MES Livestream 25: 9/11 Planes Researcher Joins the Show

in MES 9/11 Truthlast year (edited)

Mark Conlon aka 9/11 Planes Research joins the show to discuss the most controversial aspect on September 11, 2001.

9/11 Planes Research Links: Website - BitChute - YouTube - Old Website

DISCLAIMER: Regardless of what the objects in the air on 9/11 were, we will refer to them as planes to avoid being flagged by YouTube's "Hate Speech" guidelines:

YouTube does not allow "Hate Speech" against "victims of a major violent event and their family members" and "also do not allow content that denies that a well-documented, violent event took place."

February 24, 2024 Saturday at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 11 PM CAT

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Stream Notes and Links

911 Planes Researcher.jpeg

  1. MES Links
    • Become a MES Super Fan
  2. Attempts at your life
  3. 11:55 corner of building may have opening / hole for alleged plane:
  4. Singed paper on 9/11??
  5. Bush lying. NORAD practiced hijacker drills against WTC:

  6. International Center for 9/11 Accountability:
  7. Flight 11 was still airborne AFTER it "hit" the WTC:
  8. Field Effects at the Pentagon:
  9. Wheel stuck in steel columns:
  10. Rare photo of WTC 2 "plane":
  11. Charlie Roccaforte photo of the South Tower plane:
  12. Flight 11 airborne AFTER it crashed:
  13. Chris Hampton motorcycle accident, Go Fund Me:
  14. Scott Myers
  15. Morgan Reynolds RFC against NIST
  16. Very interesting analysis of the WTC 1 plane impact debris:
    • wings can't damage steel columns.
    Pentagon lightpoles. 5 total:
  17. Mark Conlon met William Rodriguez (2007) and Dr. Judy Wood (2011).
  18. Richplanet:
  19. Nose out: