........KKKKKKShhshshsshshHSHSSHHSSccCHScshccs ( sounds of heavy metallic crunching, the splitting of stone and heavy thundering resound, followed by taxed breath ) please tell me you'r there we have located the holder of the 3rd transmission and it is imperative that they speak with you at once. ( A differing voice begins to speak ) We are held up as safely as possible in our bunker thanks to our friends here from the chain world, there is much to speak of however, so let us not delay. The situation has been developing upon this fractured terra, many factions have been forming and quite quickly, the one that is central to this 3rd transmission is knows as The Iron Faith. The Iron Faith is the most noteworthy and dangerous of all the developing guild like factions, not only because of the number of their members but because of their member's sheer overwhelming power, some exceeding well over 9000.
However their power alone is not why they are so advantageous in this situation, it is because they are the root of the reason the 3rd age exists and Golemancers were born, they see the resource PART as holy relics that belong to the body of their true deity The Machine God and their quest is to rebuild their living god upon this decimated platform and bring about the 4rth age, where all beings and this world itself are transformed into the Living Machine god itself. They covet PART with a reverent ferver and almost insane need to possess all PARTs and decimate anyone who attempts to take them for themselves. By their actions it would seem that to take part for anything other then the Machine God is seen as the HIGHEST blasphemy.
About a cycle back one of our mid rank adept golemancers was out scavenging PARTs with their farming golems and they ran into a zealot of the Iron Faith, the encounter was reported to be cryptic at best, while terrifying. The zealot fixed their gaze upon the adept and said
"All your PART are belong to us!!!" in a monotonous yet direct tone. The adept looked upon the zealot with incredulity, knowing that their farming session was definitely over and maybe even their life. The zealot proceeded to summon a great an unimaginably large golem, who's eyes blazed fire and drooled magma from their enormous jaw, defined by a cruel and unbalanced under bite, wrought with a hungry, crooked and careless grin.
The adept reportedly awoke in an underground facility, filled with a din of sounds they could not make out, yet were uncomfortable and deeply unnerving, they were quite surprised to be alive and seemingly unguarded. The adept snuck around the facility, noticing as they moved that they were uninjured. It was dark and the din grew in the forward distance, yet still not distinguishable. A pale yet warm light granted some vision and it seemed the adept was within the freshly dug space of a bunker, prepped to build further work benches for golemancers. This hypothesis was further verified as they saw a host of workbenches forward and to the left against a seemingly stone and metal inlaid wall cast within slightly brighter warm light.
A hallway could be seen and the din grew much louder there as the adept got closer, and it seemed that was their only way forward and hopefully out and above ground. As they approached the entrance to the hallway, a simple construction almost like a mine shaft reinforced at the edges with a metal forged seemingly from a mix of PARTS and SHARD it seemed, rudimentary but effective and beautiful in its simplicity. The walls were the same as the ones behind the benches and as the adept looked around to take it all in, they saw something within the warm yet pale illumination, on the work bench nearest the hallway. As they moved directly to that bench, they saw what seemed to be a scroll fashioned of the "whitest of papers". They did not have a moment to learn of what they had found for the situation was pressing, though they knew they had discovered something of great importance to The Iron Faith and so hoped they would learn something of great value if they took it.
The adept decided to move further down the hallway and at the end an opening into a large expansive chamber. The chamber was filled with zealot golemancers and their unsightly powerhouse creations, all grouped around what seemed to be other golems, much smaller. All at once the adept knew what the din was, it was the mix of the jeering of the zealots commanding their golems to take parts from these other golems in a brutal display of timing and efficient domination. The adept gasped as they realized that the golems being outright consumed for parts were the 2 farming issue golems that the adept themself had created. The adept fought back tears and rage, for their connection to the farming golems was real and was founded in love, as much love as any creator can have for their creations.
The adept sought to stay clear of mind and emotion and saw there was a stairway. Tho the din was jarring, the adept knew this is the way. The adept left the farming golems behind only because the zealots were way too powerful for the adept to deal with and that they were so intoxicated with the collection of parts the adept realized quite clearly that they would not notice the adept escaping. The adept was correct in their assessment of the situation and the stairway did in fact lead out and was poorly guarded as the zealots were revelling and absorbed in their actions. It seemed to the adept that the bunker was still in its first stages of development and lucky for them that it was, because there were almost no defences and all the members were to interested in PARTs to notice anything else.
The adept knew in their heart that they were free, unfortunately however the farming golems were food for the zealots and their creations. The vast expanses of the broken terra were before them and they did not hesitate to increase the distance, between them and the bunker. The adept chanced a look back at the scene and noticed above the bunker, an extension built upon the roof, taking the look of this world's version of a church or place of worship. The extension was ornate with a strange design on its front facing wall, surrounding a tall central window.
