminal complaint, explaining why the 13 colonies regarded themselves as sovereign states and were leaving Great Britain based on certain natural, legal, inalienable rights endowed by The Creator.
  • We the People of the United States … The first three words establish the root of political authority, The People and not the State. Through the instrumentality of the federal Constitution, the several States, as representatives/agents of the People at large, agreed to raise up a union of the several States, as an agent for the several States and People. The Union did not precede the States. All 13 of the original colonies were acknowledged by George III as free, independent and sovereign states in the 1783 Treaty of Paris. The Constitution internally confirms the Federal Government as the Agent of the several States. Specific actions by the several States are required under Article V in order to validly Amend the Constitution. The Federal Government was not and is not empowered for self-modification. How the original design has been perverted into the current catastrophe is very important, but not germane at the moment.

    §1. Origin and Purpose of Government
    Section 1. All government, of right, originates with the people, is founded on their will alone, and is instituted to protect the rights of the individual and for the good of the whole. Its only legitimate ends are to secure justice for all, preserve peace, protect the rights, and promote the happiness and general welfare of the people. The rights enumerated in this Article are inalienable by the state and shall be preserved inviolate by the state.
  • CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS Adopted February 15, 1876
    Sec. 2. INHERENT POLITICAL POWER; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient. (Feb. 15, 1876.)
  • Arizona State Constitution - 2. Political power; purpose of government
    Section 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
  • Kentucky Constitution - Section 4 Power inherent in the people -- Right to alter, reform, or abolish government. All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety, happiness and the protection of property. For the advancement of these ends, they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may deem proper. Text as Ratified on: August 3, 1891, and revised September 28, 1891.

Most modern nations affirm the people as the origin of political power, at least in words.

  • Article 20 - [Constitutional principles – Right of resistance] German Constitution
    (1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.
    (2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.
    (3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.
    (4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seeking to abolish this constitutional order if no other remedy is available.

People/Principals are the Creator/Implementer of the State and Grantors of its authority (See the Constitution). The several States are the Agents of the People/Principals. If elements of the State/Agent (local, state or federal) go rogue/criminal and the body of elected officials fail to correct those rogue/criminal actions, the People/Principals have the indefeasible right, authority and responsibility to step in and rectify the criminal actions of the State/Agent (See the Declaration).

Failure of oath bearing office holders to do their duty and correct the crimes of the State, not just whining about them from the sidelines, transfers inarguably the correction responsibility to the People/Principals at large. Modern governments arise from the consent of the Governed. People/Principals are Not to Blindly Submit to the State, especially when the State is wantonly criminal, outlaw, godless and murders its own People/Principals. When 911 Reality is rightly understood, We the People have the enumerated constitutional right and responsibility to stand up, withdraw consent, reset the government back within its original confines or dissolve it.

I am NOT a US citizen and NOT an employee of the federal corporate government of the District of Columbia. I AM one of the few people NOT obligated by adhesion contracts in exchange for being subject to benefits. With and by my authority, status, and name, I do not consent, comply or acquiesce to the domestic and global mass murder caused by the UNITED STATES Federal Government, now or at any time in the past. Furthermore, I order you 4 officers of the de jure constitutional government to:

  1. immediately implement any and all actions necessary to restore the de jure constitutional government,
  2. extract all of the Marxist Communists from the federal corporate agency government and
  3. terminate the perversion that Barry Soetoro and Nancy Pelosi call “Our Democracy.”

Your oath of office is to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
What about you? Are you up to the task?

I am NOT a domestic terrorist. The herein and attached information is NOT mis, dis or malinformation. The herein and attached information is scientific, factual truth and far more frightening than the lies being spewed by the Marxist Communist-Deep State who have taken over our country. The herein and attached information satisfies my Ezekiel 33:6 obligations. The herein and attached information extinguishes any potential use of 18 US Code §4 and 18 US Code §2382 by UNITED STATES actors against me. The herein and attached information is actual undeniable Truth, which always threatens evildoers and their malign actions. I demand peaceful redress and restoration of de jure government, the constitutional republic of republics, which is my Inherent, Inalienable and Indefeasible Right! I seek the dissolution of the unconstitutional, lawless, de facto, legal fiction, corporate democracy, which is ALSO my Inherent, Inalienable and Indefeasible Right!

Live Not by Lies. Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn
Truth always carries with it confrontation. Truth demands confrontation. Francis Schaeffer
Qui Non Improbat Aprobat - One Who Does Not Disapprove, Approves. Legal Maxim
Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but expose them. Ephesians 5:11
So, have I become your enemy by telling the truth? Galatians 4:16


Judy Wood:

Andrew Johnson:

Morgan Reynolds:


Withering Concrete
Steel Columns into Taffy
Hurricane Afoot



These are two of the exterior columns from the Twin Towers and the centerpiece of the George W. Bush Library at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. $500,000,000 was raised for its construction.

There are no burning, charring or cutting marks; there is no evidence of high heat anywhere on the columns. No conventional technology can contort steel columns into such bizarre shapes. The steel was shredded or torn as if it was soft taffy before re-solidifying. The question arises, “Why would these Twin Tower columns (stark evidence of colossal military failure at the very least) be center stage, under the spotlights at the “GWBush Presidential Library and Museum?” These beams are the psychological/political/moral/spiritual equivalent of hanging a Cape Buffalo trophy head on the wall and saying, “Hey, look what I did!”

  • In context, these Twin Tower columns would be the same as FDR displaying one of USS Arizona’s 16” main deck guns vertically as the center piece of his Presidential library. See Day of Deceit by Robert Stinnett.
  • Operation Northwoods, Gen L. L. Lemnitzer, Chairman JCS, March 13, 1962
    Annex to Appendix to Enclosure A – Pretexts to Justify US Military Intervention in Cuba

(3) A “Remember the Maine” incident could be arranged in several forms:
a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.
b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters.

If the United States of America is to be Restored,
The Only Way is Through Accepting the Reality of 911.
In Equity, Truth is Paramount. It Must be so in Government.

The Bible Verse Fused To 9/11 Rubble Exposes an Important Message

In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell
Galatians 4:16 So, have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?


