Fair is in April here, and it was cancelled this year due to the Pandemic. Too bad, so sad.
I actually live well on an extremely limited budget, poverty line stuff. I am able to do so because I limited my exposure by owning my house outright, driving a shit box car and avoiding impulse chasing. I made some seriously bad choices during my working days that severely limit my income now. But I did something all the time, and had a hell of a lot of fun doing so. It's a good trade so far as I am concerned.
My favorite "It's my mamma's fault because she once put me on the potty chair backwards, scaring me for life."
I've made my choices. I regret a few, but live the consequences of choice every day and generally with a smile. It's all my doing, but it's pretty damn good all in all. I am the outcome.
The best thing about the fairs when I was a kid were the baked potatoes. @galenkp knows what I am talking about.
Bad choices is what youth is for - but I feel that "youth" is now considered anyone under 40 :D
The incredible reasons some people have for not being able to do some things continually surprise me - not that they have an excuse, but they can bring themselves to validate ridiculous reasons.