The adept though with sudden gravity that the picture was a relief or depiction of the Machine God and no sooner then the adept thought this they saw standing in the centre of the large window a strange creature staring quite angrily back at them. They both stood for a moment in stillness, eyes locked together regarding each other's existences. The adept wondered what kind of creature this was and then remembered a small type of creature from the chain worlds called a chipmunk, this creature staring angrily at the adept was like a larger person sized chipmunk enclad in an exoskeletal frame, almost looking like a type of golem itself. The adept wasted no further moment and made haste into the expanse in hopes of furthering their experience of freedom.
The adept's story ceases and a moment of silence ensue as you come out of the story like vision the adept wove for you to help gather the situation. The adept then says, and this vital piece of knowing is what is presented to you this day, the writings that were discovered upon the scroll whitest paper. Be mindful that these knowings are vast and deep, a source of advanced Golemancy in itself existeth here, something to take slow and absorb, yet do not dally, the situation is dire and thickening. Upon taking in these knowings you yourself will be a Golemantic adept no longer but a Rebel of Advanced Knowledge.
As the scroll begins to open, knowledge begins to flood upon and within you directly and a clear picture enters your mind as a calm narrating voice directs the vision.
Here we have the Navigation Side Panel, consisting of a few sections, we will start with, Polls, Whitepaper, Statistics and Referrals
- polls is a place were we as G.O. players can vote on topics and provide feedback within game, below is the first demo pole conducted early in the alpha ( you may have voted )
- the whitepaper ( or the scroll of whitest paper that the adept found in our above tale ) is the source of all things G.O. It has been updated to the 2nd version of the paper and still represents the most current state of the Alpha release. Almost all questions a player may have can be answered in this paper on one of its many pages. The link to such a source is also here before you https://yuexn.gitbook.io/golem-overlord/ "Rebel of Ancient Knowledge"
- the statistics area, will show a small screen consisting of the relevant player base information as well as the dynamic information relating to the behaviour of one of the game's native tokens called PART
- also the same screen will appear if you click on the above G.O. icon at the top of the screen, note that this icon also shows under it the version of the game we are currently in and its stage of development as a numerical notation ( we are currently at the time of writing in the Alpha 0.7.80 version of the games development )
- the referrals section is the screen that will show you your account's referral link, how many accounts you have referred and how much hive you have made in total from all of your referrals.
If you have referred other accounts, then a list of those account names will appear below the information shown here in the screenshot
The next area in the Navigation Side panel consists of a number of elements that are engaged activly in the game on a regular basis, such as
- the battles section, which will open up the leaderboard screen, which is to say that you can also get to the battles screen by going through the leaderboard section underneath ones avatar. This screen yeilds a host of information and interactive options.
- the first sorting field we will explore is the, sort by page field. Simply enter a number in the number entry field shown in the below graphic, to immediatly jump to that page. Alternativly one can use the 1, 2, 3, next and last buttons, shown on the upper right of the picture above as well
- the second of which we shall explore is the search by name option, located in the upper left. Enter a name or a part of a name and click on search or press enter ( or return on a mac ) and a specific name or list of names will appear depending on the data entered in the field
- the next variation of the sorting is the sort by claimable stash represented of the upper right of the below screen snip, note you can search by claimable stash from hi to low or low to hi, by simply clicking on the words
- below is an example of sorting by pressing the power icon located next to the claimable stash words, both fortification and faith work in the same way and all of the top page sorting options that are either icons or words, can be paired with the sort by page entry field also shown on the below graphic, in its upper left section. All of these sorting methods can be combined with the first, prev, ####, next, last buttons shown below on the upper right as well
- in the above middle area are 2 entry fields beside a large Fortification icon and a pair of fields beside a large Faith icon. These fields are to hone in on a specific set of perameters. If you wanted to hone in on just the accounts with 7 Fort you would enter 7 in both of the Fort, fields, if you wished to locate the accounts between 5 and 7 Fort as shown below, you would enter such a range. The same goes for the combinations of Faith as well and the dynamic searches that can be defined and initiated including all 4 fields of search for advanced accuracy. You are encouraged to experiment, for this is a powerfull tool and can save you much searching and flipping through pages upon pages of accounts, if you know what or close enough to what you are looking for
- our next exploration of the Navigation Side panel's elements is the Guild section
- by clicking on this section you will be taken to the Guild leaderboard main screen, there are many things to explore and mention here
the first we shall mention here is the list of guilds and the familliar page search options, shown at the bottom of the screen and at the upper area of the screen, represented in the picture above
this page is further defined by the ability to click upon the white sign like options on the right of the screen, which will take you to the below graphic, which is a sub screen appearing on the right of the main guild screen, allowing you to take a visit into any guild that has been created. It also shows the guild applications settings that guild has set within their own guilds options area. One of which is if the guild is accepting applications and weather or not you must first buy a work bench in order to enter the guilds roster via that application ownership of workbench requirement ( work bench costs 5 swap-hive )
-once inside a guild weather just looking or as a member you will see a screen such as this. If you are a member there will be a red LEAVE option next to your account name and a + icon next to a pair of numbers on the upper right. The numbers indicating the number of work benches already purchased and the total number of potential benches, that can be purchased.
