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RE: Are We At Our Breaking Point? More Hostile & Volatile Days Still To Come

I have a lot to say about the crap happening right now but I am keeping it to myself as it would hurt my feelings of the sheeple around nowadays!
I have enough negative in my life at this point and time. I am trying to just do me and mine and get it done.

it is good to get it out and move on but I do not think that would be the end of it if I started sharing my views on this crap we are seeing right now in the U.S. I will leave it at that! Have a great day and be safe!


I understand your feelings. My hubby works with guys in his shop and they are always voicing their opinions and thoughts; then he comes home to relay to me what they've said. There is a lot of hostility, anger and fear among the masses right now- which is understandable. But being able to control those reactions and thoughts is necessary right now.

Hope ALL is well with you and your health (knee)!

The knee is doing ok as long as I do not kneel down on it or it will dislocate and that means another surgery! Just one day at a time.

I have a lot of anger about what is happening with these riots right now and with other things happening in other facets of my life. I would say some of it I guess would be shock at how stupid and blind people can really be. I would have to say common sense is not so common anymore.

I hope you and your family are doing well. Best wishes to you!