“On March 30, 2002, FDNY Firefighter Steven Kuefner (E 302/L 155) was searching for victims at Ground Zero and came upon a torn Bible fused to a piece of metal.” This unexplained fusion of steel, concrete, paper and leather of a red letter, center column reference version of the King James Bible was given to local NYC photographer and 911 archivist Joel Meyerowitz. The artifact, seen right and below, publicly surfaced around the 10-year anniversary and now resides at the 911 Memorial & Museum in NYC.

Even if one attaches miraculous relevance to any verse of the Matthew 5:30-45 passage, necessary questions must be asked and answered before you can “turn the other cheek”, “let him have your cloak”, “go another mile”. This KJV Bible was not burned or scorched. Paper spontaneously combusts at 451 Fahrenheit. Steel melts at 2550 to 2790 Fahrenheit. The quartz sand in concrete melts at 3000 Fahrenheit. The cement in concrete melts at 2820 Fahrenheit. How did this melding, fusing, not-burning, agglomeration of steel, concrete, paper and leather happen? What was the destructive mechanism? What technology brought about such an other-worldly result?

Accurately determining what happened by examining facts and evidence must come before determining who caused this ‘low temperature fusing’ of disparate materials on September 11, 2001. The importance of precise word choice in describing this artifact and the actual events at the World Trade Center Complex 22 years ago cannot be overstated. Organic paper and leather do not fuse into inorganic steel and concrete. Steel and concrete do not fuse into each other. There is no scorching around the edges of the pages. The fused bible was not burned or combusted in whatever process that caused these dissimilar materials to be combined at the molecular level into a composite, physical whole. This artifact alone proves that something other than aviation fuel fires and falling debris destroyed all SEVEN (7) of the World Trade Center buildings. The fused bible eliminates jet airliner impact, controlled demolition, bombs-in-the-buildings, thermite/nano-thermite and micro-nukes as viable explanations for what happened on September 11, 2001, ab initio.

30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
31 It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:
32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:
34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Actual image taken at 911 Memorial on 11-02-2022.

World Trade Center Orphans – Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Vladimir Lenin
Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness but expose them.

The Architecture of Coverup typically includes three components: the Official Narrative, the Approved Alternative Narrative and What Really Happened. The fused Bible is a nexus for understanding just how much has been intentionally hidden by mainstream media, the US FedGov and those promoting the Approved Alternative Narrative. Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and most infamous of the controlled opposition, alleges that WTC 7 was brought down by conventional controlled demolition, a specious claim to be factually refuted herein.

While being interviewed on May 13, 2021, by Shaun Attwood, Gage declares that 3 towers were destroyed that day. Rightly proclaiming the US FedGov official story to be patently absurd is one thing, but Gage/AE911 Truthers grossly misrepresent and/or intentionally obfuscate what actually happened. Richard Gage is a pathological liar.

Shaun Attwood presents AE911Truth founder Richard Gage AIA

Shaun Attwood @ Time Index 1:46: “What got you interested then? What’s your background? What got you interested in 911?”
Richard Gage @ Time Index 1:51: “I have been an architect for 30 years and in 2006 I was shocked to hear on the radio a gentleman David Ray Griffin who has now written 12 books on the subject of 911 truth and here in the Bay Area … I had never heard any other alternative theory as to how these towers came down and I am talking not just two towers but three. World Trade Center 1, 2 and World Trade Center Building 7 and I did not know … did not know a third tower came down. I mean this is a 47-story skyscraper that dropped like a rock straight down uniformly, symmetrically into its own footprint on the afternoon of 911. And when I saw this later the next day … I was … I was just shocked. I mean … I am an architect; this should have been the most studied building failure in all of history, after all it wasn’t hit by a plane like the first two towers. So, I put my nose the grindstone, did a lot of research, put together a PowerPoint based on the work of Steven Jones originally, and he’s a physicist formally from Brigham Young university.”
Richard Gage @ Time Index 3:30: “We now have 3500 Architect and Engineers signed on to the petition demanding a new investigation into destruction of these three towers.”

Richard Gage, Leroy Hulsey, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, James Corbett, Alex Jones, Ted Walter, David Chandler, Kevin Ryan, AE911 et al are either blind as a bat, cannot count past 3 or something diabolical is at work. They willfully omit the fact that World Trade Center Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6 were also dis-integrated on September 11, 2001. At left is lidar taken 9/16-23/2001.


Bottom left is the 8 story, 93’ tall, 538,000 sq. ft. WTC 6 building with a huge gaping hole scooped out from the roof to below ground level. Its dark maw was not filled with fallen debris from the 110 story, 1,368’ tall, 3.501 million sq. ft. WTC 1, which was to the immediate right. Also note, the remaining roof area of WTC 6 is not piled up with fallen debris from the destruction of WTC 1. The flattened WTC 7 is immediately left of WTC 6. WTC 5 is immediately above WTC 6. WTC 4 is immediately right of WTC 5. WTC 3 is immediate right of WTC 1. WTC 2 is above WTC 3 and below WTC 4. The debris piles of both the 47-floor, 741’ tall, 1.682 million sf. ft. WTC 7 and WTC 1 are significantly shorter than the 93’ roof height of WTC 6.

“People only see what they are prepared to see.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 107:7 No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

When Ground Zero is first viewed with new eyes and ears, the Crayola colored lidar image is a visually softer and emotionally easier introduction to the ghastly devastation. The following details and damage signatures have not been seen by many, seen by a few and not comprehended by almost everyone.

CCI20241106_0001 cropped 2.jpg

The figure at the left shows the lack of debris at the base of 1,368’ tall WTC 1 and the gaping, eaten out 93’ tall WTC 6. Consider the following:

  • Fallen debris is not filling the WTC 6 wounds and could not have caused them.
  • The absence of debris, column segments and etcetera on the roof of WTC 6, now covered in dust.
  • The grey-blue dome of WFC 2 (World Financial Center 2) is pristine, undamaged by ‘falling debris’ when WTC 1 was destroyed.
  • Below the yellow lettering WTC 1, note the iconic trident shape of the lower exterior columns. Each was a combination of 3 exterior, smaller columns that came together approximately 30 feet above ground level and encircled the lobbies of WTC 1 and WTC 2.
  • Except for vestigial sections of the exterior columns, the WTC 1debris pile was about 20’ or less.


