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RE: Executive decisions

Off to the cafe! good call. also a good call on the entire breakfast. I find it easier to block out ambient noise, from say the cafe, over office chatter as well. I think in the office I am so used to eavesdropping so I can answer questions quickly, rather than listening to the same un-watered down version later. I suppose it's my OCD that makes me want to be apart of everything all the time. No clue, but your right.. it sucks and I hate closing my door.

The first part of your post sounded like a cover letter to a resume.. hehe


Maybe someone should create an office with a cafe-feel?! How productive would it be!

Oh yeah, my CV intro. Give me a job? I'll show up 20% of the time and be at the cafe if you need me! Or home. Or hiking. Or anywhere else but the office. 😁