1984 – a sad anticipation of the last two years

in The Rabbit Hole3 years ago (edited)


When we started to be locked down, at March 2020, I said to my girlfriend: be ready to buy cryptocurrencies and gold when the market drops. She was ready, and she bought. She has already offered me a dinner in a fish restaurant because of the good position she took at that moment.
Anyway, people must be ready before it gets too late.
But you know what: usually people understand that it’s too late, when it already is too late. Have you seen the increases in fuel price in Austria, Germany and Italy? They are just pure madness.
Big fuel consumer are stopping their machines. Several ceramic manufacturer, steel transformers and many more are stopping the production lines with the lowest margins. And that means people that are staying home with no work.

Pakistan inflation at 13%. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/feb/10/the-rise-in-global-inflation-the-hit-to-living-standards-across-the-world

Do you see that? In Italy, many people had the compulsory jab to keep working when the swab was not enough. Not anymore.
So people got jabbed to keep working, and many of them was left home anyway, because of the gasoline price. So, who is the fool now?

In Gerge Orwell’s book, 1984, people were distinct because of the colour of their suit: the External Party and the Internal Party.


People going against the Party were condemned to the “damnatio memoriae”, that is a Latin expression meaning the “dissolution of all the memories representing and reminding that person”.
Than the Psycho-police, in charge of controlling thoughts of the people.
And the two minutes of hate, against Emmanuel Goldstein, the opposer of the Big Brother. The name Emmanuel Goldstein is not random and it represents Jesus Christ (Emmanuel in the Isaiah scripts) meaning “God is with us”. Hating Emmanuel means that other Gods are to be replaced.
Goldstein recall the Gold feature, making people thinking to him as a thief or a counterfeiter. And beyond the name, the Big Brother created someone to hate. If the System does not create someone to hate, then hate will be directed in a free way, eventually with specific rules or behavior of the Government.

Source: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-george-orwell-s-1984-revisited-what-oceania-and-israel-have-in-common-1.8262271

Don’t you see similarities with the polarized communication that media spread about no-mask at the beginning, no-vax later, no Green Pass later on? A person or a class of people to hate is the way to keep people focused, asking less questions.
And this is fully part of the so called Information War.

Source: https://world.edu/social-media-can-distort-misinform-communicating-science/

And I am not talking about a simple informational point of view. I am taking into consideration several ways of weakening people that have happened in the last two years: isolation from friends and family, doubts about the real medical truth (changing version every month), financial troubles because of job losses and companies closure, limitations in travelling, restrictions to sport activities, hard rules in schools and money printing.
Well, across the limitation you may be thinking why money printing is a limitation if it gave money to so much people. Well, not all the printed money has gone to people’s pockets or bank accounts. The biggest part was created for financial purposes to support financial markets, that until they do not collapse, they will not have big reflections on your pockets. Unless you are a financial trader or broker and you keep speculating on the market.

And why me and my collabs are so keen on telling an alternative truth and trying to create connections to cryptocurrencies?
We think that cryptocurrencies roots are into a sort of “ordinated-anarchy”, with transparency, democracy of voting and power distribution. They represent an alternative method to move money between people with no central authorities, and an opportunity to protect from inflation, thanks to their controlled inflation (that is different from deflation). Besides, blockchain represent a huge opportunity also for the Decentralized Web, thanks to alternative to Youtubes censorship-resistant like 3S, Odysee, Brighteon, Rumble and many more rising) and other alternatives to traditional social blogging like Hive.


We have the tools, they are improving. Now it’s time to wake people up!


But they count on controlling us with "controlled" crypto...their crypto. Must use privacy coins like Monero and Pirate chain🙏💞

I agree that some cryptos can be "controlled" but I feel that the crypto-pseudonimity + the philosophical current attached to cryptos are going to massively impact on life or at least on their awareness and a wider vision

Oh definitely so, but not only crypto. While controllers will attempt to control, those who refuse will morph back into the old days of small communities and exchanging things, services, and crypto for barter. This is going to be interesting😉

"barter". I started mentioning it one year ago, when inflation was outside the window, due to the FED printing dollars.
And yeah, barter will be very very interesting.
Besides, if you have such small communities in development, let me know where they are, so I can drop by, and barter something together 😎

The Freedom Cell Network is full of communities everywhere now. Many in Mexico and in the U.S. Just sign into freedomcells.org and search for a cell. We have many groups and the directory on Telegram 😉🙏💞

Yeah, just signed up! Thanks for sharing

We sure do have the tools, but we haven't properly tested our ingenuity in utilizing them yet. It is a new hope for the oppressed in the eternal battle of oppressors vs oppressed.