Where did the 500,000-ton mass of WTC 1 construction materials go? How did the 1,368’ tall WTC 1 constructed of steel columns, aluminum cladding, concrete flooring, filing cabinets, glass windows and bathroom toilets simply disappear? How was the majority of WTC 6 scooped out down to the basement? What destructive mechanism caused the devastation seen at all 7 of the World Trade Center buildings and yet nearby buildings like WFC 2 (not part of the WTC Complex) were relatively unscathed? Known explosives (chemical or nuclear) create 3-dimensional, spherical blast signatures not the cylindrical, top-down destruction seen at WTC 6. Any controlled demolition that uses conventional chemical explosives would have left a debris pile of about 15-20% of the original building height. The debris piles for WTC 1 and WTC 7 were much less than 5% of original building height.

At left the 25’ globe statue previously in the Austin J. Tobin Plaza can be seen between the Twin Towers. The 22 story, 242’ tall WTC 3 Marriot hotel is in the background. These images provide scale and context to compare the height differences of WTC 6, WTC 1 and WTC 7.

Failing to recognize, mention and investigate the anomalous destruction of WTC 3, 4, 5 and 6 by Gage, AE911, Hulsey, Jones et al is unconscionable. It is akin to a homicide investigator arriving at a fresh crime scene, with seven murdered family members lying next to each other, and he steps over 4 of the 7 dead bodies and declares that only 3 people have been killed. The rank-and-file membership of AE911 and Professor Leroy Hulsey (Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks) should withdraw all association with Gage/AE911. Otherwise, they knowingly participate in criminal willful blindness, misprision of a felony and misprision of treason.

“While I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Psalm 94:16 - "Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
Luke 11:46 But He said, “Woe to you lawyers as well! For you load people with burdens that are hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers.


“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light.” George Washington
John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.


“Ideological subversion or psychological warfare changes the perception of reality to such an extent, that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves,
their families, their community and their country.” Yuri Bezmenov, ex-KGB 1984
“The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.” Mark Twain
Psalm 97:10 Hate evil, you who love the Lord, Who watches over the souls of His godly ones; He saves them from the hand of the wicked.

Taken in February of 2023, this image is one of several ‘before and after’ illuminated panels found within the 911 Memorial in NYC. For almost 22 years, neither the FBI nor ANY agency of the UNITED STATES has acknowledged or investigated the destruction of Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6, the WTC Orphans. What caused their destruction? Did insurance pay for the losses? Who owned these four buildings on 09 11 2001? Who bought the property after they were demolished? Who owns these 4 buildings now? Why has this vital ‘intelligence information’ been buried from We the People? Facts have Trajectory and The Truth Has Consequences.

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.” Anonymous
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Arthur Conan Doyle
Psalm 26:4 I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers.
John 3:19 This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

The image dated 09 23 2001 on Wikipedia.

Although egregiously wrong in its explanation (falling debris of WTC 2), at least Wicked-Pedia acknowledges that WTC 4 was destroyed on 09 11 2001. The 4 WTC remnant is visible at the southeast corner of Ground Zero (just off the upper right corner of the WTC 2 red outline). Footprints of WTC 1, 2 and 7 are highlighted, but NOT 3, 4, 5 and 6?!

What caused the cored out, EMPTY holes in WTC 6 (between 1 and 7) and WTC 5 (immediately to the right of WTC 6)?
Falling debris from WTC 1 did not cause these ‘holes’ in WTC 5 and 6, as they are empty of fallen debris down to basement level. How could falling steel columns from WTC 2 flatten down to ground level the nine stories of WTC 4 and not be evident in this picture?

WTC 4 was between WTC 2 (1362’ tall) and Church Street. For scaling purposes, the footprint of each of the Towers was about a square acre (208.7’x208.7’). If WTC 2 had fallen over and crushed WTC 4, then almost 1,000 feet of WTC 2 would have crashed into 1 Liberty Plaza (immediately across Church Street from WTC 4) … but there is no evidence of WTC 2 having fallen over.

World Trade Center 7 – Graveyard of 911 Truthers

“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Albert Einstein
2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

As a first step out of the 911 mind control/psychological bondage, many jettison the US FedGov official faerie tale and explore the anomalous destruction of WTC 7. The two most well-known explanations of what happened at WTC 7 are (1) the NIST explanation of the collapse due to fire having weakened the internal structure and (2) controlled demolition (the ‘authorized’ alternative explanation) posited by the likes of Richard Gage/AE911 Truth. In the next excerpt from the Shaun Attwood interview, Gage declares unequivocally that WTC 7 was taken down by a ‘classic controlled demolition’.

Shaun Attwood @ Time Index 3:46: “Why doesn’t the government want people like you looking at this? Wouldn’t they want the truth to come out?”
Richard Gage @ Time Index 3:51: “Uh, I would hope that they would. I’ve found in my own experience that many people are not emotionally or psychologically capable of digesting the implications of the destruction of these towers … uh … by purposeful controlled demolition which is what the evidence that we are going to talk about today actually shows. It changes our world view. It implies a level of conspiracy that most of us are incapable of handling. It brings about incredible fear. Our most fundamental fears that our own authorities are capable of the wanton murder of thousands of our own citizens in order to manipulate us all psychologically to go to war in this case in the Middle East in a false flag operation, which is what governments do to manipulate their citizens by attacking themselves and then blaming it on another country and using that as an excuse to go to war with that country in this case not only Afghanistan but Iraq also and subsequent countries which are still being forcefully occupied in parts … Syria for instance … Libya being invaded etcetera, etcetera.”
Richard Gage @ Time Index 8:00: “… the east penthouse (of WTC 7) has already fallen and then the entire building (WTC 7) comes down uniformly, smoothly as fast as a bowling ball falling out of the sky. This is a symmetrically straight down into its own footprint in the exact manner as a classic controlled demolition, which we have all seen on YouTube or tv, the old hotels in Las Vegas for instance. So, it looks exactly like that and yet NIST in their report attempts to explain it away as a progressive collapse due to fire.”

Taking Gage at his word, let’s consider the 06/14/2016 “Riviera Hotel & Casino Implosion in Las Vegas” starting @ Time Index 1:44. The image below is immediately prior to the demolition charges being triggered. Watching the video, you will faintly hear and see sequences of interior cutting charges. These start @ time index 1:46 underneath the Riviera sign and then proceed throughout the building.


