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RE: What Is Freedom And Is Humanity Worthy Of It?

in Deadpost Initiative5 years ago (edited)

You're welcome.

I do realise we may be better of without national governments and maybe even local government. However, I can't figure out what it means when we truly have to take care of ourselves, including defending ourselves against harm done to us. As you say, there will always be individuals who will do unnecessary harm to others. Therefore there will always be the treat to ourself of someone else doing harm to us. Even if we would live in a very peaceful community; We have to be awake for someone doing harm to us, whether this is someone from within the community, or someone outside the community. Wouldn't this bring us in a state of fear constantly? The same (or at least a very similar) 'fear' governments are using to keep a society together?

EDIT: HIVE is like STEEM, lots of money grabbing ongoing, no time to read long form posts, since when doing so and thinking and then writing a response, eats too much of most users time they like to use to get more money from the reward pool. Very unfortunate, but in my view very true! Will this change over time? I hope so, but I doubt it :( Social networking and rewarding in the way Steem and HIVE does, is likely gonna fail over time. Patreon type of rewarding is likely the future! Ie tipping and rewarding using funds that are available from other sources then a free money generator like the Steem/Hive reward pool.


Traditions and ways of life are born through how we raise our children. While we are too numerous to all scatter individually, we can create a new norm within a few generations.

I myself would be off to the mountains alone in a heartbeat. Ppl stress me out more than they ease my feelings of loneliness.

I think the key is to get back to our tribal roots. Smaller groups self-govern more effectively and turn out better stewards of the Earth.

Large groups are where issues, control and armies arise.

I tend to agree with you small groups are better over large groups. Small groups have the social control as a prime element. This however requires geo located tribes and groups, no digital/virtual groups as some of the crypto fanatics think the new world will look like. We need to break down the globalisme though. In small tribal groups, the concept of global almost monopolistic organisations will not work...or better said, when we have those large organisations, we will have great difficulty transforming to a small tribal group world society.

Why dont you move to the mountains already today? Or you done so already? Guess thats gonna be the only way to transform from what the world looks today into this tribal way of living. Lead by example. The more start living in smaller communities, the more the mass will be exposed to this way of living, in one or the other way.

I will be going full nomad when the elderly couple I care for pass on. The link in my profile header is my detailed Introductiin which will give you an idea how I plan to do that.

And, I agree fully with what you said above.😀

Super interesting! Though very far from how I go through life (I use the system rather than escaping it I suppose), I love the way you go about your life! Now I understand where you coming from, and you are well prepared to go and live on your own at whatever remote place you like to go. I would need someone helping me all the time for a long time, since I hardly build with my own hands (for all I do, I sue my brains not my hands), though I know I can learn anything and done building stuff when I was really young.

Also good to see quite a few of your posts get some rewards, more than average. Based on your Intro post, well deserved!!!!

You probably will notice, but started to follow all your accounts. Now, for a long time I'm planning to update my follow list so I can actually use it. Now I simply have too many I follow to be able to pick out the most interesting post. I tell you this because though I followed you, I may not see your posts until the moment I start using my FEED again. Plan in action and maybe this conversation promoted the priority of this activity a bit more.

EDIT: Owww, also wanted to respond to how you grew up. Difficult and unwanted from outsiders point of view, but as you said yourself, it made you the person you are now; You got some positivity out of it. My upbringing was not so much a struggle in living in a poor environment and poor parents, but due to the mobility of my parents job, I spend most of my childhood and teens in boarding schools. Different to the norm; Most of the time away from my parents; Also seen be outsiders as 'poor you', but also I don't see it like that. For instance, I learned taking responsibility already very early in life, something that made me who I am today. I also learned how to survive in the midst of a large group of kids; all the time; it's like being in school but then 24x7; Can be tough, but one learns quickly to be nifty to make sure you won't become the one everybody is going after all the time :) Guess that helped in my 'solving problems' skills :)

Thank you very much. I actually decided to consolidate and only use this account going forward.

Splitting it up is hurting my ability to grow here.😀

Yeah I know, used some other accounts in the past as well, now am using my alt accounts for specific curation tasks, but only us my master account for publishing posts. Anyway, all your alts are in my follow list and who knows, I'll be using my FEED sooner than later hahaha

Did an update to the comment a few times, maybe you missed the last update; So if you are interested, check it :)

I did miss the edit. There are many ways to live and have similar experiences to those with much different lives. I believe yours also conditioned you to survive, whatever life throws at you.😀

You're absolutely correct. Although I can buy everything I need, and even more than that, I can spend vacation in any location I like and rent myself a bed, and buy my food and whatever I need, I think regularly how it would be to live kinda offgrid. At one point in my life I was thinking to buy myself a van, rent out my apartment, ditch my job and start endless touring Europe while earning my money through eg blogging :) But then I discovered blogging is not at all sufficient to pay for the petrol and food alone :) But I do hope at some stage in my life I'll be ditching my city life, my apartment and get my ass over into some house in the countryside where I can setup a workplace of whatever sort and start doing other things then just using my brains and fingers to operate my phone and laptop :)