Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
I just joined another interesting community here on the Hive blockchain and I am excited to write my very first post for it today. The community is called just simply Outdoors and it was created by our great fellow Hiver @holm.
@holm said it would be great if all the group members could start with a little intro so here is mine :)
I have been active on Steem/Hive for some 2.5 year now and I have already revealed quite a lot about myself by now so instead of repeating it, I will focus only my relation with the outdoors in this post.
As a dedicated nature lover, I have been attracted by the wilderness ever since I can remember. My earliest memories are probably those of my grandpa (who was a gamekeeper) taking me to the forest where he used to teach my everything he knew about nature, animals, plants and trees.
Then, over the years and decades, I have realized how important being close to nature really is for me as that is my favorite place to relax, sort my thoughts out, recharge my batteries and just enjoy my "me time".
As some of you know, I have been living the life of a digital nomad for years, which has allowed me to live at many different places and visit even more others.
Therefore, I have been privileged to see and experience a variety of different environments and "types of the outdoors". From remote tropical islands of the Caribbean to lush jungles in Central America and deep forests in Europe, I have realized that (at least for me) every natural place on Earth has its own charm and unique atmosphere that I can enjoy.
With that being said, it would be very hard for me to pick just one or two of my favorite natural places so instead, let me take you on a little virtual tour around some of the "outdoors" that I have really loved being in so far :)
Sete Cidades, Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal
Comino Island, Malta
Griffith Park, California, USA
Tulum, Mayan Riviera, Mexico
Silver Lake, Opava, Czech Republic
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Cocora Valley, Colombia
Isla Mujeres, Mexico
Vinales National Park, Cuba
Skalica, Slovakia
Punta Uva, Costa Rica
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
Vltava River, Teletin, Czech Republic
Lagoa Verde, Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal
Guatape, Colombia
I hope you liked this little collection of shots taken by me at various natural places around the world. If you are an outdoor enthusiast too, feel free to join this community and write your own intro :) There are just two basic rules in the community - the posts must be about outdoors and written in English.
Thank you for establishing this community @holm, I am looking forward to checking out what other members will post in there.
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Thank you so much @photofeed! :)
Awesome! I gotta admit your home country Czech republic has quite a few gems of nature itself! Really cool to read a little about your background as well, I would have loved to have some cool grandpa taking me out in nature. I kind of developed that lust by myself. You really have been everywhere though lol.
Thanks for joining in mate!
Thanks for this warm feedback man :) Yeah, the Czech Republic also has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty, even though it is just a little landlocked country in the middle of Europe :) Well, my grandpa was really cool and I still have these sweet memories but I think I would actually end up becoming a nature lover anyway. It just feels like some people have it in them and some don´t. And me being everywhere? Haha not at all mate, still just scratching the surface of what our amazing planet has to offer :)
Thanks for this great initiative again, my pleasure to join ;)
Yes, definitely Czechia rocks. Silver lake aka Sádrák the best! As I say: You can shot amazing photos anywhere in the world. You just need to go down on your knees a bit to get better angle for shooting and there you go 😀
Agreed. Like I mentioned in the post, every place in the world has its charm and it´s only up to us if we find it (and capture it) or not :) And yeah, Sádrák rulezzz! :D
Vlastně úplně na všech těch místech jsme byli spolu :) Krásné vzpomínky :*
Awesome photos my friend. Cool community idea, gonna join it quickly. thanks for sharing these images, makes me want to travel again. Oh wait...there was something...ah yes, the whole world went nuts and is in lockdown :(
Thanks man! You will be a great addition to this community, cannot wait to see your posts there :)
Well, it´s hard to say when and whether at all the world gets back to normal. Right now, we can only "travel" in our photo archives and memories... Where did you guys get stuck in?
That´s the only good thing about it. I did exactly this, browsing through all my photos. such great memories. Stuck in Australia, in a apartement directly at the beach...could be worse :)
Haha that doesn´t sound bad :D
Spectacular collection, all great, memorable shots that convey the atmosphere.
Thanks mate :) This was exactly the goal ;) To convey the atmosphere of these places.
Tu poslední Kolumbii jsem ještě neviděl. Perfektní pohled jako z balónu :-)
Jo tak takový balkon bych si nechal líbit :D ;)
Edit: Aha, vidím, že jsi psal z balónu :DDD
Pokud by to byl balkon na vysokém stromě, tak proč ne :-D
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know every user has their own profile map?
And so does every post as well!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Všude je krásně. Obzvláště, když se ta místa tak pěkně vyfotí ;)
Tak tak :) Stačí mít pozitivní mysl a foťák po ruce ;)
Wow! A good travel collection!
Thanks Sofia :)
Všude na světě je nádherná příroda. V různých provedeních. :-)
No úplně všude už asi bohužel ne, ale na spoustě míst ještě stále ano. Je v našem nejvyšším zájmu chránit alespoň to, co nám zbylo...
To jo. Aby to aspoň zůstalo tak, jak to je teď. :-)
Those are Beautiful photographs and a great collection for outdoors 👌👌👌
Thank you my friend, I am glad you enjoyed it :)
📸 Congratulations! Your publication received a 100% Upvote 📸hello @phortun your post has been voted by @travel2019 follow me in my #traveling community
Thanks :)
Hello, nice to meet you and welcome to the Community.
Your photos are beautiful and crisp. What camera do you use?
Thank you, I am glad you like the shots :) I actually don´t own a real camera, I use just my cell phone (currently Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite).
Your cell is definitely a real camera. It certainly takes a quality shot. Thanks for letting me know.😀
Nice to meet you :)
Hey Barry, nice to meet you too :)