I do agree that de-centralization is the way to move forward!


thanks for your comment and for replying here.
From the very beginning it has been a fight amongst oppressed and oppressors. We are here to create a new party, the free-people, people that will enter the Rabbit Hole, understanding many things and moreover, taking pacific actions.

I like the sound of that, " The free people " . I´m in! (id suppose anyone can at any time declare oneself free). Evrything else is proposporous!

Id like to make a real " group " though around anarco self sustainable pacific action future orientet manifest even... or am i too high?

Have a great weekend bro!


Everyone can declare him/her up free.
IT's just a matter of awareness and few actions. Anyway, here we are gathering free-minded people, explaining practical tools for people to set them free

We are also looking for mods and posters!

Amazing! i´ll do eather one mate, hit me up on the peakd chat ?

I cannot find the chat. Reach me out on Telegram
@ mikezillo

Nicely done, very good read!


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The Rabbit Hole? Joined! I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around :)

Eheheheh, sounds great! See you around!

I read 1984 in mid-2020 with my daughter... and then we moved on to Animal Farm, and then Fahrenheit 451. They were all great, and they all have shades of what we've been seeing recently. Scary stuff.

Thanks for your comment! I too read both of the books when I was adolescent, enjoying the content a lot. That books (together with Brave New World from Huxley) have broaden my mind.
About this latest I will write in one of the next articles

I just finished Huxley's Brave New World a few months ago, but I read that one on my own. One other recent book that I highly recommend is The Plague by Albert Camus. A masterfully told story, but it also shone a light for me on what an actual pestilence looks like. Dark stuff.


I think I can say that I perfectly understand. Anyway, the more pain into the truth, the biggest rebirth opportunity we are facing. I am trying to see (and to make other people as well) it that way. Staying positive and confident in our future

But you know what: usually people understand that it’s too late, when it already is too late. Have you seen the increases in fuel price in Austria, Germany and Italy? They are just pure madness.
Big fuel consumer are stopping their machines.

Time to improve electric cars and alternative fuel. Hopefully there will be a few steps forward in this industry in the near future. And the same goes for self-driving cars. These things should be improved and developed, manufactured, instead of military things. Hopefully these things will improve and reach an affordable price in the future, because nowadays they are very expensive, and they are in their early stages.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Besides technology, we need to make people awareness to evolve. And that is the most difficul part.

Electric cars would be great, however their environmental impact is actually so much worse and detrimental than gas and diesel. Though people may think they're being more kind to the environment by using battery power, what they don't understand is the creation process of it... and that the mining trucks are all ran on fuel and diesel lmao.

Hopefully one day the technology will reach a point, when batteries will be created using an environment-friendly way, and the charging of the batteries can already be solved in an environment-friendly way (for example using solar panels and a charging controller).

1984 isn't the only coincidence. If we are speaking in Real Awoken terms, most of the media that's being pushed out of Hollywood, Netflix, and most film productions are showing us the truth of reality and people think it's a joke or science fiction. They've been showing us these things for decades to desensitize the population for when they finally figure it out. 1984 is an amazing example of what's been going on worldwide the past few years, and more.

Our 2 minutes hate is just watching mainstream news

Our thought crimes are the barriers created on social media

Google tracks and promotes anything that also encourages the current narrative.

These are just a few things I've noticed, off the top of my head, from that novel. It's insane. Watch other movies and you'll see reality more than ever. If a person doesn't see it yet, there's still a chance they will, but most likely it's too late for them.

Thanks for your comment and for sharing your thoughts.
I completely agree with you, saying that unfortunately the most part of people are sleeping into a soft rising paradigma.

I too hope that others will wake up. And that's the reason why we created The Rabbit Hole community

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