- The + icon takes you to the purchase work bench screen, where you can proceed to secure a work bench. ( costs 5 swap hive and to purchase your own bench not only allows you to take it with you if you leave, but you will also receive the purple Artisan title for doing so )
- the other way to enter the work bench buying options in this small navigation pannel in the bottom right of the guild screen, just click on the Buy Work Benches option in the menue. Alternativly the Back to Scavange option is the only way to leave and get back to the main game screen.
- the final option available in the alpha 0.5 Guilds is the ability to create your own Guild, by clicking on the Buy Guild Bunker option, located on the main Guild leaderboard screen and it will take you to the screen below
- once you purchase the bunker for 25 swap-hive ( the cost of 5 Work Benches ) you will enter your newly purchased guild bunker with 5 available Work Benches ( enough spots for 5 accounts ) as discussed further above you can buy Work Benches. A recruited member can purchsae their own or as a guild owner you can purchase up to a maximum of what the guilds current level allows. ( the current alpha lv 1 is 12 total benches or members of the guild )
- there are a number of options here for Guild proprietors, the most noteworthy is the prominently displayed KICK option, beside each Guild member, allowing you to deprive members of their legitimacy within the bunker. The 2 ( # Soon ) sections on the left will be fully covered in the 1.0 Guild release, however they portray a vault section for storing assets, donated by owner and the bunker members. As well as a bunker level and asset sink for the growth of the Guild
- the Guilds Navigation Panel includes options discussed above, as well as the Trade PART and Trade SHARD options that are also located on the main Navigation Panel, on GO's main scavenge screen. Both of these options take the logged in acount over to Hive-Engine to begin trading the chosen asset within a Live Market setting
the invite player option brings forth a simple screen in which to enter a players account name, so as to extend an invitation, towards a potential Guild member. Note that a Guild must have space and unless they have already acted as an artisan and fashioned their own bench, one must be available for them to enter
the Guild Settings screen has 4 main options in the 0.5 alpha. These are the Friendly fire option, which either allows or dissallows the attackiing of other guild members.
the Invite only option which makes it so your guilds members can only gain access to ones Guild if an invitation is extended
the Applicants have to bring their Work bench option, making it so if a player seeks a chance to gain entry into the guild upon applying, they must first craft their own bench
and the ever so prominent big blue, Change Guild Leader button, which when pressed brings forth a name entry field almost identicle to the invitation name entry field, so as to select the new leader of the Guild Bunker
- the Guild Settings page is also populated with an ammount of Guild Crests, to help define ones guild, note that this Crest will appear on every member of your Guild when being seen from the leaderboard / battle screen and on their personal avatars on the main GO scavenge page
- the final option on the Guild Navigation Panel is the Applications screen, which when pressed will populate with all available applicants and will have green and red buttons respectivly to accept or deny their requests
This brings us to the end of our Navigation Panel tutorial and walkthrough and remember to press Back to Scavenge in order to end up back on the main GO page.
As a final note the Accounts option at the bottom of the main Navigation Panel will allow you to select diffeent accounts, by entering an account name in the entry field, as well as be populated by accounts one has already made by purchasing a staff.
After a mild silence and settling of thoughts the Adept's voice rings again, congratulating you on becoming a true Rebel of Ancient Knowledge and to be wise in your application of such things, for so as you can now navigate the broken worlds with tact and grace so too are others capable of such applications, though practice does makes perfect, so practice diligently and teach others if you can, after all it is now one of your responsibilities as a holder of such knowings, to share the knowledge itself.
As a final degree of alignment the representative of the group of chain worlders agains reminds you of the last known coordinants of the Transdimensional Staff that can bring you into the alternate plane of existence, https://go.splex.gg/?ref=eterna
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Love the Evil Iron Faith intro.
thanks eym just going with it, starting to feel really inspired to write G.O. shorts and just lore dive based on , people's guilds, players names and attitudes , what the vibe is on the discord, all that kind of stuff
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/10) @aurikan tipped @eterna