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RE: Weekend engagement week 22 topic: An eye on your hobby

Obviously my main hobby is this here Hive. Photography to be more specific I suppose, as I mainly post pics only. Then there are other hobbies which I don’t talk much about. Let’s just say @galenkp and me have something in common.


"Pull!" :bang bang:

Could be Lego.

That's what I meant. Build a pigeon thrower out of legos.

Lol...Sounds legit.

Great come back.



How did you know its firecrackers.

Fingers, pullin fingers.

Photography is a good hobby and these days reasonably cheap once some initial equipment is purchased. It's one that travels with a person to which is very cool.

Funny thing was, I sold me DSLR 6 months before steem came along, and then once again the passion came back for photography and I bought another one.

That happens...Things change...I'm writing a post about hobbies right at this moment and am at that point where I'm thinking about hobbies for the future. It's ok to bring a hobby back. Photography is a good one to bring back.

I'd guess I'd call photography my hobby's hobby :) But I can also take my camera in the car. It's a paradox, I tell you :)

Photography is definitely a popular hobby, especially in the last 5 years.

My first wife was an artist. She tried everything she could think of to get me 'creative'. Her brother was a photographer for the local paper and I got my first camera body in '74. I got to tell you, digital is so much better....

And easier too.