so Saturday was 8th of March and it was also a weekend so and it was a first day with 20°C outside and we wanted to get away from our city and that’s what we did. We went to little mountain just outside of the city and that’s where you have a big restaurant with a big space with a nice view where you have a blanket, drinks, food or whatever you want and sit and relax and play some games;there is a lot of people with children with dogs and I think that is the most popular time of the year to go there because when it’s summer is actually too hot and you don’t have where to hide just inside of the restaurant and that’s not the point so it was crowded That’s for sure but it didn’t matter me did find our spot for a nice hangout.
Because it is also time before Easter, he is not eating meat or anything so I was eating a burger because I’m not following it but he was eating some potato and some beans and just crafted bear That is really really good stuff. We were there for like 2 1/2 hours and just absorbed all the sun and because it’s stillearly fase of Spring it started to just cool down and that’s where we were heading home.
He bought me these really nice yellow tulips and I actually bought my mum same yellow tulips just a morning before we have met so it was a coincidence but I love them so he did not do it wrong here
I did my morning gym. I was doing really nice workout. It was leg day but wth Accent on the gluteus and hamstring. It was a good workout.
When we got home, his mom actually made salmon and rice with some vegetable. It was nice and then we started playing game that we bought and yes, we were playing for five hours. It was so addicting and it is just new released game that you co play next to each other and it was really fun. We were playing until midnight. It was really nice. We fell asleep at 2 AM and the next day I was going with Mina.
This is my outfit for a new day and because I was sleeping at Marko’s I didn’t have anything so I didn’t have any make up or anything, but I have maintained to look clean and we went for a fake Lake that we have in a city. We were just walking around eating in the park. We were having a good coffee and just enjoying the nature and then we go lt to the mall and we were sitting like what are we going to do? We have so much time and we were like OK we can go to the movies because movies are two floors up and we were watching films that we can watch and there was Anora; you know the film that got all Oscars and I was definitely asking Myself why and when I saw that they are having that movie I told Mina about it and when do we have the film? It starts at 9 PM. It was 6:59 PM so we were like running to get us the tickets and we did get them….
film was I don’t know what to say about the film? I don’t like it. It’s a good story. I think it is OK in gneral but when you are watching it with five Oscars it’s not OK film you just expect so much more. The actress that got the best actress award Oscar is so pretty and she did a good job there, but there is no way that for a one year timeline That is the best acting of the year. I don’t know that’s just my opinion.
After that, I just got home. I was really tired of being with people all day and I would just wanted to be alone. Do you turn on a movie and very soon I fell asleep.