I have a feeling the current coronavirus circus will end up having far-reaching ramifications we cannot even begin to fathom at this point.
This may, indeed, be the last hurrah of "Predatory Capitalism" as the greedmongers discover that their wealth becomes decimated by collapsing (traditional) money markets, and all the money int he world still can't buy them an exemption from illness.
Meanwhile, people's sense of community will grow, because it will be through cooperation (much of it voluntary) that we'll make it through all of this. What's more... all those people who have been preaching "decentralization" will have their day in the sun... because what's more decentralized than all of us sitting at home, each with our own little "node" of life and information to share with the world and help out fellow citizens?
What's front and center may seem very bleak and scary, but the greater story arc here may well turn out to be very golden!
You and Jude stay healthy, OK?