Next, there is a sequential collapse (not a uniform, global, simultaneous collapse) of the Riviera building’s exterior walls, followed by the remainder of the building coming down into its own footprint.

(Numerous videos of the WTC 7 collapse illustrate a uniform, global, simultaneous, silent collapse of not just the exterior walls, but the entire building. This stands in direct contravention of the destructive mechanism being a ‘classic’ controlled demolition and implosion.)


At time index 1:55 much louder, exterior column charges are set off underneath the Riviera sign and proceed throughout the building. The images in the Riviera Hotel video illustrate a classic controlled demolition and implosion with sequential collapse of the structure.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke
Jeremiah 17: 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Continuing with excerpts from the Attwood interview of Gage…

Richard Gage @ Time Index 8:57: “We also do it in our landmark documentary 911 Explosive Evidence, Experts Speak Out and we’ve also made a film about the finite element analysis that’s been done by University of Alaska (Fairbanks) by Professor Leroy Hulsey, one of the top control (sic) demolition experts in the country … excuse me. I got that backwards … one of the top forensic structural analysts in the country and he has dismantled the NIST thesis as well, concluding in this four-year study that it (WTC 7) could not have been destroyed by fire according to NIST theory or progressive collapse for that matter. Their (Hulsey et al) conclusion was that all of the columns in the building had to have been removed basically at once in order for this building to collapse in the manner that it did. And we are talking within a second of each other. Well fire does not have that precision let alone that capability to destroy columns. Fire never brought down a steel frame skyscraper ever in the history of these buildings, a hundred-year history. These steel frames are fire protected with cementitious fireproofing. They don’t … uh … they don’t collapse in fires. So, we have a real problem with the NIST theory and as a result we have submitted a request for correction. In this country we can do that with agencies that commit fraud like this and we are in an appeal process now with NIST and we are about ready to sue them as well if that appeal does not yield truthful results.”
Shaun Attwood @ Time Index 10:54: “So videos I have seen of fireman talking about explosions in the basement of one of the buildings, I am wondering if that corroborates what you are saying or whether you’ve actually spoke (sic) to any of these fire people?”
Richard Gage @ Time Index 11:08: “Well there are plenty of witnesses of explosions of the basements, which shouldn’t be and isn’t according to the official story and yet in the documents, the documentaries that I mention we go into quite a bit of detail and eye witness testimony about just that, one of which was Willie Rodriguez, a janitor in the World Trade Center North Tower, he was standing on the floor in the basement at the B-2 level, 2 levels down and he hears an explosion and he feels it, it pushes the floor up and so the guy comes running in … Explosion, Explosion … his skin is ripped off his arms and there were many witnesses to all of this. And then interestingly about 7 seconds later he hears what he referred to as a ‘Pow’ from up above and that is the plane hitting the building. So indeed, there were explosions in the basement prior to the plane even hitting the building as well as after the plane hit the building explosions throughout the World Trade Center complex, in fact witnessed by now 156 documented eyewitness statements, the work of Professor Graeme MacQueen in which they describe explosions before the towers came down. In fact, most of them immediately before the towers collapsed. And they are very specific about the order of these events. It’s absolutely fascinating and this is backed up by the seismic evidence which shows that the timing of the explosions in the basement occur again several seconds before the plane hit the building. This is very well documented by Andre Russo in 2012 … and a mechanical wave geologist, author of 50 peer reviewed papers and so we have taken this fascinating study of the seismic evidence and included in part 2 of the 3-part series 911, An Architects Guide, A 3 Part Series. This is for lay people and architects as well. And then the explosions before the collapses is (sic) also very well documented seismically by Andre Russo.”

AE911 sued NIST regarding WTC 7 alone, not the Twin Towers. Attwood asks if “explosions in the basement of one of the buildings” corroborate what Gage has been saying about ‘controlled demolition’ as an explanation for WTC 7. Gage seamlessly pivots his song and dance toward the alleged ‘explosions’ at the Twin Towers, never returning to WTC 7 in the remainder of the interview. Remember, controlled demolitions employ numerous cutting charges to sever interior and exterior columns resulting in a tightly choreographed destruction with those explosions being its soundtrack.

Gage declaring the WTC 7 destruction to be a ‘classic controlled demolition’, when there were no audible explosions immediately before it came down, is intentionally deceptive. When and how explosive charges could have been installed in WTC 7, which housed the largest CIA field office outside of Langley, Virginia? The non-structural building content of WTC 1, 2 and 7 had not been evacuated either. Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, HVAC ducting and equipment, plumbing and pumps, toilets and sinks, electrical conduit and electrical wiring, windows, doors, and non-load bearing walls are always removed before any ‘controlled demolition’ is even attempted.


Any forensic investigation (criminal, engineering, financial, transportation) requires satisfactory explanation of anomalous evidence before conclusions can be reached. In the next two video clips, you will not see and not hear any explosions immediately prior to the collapse of WTC 7. It came down uniformly, simultaneously and not in a sequential collapse. The WTC 7 debris pile was approximately 20’ tall and not 15% of 741’ => 111’. Details matter!

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” Arthur Conan Doyle
Mark 13:5 Jesus began by telling them, "See to it that no one deceives you.


The first WTC 7 ‘collapse’ video is 0:23 long and titled, WTC 7 Collapse Full - Do you hear explosives?. Fortunately, both videos have almost identical vantage points and record sound of the event. At time index 0:00, smoke And /or fumes are pouring from the far side of WTC 7.


The taller penthouse structure starts to disappear @ time index 0:03 and is gone by time index 0:05. There were no sounds of explosions throughout the disappearance of the penthouse.


At time index 0:07, the shorter, longer structure located on the roof, to the right of the penthouse, starts to disappear.

Note: Not any of the WTC 7 exterior windows had been removed prior to it coming down. In any Conventional Controlled Demolition (CCD) of an office building like WTC 7, all exterior windows and all interior non-load bearing elements/contents of the building are removed to ensure that the kinetic energy of the falling structural elements is not absorbed and cause CCD to fail in bringing the building to the ground.


By time index 0:09, both the penthouse and the longer, shorter structure to the right of the penthouse are gone.



