The are you creating reality with your mind question;
I am convinced we are ALL frequency generators. Not receivers ,generators. You can generate the frequency you like ,and you will experience ONLY your own frequency. This is enlightenment ,being 100% in control over the frequency you create ,unaffected by the frequencies of "the outer world".
Now ... The outer world is just a collection ,a dance off EVRYONES frequency... These outer frequency dance CANNOT actually touch you. But because we beleive to be our mind ,and our mind sees ourselves as something within dance of frequencies, we chose to let those frequencies of the dance determine what frequency we will generate, thus creating the illusion that we are something which can be found in that "oputer world". We are not such a thing ,we are conciousness, 1 single thing. Yet in the outer world ,we experience ourselves and dance with ourselves from 8 BILLION different viewpoints (if we count humans only, which i do not btw).