Haha, I build those towers too for some of my blooming orchids 😂 I also like them cascading over - looks more natural. Only Phals I stake sometimes.
I love how you managed to capture the shine of the petals, I can never achieve this with my phone camera. It’s a pretty and somewhat easy orchid to grow. Plus I really love yellow orchids!
That speciosa I think I saw at orchid shows, but never attempted to grow myself. I’ll be happy if I keep my other dens alive 😂
I stake them when they get on the way or the spike is just too heavy and tilts the pot. Otherwise I let them grow as they want.
It does seem to be very easy now that I know it can bloom. I bought it as a young one and it was supposed to bloom in a year or two. But it didn't for at least 5 years! I thought I was doing something wrong and she will never bloom (I would still keep it as I like the plant itself too). And then she did :)
Oh Speciosa... it is doing great and starts to look like a giant :D Maybe this year will show some flowers... maybe not.
I generally like Dendrobiums, but not all will grow in my hot climate and until I learned that I killed quite a few nice ones.
Same here with staking.
Also similar story with my Bulbophyllum. It was growing healthy, plump bulbs, but never flowers. Already decided he probably doesn't like it in my house when it finnally bloomed. I was over the moon :)
As for Dens Nobile... I guess I just don't like them as much as my other orchids and they feel neglected ;) Other Dens though seem to be doing much better. Maybe finally some blooms!?