I got my job 2 years ago.
I sweeped in because the worker before got fired and I just came for help, nothing serious but very fast I was okay at doing it and they offered me a timeless contract and I accepted it. I was absolvent at College and all my subjects were already listened so all I had to do is study and pass the exams. I am still that absolvent I did pass 0 exams in that time and the reason why I am quitting my job and trying to finish my studies. But even though I didn't do anything good on that side so much things happened and has been brought to me through this work and I am going to talk about it in correct order:* item1
| 1. Best friends | 2. Love | 3. Self awareness |
Working wit my best friend who is also in love with a co-worker and spying and doing all the girls chit-chatting. Doing all the advices and laughting and being friends and just taking everything on another level when there is actual love in the room of unknown people.
On the other hand, meeting Ana.
If you didnt know, Ana was hired a month after me or little more and I, the person who hates meeting people, was not really polite and wasnt trying to meet her and after that we clicked and know she is one of the closest people to me, the one who knows my silence and all my craziness and lifetime friend!!!
The office and the chair has experienced a lot of love. I broke up with my toxic ex in that chair, I have met a lost/unrealized love on that chair and I met the college in that chair that turned into mu boyfriend and probably life partner.
Lot of fears.
fear of driving and fear of socials is something I have passed and lot worked on.