Being retired, I am fortunate enough to not have to make executive decisions, I was also fortunate enough for most of my career to not have to make executive decisions, (except the last 5 years of work life). My particular job also was not conducive to a work at home situation.
I did prefer the late shifts and the midnight shifts, and to this day I still have a hard time doing anything pre-noon wise. I have gotten better at getting up in the mornings, but I still like the night. I do my best work when dead tired so the first hour I wake up and am still groggy I think pretty good, the last hour before sleep cycle starts I think pretty good. If my wife needs me to get an answer for what ever then we will be up all night until I am totally dead tired and then the answer will come.
So I guess the best work time/solution solving time is at the point of exhaustion for me.
You think better when at the point of exhaustion? That's odd...I mean I've often had to make decisions under pressure and fatigue, but I'd say my best decision-making time is when I'm fresh and rested. I'm looking forward to making executive decisions when I don't have to punch the clock for someone else...Should I sleep in, or not. Should I go hiking or people watch at the café? Should I take a road trip around the countryside for a month or so or fly back to New Zealand?
I know it seems odd, but I really am more creative when I am tired, and when I am super tired is when I start to see other options that I may have missed, that surface I guess from the subconsciousness. I was always able to think clear at normal times, but my best thinking was exhaustion.
If the strategy works then roll with it. I prefer to sleep when I'm super tired. 😁