In my small closely related community, a concerning trend has emerged from nowhere and it was expected for a very long time and this has demands our attention and collective efforts because it is really having a negative impact on the youths in my community which is the high rate of drug consumption among young people. This issue poses significant challenges and obviously the consequences which will affect the youth life both mentally and health wise
While i was trying to talk with every if my friends involved in drugs to know the factors and ideas that are Contributing to this High rate of Drug Consumption in my community that's not well exposed to the the world of drugs and i discovered several things which was really disheartening for me.
The first one was Peer pressure, and this was because of the exposure of the youths to other communities where drugs intake is very high and when they meet friends that has been into drugs and always telling them that drugs is really good and it has no side effects, they tend to believe them and also wants to feel among.
The second one is the lack of awareness, this is a factor we don't think that has effect and it is one of the biggest factor because they have no proper information on the effects of drugs and they've not been an event or a social gathering where we've discussed about drugs and how it affects life overall.
The third one is stress which is the major key influencers, as we all know qt youthful stage we are mostly stressed out because we are concerned about our future life, love life, academics and every other things. This lists have been the causes of stress in my community.
The final and last one is the easy accessibility of drugs in my community and how less expensive it is to everyone made it more easier to get, and all these lists makes it crucial for us to understand the root causes of all reasons why people take drugs.
Let us talk about the consequences of high drug consumption in the lives of youths in my community that are very rampant that i have noticed among my friends and this includes
Academic performance: there's massive decline in the academic performance among my friends and at some point some of them tend to drop out if school because they can't keep up mentally.
leading to a potential decline in future opportunities: no one will want to offer opportunity in a big industry to a drug addicted person because they are not trustworthy to deliver jobs because they can never give 100% everytime.
Relationships with family and friends will decline: this is one if the major things i have noticed because the friends of drug addict is always a drug addict because they are alway together because their focus shifts from personal growth to substance dependence as they become well addicted to it.
The health consequences is the most damaging part and it's so sad seeing my friends that i grew up going through all these alone because of what they are addicted to. Their Physical and mental health issues keeps declining at their youth age which they are meant to at their prime doing what they love and enjoy their youthful life but now they are not impressed about what is going on and they are not ready to do Anything to influence their live in a positive way.
Even when when they feel like they should stop it, whenever they take it again, they tend to forget everything once again and this keeps repeating every single time because that's what most of them do tell me when we are conversing about their drug intake.
There should be a way drugs intake should be stopped in my community and I'm so happy that they are already addressing the issue of high drug consumption because truly it requires a united fight from our community. Initiatives such as educational programs, community workshops, and support networks can play a pivotal role in raising awareness and providing assistance to those in need and gradually they are providing everything and one of the major role which i love was the part of Engaging with local authorities to enhance law enforcement efforts against drug trafficking and everyone making it available for our youth should be stopped.
It's really unhappy seeing guys i grew up with and also being friends with and i still remember days when we share our aspiration and goals in life. I still remember when we were saying we won't take drugs but now, most of us are already addicted to it. The high rate of drug consumption among young people in my community is a critical issue that demands immediate attention. Works are already in place and I'm sure it will be eradicate soon because we don't want our teenagers to get involved too at their early stage in life.
Peer pressure is always one factor that pushes people into taking in drugs and then awareness, just like you've stated. It is always like, and I do hope people will get to see the damages these drugs do to their life and to that of the people that surround them.