MES Livestream 60: 9/11 Disinfo Agents, MH370 Debunking, and Richard Hall Verdict

in MES 9/11 Truth4 months ago (edited)

Join me as I cover a wide variety of topics, from 9/11 disinfo agents that operate every minute of every day, the MH370 teleportation hoax saga that keeps getting more bizarre, to Richard Hall's guilty verdict that exposes the kangaroo court of the British "justice" system.

October 26, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

Rumble Stream

Odysee Stream

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MES Housekeeping

  1. STREAMLINE Housekeeping AND go over main topic ASAP.
  2. MES Links:
  3. Peepz in the chat, please be nice to guests, let them share their story without ridicule.
  4. Streaming on Odysee AND Rumble wowww
  5. October 31 Halloween Thursday POSSIBLE livestream with MH370 creator!
  6. No Stream on Nov 2 Saturday.
  7. MES EMERGENCY ELECTION Stream on TUESDAY November 5 at 1 PM PST.
    • Renewed passport and should visit John in late November / Early December:
    • Nancy gave me the A-Okay to livestream an event for her Hutchison Frequency edibles! Monday November 18! Will be in California from Nov 16 to Nov 20.
    • Nancy and John sent me an edible + music package!
    Fund my trip to John and Nancy Hutchison's lab!
  8. November 16 to 20 Livestream(s) with JOHN HUTCHISON again, this time exposing disinfo agent and psycho-liar Ace Baker and MORE.
  9. November 23rd JFK Livestream with Allen Forrest.

MES Trouble shooting

  1. Double check microphone sound device properties to ensure it is at 100% audio. Ensure Browser / programs are NOT automatically lowering volume:
  2. Increase brightness in web cam.
  3. Mute Web Telegram notifications.
  4. MES stop covering mouth while talking near mic.
  5. Let me know if audio is too low or loud.
  6. MES stop moving the screen during group streams.
  7. Ensure guest is using computer audio and NOT microphone audio only when playing videos.
  8. Can monitor mic and system volume in PRISM Live Studio.
  9. Make monitor 2560x1080 when it glitches out.
  10. Quit and reopen Telegram Desktop to fix window not moving issue.
  11. Speak slower and pronounce words more clear and less monotone.

Stream Notes and Links

911 Disinfo MH370.JPEG

Random Notes

  1. Methylminer shipped a package of Vitamin C and a pill making machine!
  3. Ashton Forbes Birthday yesterday!
  4. Joe Rogan discusses the lack of damage to Trump's ear (cuz he was never shot LOL).
  5. MES EMF 9/11 video turning into a GIANT documentary sifting going through 20 hours of Live Footage. War with Iran (WW3) is coming :(
  6. Former demolition worker knows 9/11 was DEW:
  7. Kazimir Rules deep dive into 9/11 alleged passenger, ring in rubble, and other connections:
  8. 9/11 car door handle fuming:
  9. Toasted car parking lot on 9/11 was toasted right after the first impact and got exacerbated after the 2nd!
  10. DoD lethal use update and Trump EO pre covid:

9/11 Disinfo Agents

  1. Gene Laratonda pushing bogus building swayed upon impact hoax which is VERY easy to disprove:
  2. Gene blocked me after exposing his high heat myth:
  3. Gene's disinfo colleague gerrycan1 posts instantly and gaslights people with bogus "how much energy does DEW require" nonsense:
  4. Gene copies and pastes and posts ChatGPT like responses to my one-liners.
  5. Gene photoshopped a meme of MES DJW and 9/11 Revisionist LOL ~~~ embed:1848839401859887552 twitter metadata:OTExR2VuZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS85MTFHZW5lL3N0YXR1cy8xODQ4ODM5NDAxODU5ODg3NTUyfA== ~~~
  6. Gene's handlers are likely Richard Gage: ~~~ embed:1848827900277231791 and David Chandler: twitter metadata:TWF0aEVhc3lTb2xuc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9NYXRoRWFzeVNvbG5zL3N0YXR1cy8xODQ4ODI3OTAwMjc3MjMxNzkxIGFuZCBEYXZpZCBDaGFuZGxlcjogaHR0cHM6Ly94LmNvbS9NYXRoRWFzeVNvbG5zL3N0YXR1cy8xODQ5MjA1NDQ3OTUxMzM5ODczfA== ~~~
  7. David Chandler has more dark clown powers than even Alex Jones!
  8. David told me to be quiet because he's speaking nonsense about obvious delayed swaying and doesn't want MES to show irrefutable proof:
  9. David is NOT a seismologist:
  10. Richard Gage doesn't want MES to share irrefutable proof:
  11. 9/11 Revisionist has interacted with disinfo agents a LOT more than I have and he inspired MES to also call them out from time to time:
  12. Miles W Mathis hit piece and slander against Dr. Judy Wood:
  13. Gene Laratonda also patrols fellow disinfo agent Francis O'Neill:
  14. Paul Loveless WILDIN' and his 9/11 theory LOL
  15. 9/11 Revisionist 5 hour marathon on disinfo agents:

MH370 Teleportation Hoax Videos

  1. Yesterday was Ashton Forbes birthday!
  2. Ashton cash video:
  3. Ashton Forbes downplays 9/11 and up-plays obvious MH370 hoax videos:
  4. Throwback to when Ashton "joked" about creating the MH370 videos:
  5. Throwback to when Ashton admits the videos are fake:
  6. Ashton admits he saw and followed the videos back in 2014:
  7. Monumental report on the MH370 and Ashton hoax:
    • Ashton Forbes table of coordinates:
    MES Live debunking: Plane is nearly half the size and going half the stall speed of a real Boeing MH370 plane:
    • Compare with ISS live footage of clouds moving:
    Clouds don't move even at 10X speed in a composite video: ~~~ embed:1811162165602296250 and twitter metadata:TWF0aEVhc3lTb2xuc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9NYXRoRWFzeVNvbG5zL3N0YXR1cy8xODExMTYyMTY1NjAyMjk2MjUwIGFuZCBodHRwczovL3QubWUvbWVzbGlua3MvMjU0Mzd8 ~~~
  8. Andrew Johnson from Check The Evidence was the reason I made the MH370 debunking videos, because he initially believed it, and then I shared another email with him once he flip-flopped:
  9. Bob Greenyer was on my livestream and I avoided brining up the MH370 hoax videos because I can't take them seriously, so I am not sure why Bob is... :(
  10. MES MH370 Teleportation Videos Debunking playlist:

Richard Hall Kangaroo Court Case

  1. Richard Hall lost his BOGUS court case filed by an alleged "victim" of the Ariana Grande alleged terrorist "bombing":
  2. Timeline of the court case and 2023 Richard Update: and
  3. Numerology of 22s was literally brought up in the BOGUS court case... Absolute clown and sad world :(
  4. Richard Hall interviewed London 7/7 documentary maker Muad'Dib that was also harrassed by the legal system: