prechyrukky cross-posted this post in Deadpost Initiative 5 years ago

Anxiety And 20's

in GEMS5 years ago



We take a great deal of our time worrying, feeling scared about the future and failing. Why don't we use that time to plan our success?

Hey, Good day readers.

I didn't know the energy behind that statement but I said it to a young fellow a week back. A friend messaged me on WhatsApp and he asked me a thoughtful question which was "Are you not scared of your dreams?" It was quite a thoughtful question coming from a young man approaching 20. I once watched a YouTube video about anxiety associated with people in their 20's and I got to learn that I am not the only one in the boat of anxiety.

When I made 18 I was so happy that I'm finally an adult and can make some decisions on my own, go to parties and all, legally take alcohol even though I don't drink but I was glad to know that I can drink if I want. But last year when 20 came knocking at the door I became filled with this anxiety was so scared of my own skin. As each day passes by it felt as if my life wasn't making any good progress. I felt as if I wasn't doing enough and I am getting too old and the world was walking past me.


My peers/agemates around me don't have such anxiety I think or maybe they do but they are not showing it like me. But I realized early this year that instead of troubling my heart and mind if my future is going to be great or not. I should be working on the future I want for myself. And that's what I am doing right now even though I do feel this isn't the best I can do but I'm glad to be doing something good then always having the thought that I will fail.

What I say to my friend "instead of using your time to worry about failing, use it to plan your success." It was not just a piece of advice to him, it was also a way of me advising and motivating myself to fight off every hunch of failure and anxiety I'm having. And using my time and brains to get productive instead.

Are you living with anxiety? please I will love for you to share your story so that we can learn from each other or maybe you have lived with anxiety in the past? Will love to know how you scale through

Thanks for reading. I remain @prechyrukky