In regard to what you said about being reminded that you enjoying the challenge and performing better under pressure thrive in more creativity and result I am reminded of a truth that has always stuck with me. In order for us to grow... we have to move past our comfort zones and experience the growing pains of expanding and stepping out into the unknown. I find that to be true in my experience anyway. It can be quite uncomfortable moving the boundaries of what we have grown to find as our comfort zone. I think you would more than likely agree that comfort will lead a majority into a state of apathy. Necessity is the mother of invention and sometimes being creative in figuring out how to achieve or thrive in adverse conditions can fuel passion, for better and for worse. Thank you for always offering thought-provoking contributions to this community. I am sorry i haven't been as connected or consistent in my place here. I appreciate your model of example and consistency in creativity enduring the challenges that you have. So glad to be back and see the opportunity here that was lost and forgotten over "there." It has become a Steem-ing pile. Plus Hive will much easier to work with as far as art is concerned. Have a good one!
For sure and I think that where we seek comfort now is in consumption - depressed people often eat a lot of food, now they eat a lot of entertainment.
Glad to see you around here now and hopefully things are going well on your end.
Thanks brother! Things are going well. I wrote about it a little in my first Hive post. I am waiting for immigration in Sweden to get my residence permit in order... so for now i am back in Texas. It's been an interesting time and I am sorry i didn't communicate with you better when my activity started to decline for delegation reasons. I feel like i let you and the community down... but lessons were learned! I was very active playing Steem Monsters though... but that doesn't count in my book. Glad to see they and all the good ones have come on over to Hive. I laughed when you answered about the Sun comment. Great to be back and thanks for the love. Glad to see your family is doing well. I know it's been tough but the Small Steps aren't as small as they once were! Take care. And just for old time's sake....
