 5 years ago  

It was heaps of fun! It's always much more fun when you don't need to be careful as you know that it doesn't need to be put back together again!

Oh I admire your ability to dismantle this! No wonder you are so good with this, music is as complicated as a laptop, even more lol.

I think your daughter loved this. Such a quality time! You set an example of how parents should spend their time with their kids. Very constructive! Congratulations, I can see you have a good time management. You make time for music, for kids, for yourself. Good job!

 5 years ago  

We have a decent work-life balance... something that I've been really happy about... although, with COVID... there is much less work... still, that does leave more time for family, but still... some work would be nice before it gets too tricky!

Family time is always the most important! I am sure things will work out, they always do