Immediately after the roof structures have fully disappeared, the full ‘collapse’ of WTC 7 commences @ time index 0:11. At time index 0:12, WTC 7 has simultaneously and uniformly fallen through about 10-12 floors.


By time index 0:15, WTC 7 has fully disappeared behind the buildings in the foreground. There were no sounds of explosions immediately prior to or during its collapse.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Proverbs 16:25 There is a way which seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death.


The second WTC 7 ‘collapse’ video is 2:00 long and titled Ocean Tower and WTC 7 Comparison. The first portion of the video is the controlled demolition of a 37 story, unfinished structure on South Padre Island, Texas. It was brought down on December 13, 2009, by Controlled Demolition Inc. and The Loizeaux Group of Companies. Staccato explosions start @ time index 0:13. The building comes down in a sequential pattern and is on the ground by time index 0:27. A blue background screen with white text then pops up and asks, “If you consider the idea that WTC 7 (47 stories) underwent controlled demolition on 911, what is missing from this clip?”


Above is Barbara Crowley, NYU Medical Center (nurse?) @ time index 1:12. Behind the white bus are the same foreground buildings seen in the previous video. At time index 1:29 the roof top penthouse structures have silently disappeared, as in the prior video. When WTC 7 starts to come down (all the walls falling simultaneously without any explosions, no aural signature) everyone around her gasps. And then she turns around.


With the camera looking over the top of her head (below image), she asks what just happened and is told WTC 7 just went down. Understandably, she is in shock like everyone else.

Controlled demolitions have precisely engineered and triggered explosions intending the building collapse to be a sequential cascade in a particular direction. For smaller buildings, the debris pile is approximately within the building footprint as before the demolition. Taller buildings spill more outside of the original footprint. And if the building is too tall, it is taken apart and not explosively deconstructed … blown up.

The assertions made by Gage/AE911/Hulsey/et al that WTC 7 was brought down by ‘classic controlled demolition’ are risible at best. Physical evidence overcomes virtual simulations or animations no matter how pretty the pictures or how many times the false story is projected into the public. Submitting false information in a court action, which AE911 has done, creates potential legal exposure for that party. Worse still, it delays and damages the effort to bring the real perpetrators to justice. Gage/AE911 have been at this for over a decade. Are they guilty of naïve misinformation or purposeful disinformation?

World Trade Center 1 and 2 – Absence of Almost Everything

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer
2 Thessalonians 2:3 No one is to deceive you in any way!


The stacked images to the left are from the movie Trading Places. They anchor the mind’s eye in the staggering height and iconic architecture of the Twin Towers. WTC 3 is behind and over Murphy’s left shoulder. The trident shaped lower columns of WTC 2 frame Akroyd. WTC 1 was 110 stories and 1368’ tall. WTC 2 was 110 stories and 1362’ tall. WTC 3 was 22 stories and 242’ tall.


“The material expenditures on the towers were enormous; 192,000 tons of steel, 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, 43,600 windows with 572,000 square feet of glass, 1,143,000 square feet of aluminum sheet, 198 miles of ductwork, and 12,000 miles of electrical cable.

The towers also provided an extraordinary employment opportunity for the construction workers of the region. More than 3,500 people were employed continuously on-site during construction.

A total of 10,000 people were involved in its construction. Tragically, 60 people were killed during construction.”

“It is never wrong to do the right thing.” Mark Twain
Job 29:16 I was a father to the poor, and I investigated the case which I did not know.
Job 29:17 I broke the jaws of the wicked and rescued the prey from his teeth.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


The above image was taken before any clean up activity had started. The center foreground is all that remains of the 1368’ tall WTC 1 Tower. Controlled demolition of WTC 1 should have produced a debris stack height of 15% x 1368’ => 205’, more than twice height of WTC 6. The WTC 1 debris pile within the remaining perimeter columns is less than 20’ tall. A pancake collapse of WTC 1 would have generated a debris stack the same or higher than controlled demolition. Neither controlled demolition nor a pancake collapse can cause steel, aluminum and concrete to dis-integrate into dust. Immediately behind the scant remains of WTC 1 is the gutted WTC 6. Behind and to the right of WTC 6 are the remains of WTC 7. The WTC 7 debris stack is also significantly less than half of the 93’ height of WTC 6.



Along with the chamfered corner columns, there were 19 tridents per side and 57 columns above the 3 into 1 columns. Above ground, the exterior column length was an estimated 304,000 linear feet and the core column length was an estimated 64,800 linear feet for a total of 368,800’ or 69.8 miles, sufficient to reach across New Jersey and into Pennsylvania. The network of exterior columns was bolted together in panels (approximately 4,180 in total) of 3 columns with overlapping steel belts or spandrels.

The Truth Has Consequences

“A lot of people are saying we should somehow control or restrict arms. And I would ask the question:
Are we under any less a threat of tyranny from Washington than we were in 1787? I would say no.” Walter Williams
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, that person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.

The information contained within these few pages is sufficient and necessary to declare that both the official 911 narrative and controlled demolition explanations for WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7 are indisputable frauds. Simply stating the official story to be false is specious virtue signaling. By proclaiming provably incorrect destructive mechanisms (controlled demolition, bombs-in-the-buildings, nano-thermite, mini-nukes) for WTC 1, 2 and 7, Gage, AE911 et al risk immunizing the actual perpetrators under the double jeopardy prohibition. Disinformation 911 Truthers (Richard Gage, Leroy Hulsey, Alex Jones, David Ray Griffin, Stephen Jones, James Corbett, Kevin Ryan, Ted Walter, David Chandler … ad nauseam) and their sycophant followers do serious damage to the cause of bringing the actual 911 perpetrators to justice.

Where Did the Towers Go? - The Evidence of Directed Free Energy Technology on 911 are Toasted Cars (1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from Ground Zero,) and Hurricane Erin (headed directly for NYC land fall later that day).Only Dr. Judy Wood has provided consistent, accurate, all-encompassing explanations for what actually took place at the World Trade Center Complex on September 11, 2001, see these videos at

or Two of the many topics explained in her magnum opus



The US FedGov explanation for 911 is a false flag LIE! The Global War OF Terror against Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, etcetera and was launched because of that lie. 4.5 million innocent lives, 38 million displaced and $8+ trillion have been the costs and rising. Since 09-11-2001, virtually every past and present member of the House, Senate, Executive, Judiciary, Intelligence Services, civilian and uniformed US Military command structure have undeniably covered up 911 Reality, committing prima facie high treason and unleashing the totalitarian Surveillance State on We the People via the USA PATRIOT Act. 911 was/is a trauma-induced, mind control operation. The correct determination of WHAT HAPPENED must precede any declaration of WHO ACTUALLY DID IT.

