I believe it's good to find ways to work smarter. And that requires planning and long term vision. Instant gratification pulls people to not only debt, but also poor jobs, poor marriages, poor character. Self discipline is mandatory for success. Few are willing to do the work if they do not see instant results because they lack vision. They lack a mindset set on quality performance.
People are great in finding excuses to not change. It's my bad relatives, it's my ex, it's the economy, it's my debt, it's my neighbour etc. Excuses are not for the winners. Winners never quite because they always have a vision, big bright vision, for their future. You can't force someone to change for the better. You can guide the horse to the water, but you can't force him to drink.
Hive is a reflection of human nature at its basics.
I say it is like exercise - you can't benefit from someone else doing the work.
Which makes it super interesting :)
Oh yes, Hive is definetely very very interesting for me too. Especially for the minds which it has here. The brilliant ones. I like it