Hi!! Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. Yes!! Please take some photos next time you see Orchids and drop a post here. I would be excited to see them. Also, thank you for the compliments and the encouraging words. It will be a very niche community, but who knows.. maybe there are more Orchid lovers out there than I think there are.
Look forward to your maiden post 😁
Whoa, that was fast. Thank you for your very warm welcome to the community! I already feel like family.
I actually took some photos already and am working on finishing the post before I sign off tonight. Not so sure of our time difference but it's 11:35pm now in my country, Philippines. Since I think we are ahead of most countries above us (Australia and New Zealand times are ahead of us, them being below us), you could be reading my post just after lunch, your time.
I am sure there are millions of orchid lovers out there. It's just a matter of letting them know our community exists. I for one will be spreading the word around.
Looking forward to more posts and members.