“If you find from your own experience that something is a fact and it contradicts what some authority has written down, then you must abandon the authority and base your reasoning on your own findings.” Leonardo da Vinci

As self-governing citizens of a constitutional republic (it is not a democracy), We the People are ultimately responsible. We must hold our agents - the States, US FedGov and military - accountable for war crimes. We must demand and accomplish the immediate cessation of all overseas military actions and return all troops. ALL the perpetrators and ALL those in authority must be prosecuted with extreme accountability for crimes against the peace. Biblical Christians are to be truth tellers. This document is an effort in that regard. It may be freely reproduced and distributed only in its entirety, so long as there are no modifications, changes or misrepresentations of it and the original source materials.

The Miracle of Directed Energy Technology on 9/11

Sep 26, 2015, By Tom Farrar Talley

The fabric of the human mind is flexible, but the strings of credulity can only stretch out so far, and then incredulity settles in. The New York Times reports today that Pope Francis will visit the National September 11 Memorial Museum at Ground Zero in NYC, and view its exhibits.


The image above depicts an artifact residing in the 9/11 Museum of an open Bible fused to a hunk of steel wreckage, with some of the steel overlapping the pages after it was softened by extremely high heat, or some other process. How could this happen and not have burned the paper? Was it a miracle? Is such a thing even possible in the physical world? And yet, the result can clearly be seen.


When shown this artifact of the bible fused with steel, will the pontiff proclaim it a miracle? Will he designate it as a holy relic? Or, will he state: “This is impossible! Bible paper burns at 451 degrees Fahrenheit, just like Ray Bradbury wrote about in his book.” The auto-ignition point of paper has a range of 440 – 470°F, depending on the type of paper. Steel melts at 2500°F. When the pope inspects the opened bible paper fused to the steel, will he find burnt paper, or even any scorch marks? No, not if his eyesight is corrected to 20/20.

Bible paper, of low acid content and thin manufacture is very combustible. Soldiers during World War II, when out of cigarettes or rolling papers, would tear pages from their pocket New Testaments and use the thin paper to roll their cigarettes from loose tobacco and the makeshift papers proved burn evenly.

How then, did this artifact of bible pages become “fused” with steel, without the paper combusting into a blackened mass of ashes? Thanks to the pope and his visit to New York City, much needed attention will be brought upon this anomalous artifact, which could prove successful in helping to solve the puzzle of the destructive process at work on 9/11.


Revisit that day, and remember all the images of showers of paper floating down through the air and scattering all over the sidewalks and streets, when the towers were destroyed. These papers were intact and surely not burned. What process was at work that could turn steel and concrete towers to dust, and yet not affect paper?

A process used in directed energy technology can cause a dissociation and alteration of the molecular structure of metal, to fuse with combustible objects and appear as if the materials melted together, but with no discernable evidence of heat or combustion.

So evidently, a technology exists which can accomplish those results, the results seen in the bible papers fused to the metal, steel. This is not a miracle, other than this technology being able to appear miraculous to most people. Arthur C. Clarke once opined: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Other forces were at work the day of 9/11, other than magic or the hand of the Divine.

Very much related to this anomalous artifact in the 9/11 Museum, is another one found in the ruins of an almost forgotten and seldom mentioned building which was immediately destroyed on the morning of 9/11,
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church, just across the street from the southside of the South Tower, or WTC-2. When retrieval of the relics in the church was undertaken in the following days, only a few pieces survived.. and one find was called a miracle.


“The great miracle, [...] was the recovery of an icon of St. Spyridon. The silver around the icon had melted, but the paper icon had not been burnt.”

This discovery was one of the church’s most holy relics, and it was declared a miracle because the silver onlay applied to a paper icon of St. Spyridon had “burned off”, leaving the paper intact and unscorched. The melting point of silver is 1,763°F.

So, will Pope Francis also, like the Greek Orthodox Archbishop Demetrios, declare the bible paper fused to steel artifact a holy relic, and now, a miracle? Or, will he assign responsibility to the science? Or, would he rather the unknown science of directed energy technology remain unknown, and suppressed?

Probably the best collection of evidence making the case for a directed energy technology at work and used as a weapon on 9/11, can be found at the website of a mechanical engineer named Judy Wood, Ph.D - and in her landmark book: ”Where Did The Towers Go?”.


Besides the fused Miracle Bible, another example of other-worldly technology on display at the 911 Memorial is Ladder Company 3 truck. Its damage signature see below is wholly inconsistent with aviation fuel fire, falling steel column debris, falling incendiary fires or controlled demolition. The back end looks ‘wilted’ or stepped on by a huge invisible foot.

No Planes. Not Kidding.

Self-evident facts declare there were No BigBoeing jetliners involved in the 911 events. Such a statement forces certain questions, “What really happened? Who/What/How caused the destruction on 09-11-2001 and Why? Who are the innocent? Who are the guilty?” Some complete answers can be provided and some partial answers can be provided.

WTC 1 and WTC 2

The calculated airspeed for both alleged BigBoeing jetliners was at least 500 mph, which is impossible. Vmax sea level is approximately 300 mph. 500+ mph can only be reached in BigBoeing jetliners at high altitudes where the air is much less dense. Much faster than 300 mph at sea level and the airplane literally comes apart with the tail section, wings and engines separating. The fragility of modern jet airliners was demonstrated on November 12, 2001 when AA587 crashed in Jamaica Queens when overcorrection by the first officer to wingtip vortices resulted in the tail section to fall off and followed by the engines hitting the ground before the fuselage crashed. See further below.

This structural fragility of these airframes should have resulted in the aluminum monocoque fuselages being wadded up on the outside of the Twin Towers like insect leftovers in the plastic netting of a flyswatter. Only the engines, with concentrated mass and material strength, could stand a chance to penetrate the network of exterior columns. Jet airliner structural material, mostly aluminum, would not simply dis-appear upon impact with the buildings.

