The delicate "Teresa"/ La delicada "Teresa" [ENG-ESP]

in Orchid Lovers6 days ago (edited)


Yes, I call this orchid plant: Teresa, in honor of those who gave me a part of her treasure.
He came to my life when I was a newly graduated and she just a tiny green wonder.
It came from two special beings, of whom I have already spoken but so important in my life that he always remembered them with love.They were an elderly couple;My design teacher and guardian Carlos Maseda, father of the theatrical lighting design in Cuba, and she, Teresa, her wife, training pianist and pottery by vocation.
Both gardening lovers, their house in the Miramar neighborhood was a true botanical refuge.

I remember that, when I still lived in my friends' house, one Saturday afternoon I saw for the open window of the living room a rare and tiny flower that was not before.I got up and went to make sure what species it was and I saw this precious variety of orchid.


With the passage of time Tere gave me a "son" of the plant and for 15 years he has adorned my patio, prosperous and alive.



Carlos and Tere are not there, they died a few years ago and the gift gift blooms every December in tribute to Carlos's physical departure, as if "Teresa" my plant would like to remind me of such a special being for me professional and personal life and the meaningExtraordinary floral gift: the imperishable friendship.

I thank the lovers of the orchids of this community who have stopped to read and enjoy the beauty that I try to share with the images of this post.

The rights to text and images belong to me

The banners were designed by me through Canva




Si, así le llamo a esta planta de orquídeas: Teresa, en honor a quien me regaló una parte de su tesoro.
Llegó a mi vida cuando era una recién graduada y ella apenas una minúscula maravilla verde.
Vino de manos de dos seres especiales , de quienes ya he hablado pero tan importantes en mi vida que siempre los rememoró con amor. Ellos eran una pareja de ancianos; mi maestro de Diseño y tutor Carlos Maseda , padre del diseño de iluminación teatral en Cuba, y ella, Teresa, su esposa , pianista de formación y alfarera por vocación.
Ambos amantes de la jardinería, su casona en el barrio de Miramar era un verdadero refugio botánico.

Recuerdo que, cuando aún vivía en la casona de mis amigos, un sábado en la tarde ví por el ventanal abierto de la sala de estar una rara y minúscula flor que antes no estaba. Me levanté corriendo y fui a cerciorarme de qué especie se trataba y allí ví a esta preciosa variedad de orquídea.


Con el paso del tiempo Tere me regaló un " hijo" de la planta y desde hace 15 años está engalanando mi patio , próspero y vivo.



Ya Carlos y Tere no están , murieron hace unos años y la orquídea obsequiada florece cada diciembre en homenaje a la partida física de Carlos, como si "Teresa" mi planta quisiera recordarme a un ser tan especial para mí vida profesional y personal y el sentido extraordinario del regalo floral : la amistad imperecedera.

Agradezco a los amantes de las orquídeas de esta comunidad que se han detenido a leer y disfrutar la belleza que trato de compartir con las imágenes de este post.

Los derechos sobre texto e imágenes me pertenecen

Los banners fueron diseñados por mí mediante Canva



Estupenda historia que leo con agrado. Esas orquídeas están en buenas manos.
Gracias, querida amiga 📍

A ti amigo, por pasar y comentar

What a beautiful tribute to Teresa and the special people who shared her with you! It’s amazing how plants, especially orchids, can carry such deep personal meaning and connect us to those we cherish. Your words paint a vivid picture of their kindness, wisdom, and love for nature. It’s touching to see how their legacy lives on through Teresa, not just as an orchid but as a symbol of the treasure they shared with you. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story in our Orchid Lovers Community!

I appreciate your beautiful comment, it is moving to see how the history of my orchids is appreciated in such a lovely way for you.Those are the true treasures that keep the magic of the orchids.

Your post made us smile.
Now let BHR make you smile.
There’s a reward waiting in your wallet.

Thank You very much 🙏🏻🫂

¡Ese jardín tan hermoso que tienes alberga maravillas!


¡Carlos y Tere permanecen en cada retoño que florece en tu jardín!

Así es !!! ❤️🙏🏻

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Oh, Thanks a lot.It is a pleasure to publish in this community