Evan Fairbanks video, 106 Liberty Street

Part 29: Compilation of Disappearing Wings and other 9/11 Plane Anomalies

9/11 RARE FOOTAGE filmed by Luc Courchesne (Second Impact, After Collapse & Boat Rescue)


The initial impact was a 10-15’ primary hole, centered below the first ceiling/second floor of the building. There was no impact signature from what should have been the two engines, the full span of the wings or the height of the tail section. The structural collapse came afterwards. It is impossible for a large BigBoeing jetliner to:

  1. get that close to the ground without tearing off its engines well before impact and leave gouges in the lawn,
  2. not fully crash on the lawn well before impact with the building,
  3. not flare over the building due to augmented lift known as wing in ground effect

The absence of debris like the engines, wings, fuselage and tail section prove that something other than a BigBoeing damaged the Pentagon.

The alleged American Airlines Flight 77 "plane" was supposedly going 530 mph at ground level (impossible). It allegedly struck 5 light poles without losing its course (impossible).

Fragile aluminum wings get severely damaged at taxiing speed.


There was a single gouge in the dirt. There were no gouges to correspond with the two jet engine nacelles impacting the ground. There was no wing or fuselage debris. The tail section was not in evidence. No BigBoeing crashed into the dirt in Pennsylvania and vanished. “No piece of wreckage was larger than a telephone book. No identifiable bodies were found.”


The official faerie tale for Shanksville is no less absurd, no less impossible than at the WTC or the Pentagon.

It can be known that no BigBoeing jet airliners struck either of the Twin Towers and cause ‘plane shaped holes’. Some kind of aerial platform was likely involved in NYC, but not BigBoeings. It was not CGI from the media outlets but some kind of hollow graphic projection technology akin to Project Blue Beam. Prepositioned conventional explosives could have caused the ‘plane shaped holes’ in the Twin Towers, but other technologies could have caused that damage as well. The first step in comprehending what really happened on 911 is to recognize that trauma based mind control/psychological warfare was and is being waged to embed lies, fraud and deception on not just our nation but the entire world.

Psychic Treachery
Spilt Innocent Blood Worldwide.
No Planes. Never Were.

Psalm 94:16 “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”

Additional Reference

Mark Conlon:

Flight 587: The deadly plane crash that shook the nation

American Airlines passenger plane smashed into Queens neighbourhood, killing all 260 people on board, just two months and a day after 9/11, initially reviving terror fears. Joe Sommerlad reports, 12 November 2021.

Twenty years ago - and just two months and a day after the traumatic events of 9/11 - another tragic plane crash sent shockwaves through a still on-edge New York City.

American Airlines Flight 587, a regular direct flight from John F Kennedy International Airport to Las Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, went down shortly after takeoff, smashing into the Queens neighbourhood of Belle Harbour on the Rockaway Peninsula.

All 251 passengers on board were killed, 90 per cent of them Dominicans heading home to visit family, as were all nine crew members and five bystanders on the ground.

Initially feared to be another al-Qaeda terror attack, the incident of 12 November 2001 was later ruled to have been an accident by the investigating National Transportation Safety Board, which concluded that pilot error and a design flaw were jointly to blame.

The officials’ verdict was that the aircraft’s first officer, Sten Molin, 34, who had been flying the Airbus A300B4-605R at the time, had overused the rudder controls in response to wake turbulence from Japan Airlines Flight 47, which had taken off from JFK moments before 587.

His overcompensation only served to place stress on the plane’s vertical stabiliser, the resulting sideslip causing it to separate from the aircraft and plummet into Jamaica Bay, swiftly followed by the plane’s engines, likewise under duress from the intense forces working against it.

Out of control, 587 dived into a flat spin and slammed into the ground at Newport Avenue and Beach 131st Street.
The disaster was devastating for all New Yorkers but particularly for the city’s Dominican emigrant community, many of whose members lived in and around Manhattan’s Washington Heights area.

“Every Dominican in New York has either taken that flight or knows someone who has,” Belkis Lora, a relative of one of the victims, told The Guardian at the time.

“It gets you there early. At home, there are songs about it.”

Seth Kugel of The New York Times explained the route’s cultural significance when he wrote in its aftermath: “For many Dominicans in New York, these journeys home are the defining metaphor of their complex push-pull relationship with their homeland; they embody, vividly and poignantly, the tug between their current lives and their former selves.”

Reflecting on the disaster again this week, New York Democratic representative Adriano Espaillat, the first Dominican-American elected to Congress, said in a statement: “The tragedy continues to have a lasting impact on the loved ones left behind and our community.

“No matter how many anniversaries pass us by, we must never forget the magnitude of this loss and the impact it will forever have on the lives of countless families across the country.”

Mr. Espaillat will introduce a congressional resolution on Friday “to ensure the memories of every single victim and their surviving family members are not forgotten” and says the incident remains “a visceral wound” for his community, who erected a memorial to the dead at the crash site in Belle Harbour designed by local artist Freddy Rodriguez.
For some Dominican-New Yorkers, the memory of the haste with which the mainstream media moved on from the story once the terror angle had been disproved remains a source of chagrin.


“With 9/11, all New Yorkers and Americans went through grief and trauma together,” Ramona Hernandez, director of the Dominican Studies Institute at the City College of New York, told NBC News.

“Then the Dominican community experienced an additional, large-scale catastrophe. It was very intense. Over 200 lives lost in just 2 1/2 minutes; that is truly unbelievable to comprehend.”

For anyone who lost loved ones that day, their grief is a wound that never heals.

Cid Wilson, now president and CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility, lost his dear friend Felix Sanchez in the crash and vivdly recalls gathering at the deceased’s mother’s apartment on the day, telling NBC: “We were waiting and waiting and waiting... just praying for any possibility that maybe he missed the flight or took another flight.”

Some good did at least come from the unthinkable tragedy of Flight 587, in that it inspired life-saving reforms to pilot training protocol and prompted Airbus to make a series of technical improvements to its planes in order to ensure the same disaster could not be repeated.

911 - The North Tower's Disintegration (Irrefutable cut)

October of 2024

This 5:22 video reveals without any question that SciFi Directed Energy Weapons were used to turn massive steel core columns into dust on 911. Yes, from solid steel into dust, not a phase change from solid to liquid or liquid to gas. The solid crystalline matrix of the steel material was dis-integrated/dustified without any explosion, concussion, flash, sparks or sound. The below screenshots are of the North Tower/WTC 1 destruction event. It was the first Tower impacted by something (certainly [not a jetliner, see videos: Plane physics and 3D Radar Data) on the morning of 09 11 2001. The North Tower came down after WTC 2/the South Tower came down. This dustifying spire (cluster of core columns) has been known to the public for 2 decades, but the US FedGov has not investigated, reported or acknowledged any of this information. The US FedGov were the likely perpetrators/collaborators of 911 events. One thing is for certain, the entire US FedGov has covered up 911 Reality ever since that day, which is a distinction without a difference.

The G-Warmonger-Bush Global War Of Terr'r has always been and is still an empty fraud. Even though satanic Islam is a murder religion, it had NOTHING to do with 911 and neither did Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya and etcetera. Close to 3,000 American people were murdered by the perpetrators in order to launch unfounded wars, committing war crimes that slaughtered over 4 million innocent people. We the People must stand up en masse, take responsibility and remove the cancer that is the District of Criminals.

As the world slowly stirs to reconsider what really happened on 911, direct unambiguous answers are needed. Challenging Questions/Controversy between Where Did The Towers Go and controlled opposition traitors like Richard Gage, Ted Walter, James Corbett, Stephen Jones, Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer, et al. must be directly answered. Simply saying that “the truth is important and we need to follow the evidence” is like saying water is wet. Something like the following must be spoken boldly at every opportunity.

“The world must recognize that Directed Energy Weapons were used on 911 and have been around for decades previously. We, the American People via the consent of the governed, are ultimately responsible for the actions of the UNITED STATES/United States/US FedGov, who are our agents. We the People have to stand up and resolutely fix the problem. The same underlying technology demonstrated on 911 can be used to peacefully power the world with free energy or shatter the earth to pieces like a 1,000 mile diameter asteroid impact. The time for conscious, fully informed choice has now come. Choose you this day who you will serve.”

The same DEW that dustified these steel columns also dis-integrated the almost 3,000 victims with over 1,100 cold case murders remaining unsolved.

About 40% of New York 9/11 victims' remains have yet to be identified. Over two decades after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, New York medical officials are still working to identify about 40% of unnamed victims.

Pay attention to the pair of columns on the left of the spire cluster.

The taller of the two columns sways left to right, crossing in front of the other, shorter column.

A central portion of the taller column disappears with an upper portion still visible.
The shorter of that pair is revealed, looking through what had been the taller column.

The upper portion of the taller column continues to disappear with its length shortening.

The previously taller column of the pair has almost completely disappeared/disintegrated into dust.

Both pair of the columns on the left have now disintegrated into dust. A discernible outline of either of the two columns no longer remains.

The pair of columns has been completely dustified. There is little discernible outline of the original spire cluster.

The entire spire cluster has been dustified. The discernible outline of the original cluster of core columns is gone.


The steel beam members of the original bridge structure have been cut up into pieces by the control demolition explosives. The steel beams have fallen through the explosion smoke into the river. The outline of the bridge structure and the steel beams remain intact.

Watch EXPLOSIVES DEMOLITION | Damaged Wind Turbine



Violent, Loud and Visible explosions at the base of the Wind Turbine, approximately 400 feet tall. Where were the explosions at the base of the Twin Towers immediately before they came down? The Twin Towers dis-integrated top down, opening like a flower, mostly turning into dust before hitting the ground. Where was the violently ejected debris at the base of Twin Towers?



Where is the 900' fallen spire in evidence at Ground Zero World Trade Center?


Actual Controlled Demolition

IMPLOSION | Capital One Tower

September 07, 2024

Integral to the mind control success have been the images of WTC 7 coming down late that afternoon. One must admit that externally it had visual similarities to that of a conventional explosive controlled demolition. But the eye and rush to judgement must not ignore the ear and contemplation when discerning the truth. Lots to see in this video.

Emptied out floors. Details on explosives and building design.

LARGE and TALL debris curtain, of which neither 1, 2 nor 7 had in place. The USPS building immediately across the street from WTC 7 should have been peppered, severely pock-marked, if it had been taken down with controlled demolition.


This is the only pre and post side-by-side picture of a controlled demolition I have come across. It exemplifies the 12-15% rule of thumb for the debris stack height.

  • WTC 1, 2 and 7 were NOT prepared for controlled demolition.
  • When and how would cutting charges be installed, fused and the ignited for 1, 2 or 7?
  • WTC 1 and 2 came down top first with a 2% or less debris stack.
  • WTC 1, 2 and 7 had not been emptied out.
  • There were no sounds of explosions immediately preceding the coming down of 7.
  • Debris stacks for WTC 1 and 2 should have been approximately 200’ tall; those stacks were 20’ or less
  • Debris stacks for WTC 7 should have been approximately 90-100’ tall; it was about 20’.

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Whoa--this is amazing! Unfortunately so many he sent it to are either asleep on 9/11 DEWs or worse.

Yup definitely. Here is the full PDF for reference, I have only added a few pages to the article so far:!As32ynv0LoaIi7J0hWn2iS55sjHANg

I enjoy your content and would hate to it go down into the the dark side of hive because of your self voting. How long do you think your account will shine with your self votes in place?

Thanks for asking. I've been self voting for years so not sure what the issue is. I don't post that often and I rarely upvote my own comments so I think it's fine.

I think it's fine too and all. Maybe they haven't noticed you do it, or they consider you an exemption for some odd reason. But usually most people get the permanent DV for doing so.

Interesting, that's the first I have heard of it. Maybe they were posting short posts strictly for upvotes.

The. You haven't been paying attention the community in that regard. Plenty out there that got their DV and been warned not to.

Not all were, some welhere more or less posting these controversial topics as well, so that might have something to do with it.

oh wow thanks for the heads up. I will keep you posted if this happens to me.

Thanks. But I think I will notice it as well when it does. Hopefully not ever.

But I don't trust any of the high takers here. Hive is based on digital feudalism.